Saturday, August 31, 2019
Disadvantages of Homeschooling Essay
Is it a bad thing that homeschooled kids may be different than public school kids? Some people say that homeschooled children are smart and polite. On the other hand, there is a different opinion that home-educated children are lazy, old-fashioned, naive and do not have a good education. Homeschooling is the education of children at home by parents who have numerous reasons for it; for example, better test results, religious reasons, and living in isolated rural areas. Robert Paul Reyes in his article â€Å"Home Schooling; Not a Good Idea†explains, â€Å"The proponents of home schooling say it gives parents control of their children’s curriculum and protects them from the violence, sex, drugs, and other social ills that beset the public school system†(1). Homeschooling is a legal choice for parents to teach their children, but I am against home education for everyone. There are many important reasons for anti-homeschooling including lack of social skills, unqualified teacher-parents, and a lack of knowledge and education for special needs children. One reason against homeschooling is that children are unprepared socially in real life by studying at home. Some parents do not like public schools. They state, that it is enough for kids to communicate only with family members (Reyes 1). However, children who study at home during their informative years will find it extremely difficult to live in the real world. These kids do not experience other cultures and do not have communicational skills. â€Å"How can a young person learn to appreciate other cultures if he or she doesn’t live among them? (Scaccia 2) For example, my neighbor, a girl 23 years old, was homeschooled as a child, and then worked in a store. She absolutely does not have social skills. She cannot hold a job, because she cannot work with customers or on a team with other employees. Thit is why studying in public school children can learn basic manners, teamwork, and respect for others. The second reason for anti- homeschooling is that a parent cannot teach a child in every subject as well as an educated teacher. †Not everyone is qualified to be a teacher. A lot of parents can’t balance a checkbook or find Iraq on a map  let alone teach their young Algebra & Geography. Just because you love little Johnny does not qualify you to be his teacher†¦ My mom and dad loved me, but it was a 6th grade teacher that instilled in me a love of reading and writing. †(Reyes 1) Some people think that there are many books to teach their children at home, and it is not a problem if parents are not highly educated. According to Tamara Eaton,†Here’s your chance to learn right along with your children! There are tremendous resources available to help us teach our own children. Studies have proven time and again that the success of homeschooling is not dependent upon the level of the parents’ education. †(2) The truth is that parents cannot be good and have knowledge in Math, History, Grammar, and Music at the same time. Moreover, parent-teachers often do not have time and energy to teach kids, because there is a lot of work at home; such as, housecleaning and preparing food. Finally, homeschooling is bad for special needs children, because homeschooling parents don’t have special knowledge. According to Jesse Scaccia, â€Å"Homeschooling of these children is tricky, because a lot of special knowledge is needed. It is certainly quite safe to leave the education of these children to the experts. Special education teachers have been trained with the necessary skills to handle and teach special needs children. †(4) I met a family who has a disabled child. The child cannot walk, sit, or talk. In three years, this child studying in a public school can understand and explain many things by pointing with one finger. Often, parents decide to keep their disabled children at home all the time. That is why these kids cannot communicate with other children and feel isolated. What kind of future is for these children without well-educated specialists? In conclusion, some parents want to homeschool their children, because they wish to save their kids from bad things that happen in the public schools. Religion and living in isolated areas are also the reasons for home education. However, homeschooling is not for everyone, because homeschooled children get very little socialization to other cultures and have communication problems. Moreover, many parents are not qualified to be the teachers, especially in different areas; such as, History, Geography, Algebra, and foreign language. Also, keeping disabled children at home all the time is a terrible mistake. These children can get special education and services in the public schools by interacting with other kids. The only important and main key in a child’s success at a happy life is parental involvement. Parents must always educate their children and teach them to behave well, but the child can also be learning these lessons by teachers and their school peers.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Recruitment And Selection In A Social Setting
INTRODUCTION People form an integral part of an organization. Indeed, there is no organization that can run without its human resources. Recruitment and selection has thus far reaching implications for the proper functioning of the organization. Most organizations are known to eagerly have their posts filled in order to ensure continuity of services. It is however important to ensure that the staff to be recruited are properly screened prior to their appointment, especially in a social setting. The welfare of the children and vulnerable adults must be put first, as opposed to just filling vacancies. Staff must therefore be properly screened prior to their appointment so as to deter, reject and identify those who might cause harm or abuse to the children and vulnerable adults. Only after a rigorous and satisfactory recruitment and selection process that appointments are made. This robust recruitment and selection process contributes to a safer workforce, whose duties should reflect on their commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable adults. Where there allegations or suspicion of abuse especially to vulnerable adults, the stages outlined below may be followed in resolving the issue. Alerting: – this concerns the responsibility of recognizing abusive situations and reporting them to the line manager. Alerting plays a major role in safeguarding and protecting children and vulnerable adults, and any concerns of possible abuse, however trivial, must be reported (SSD 2006). Referral: – Referrals are then made to an appropriate designated officer. Contact can be made via telephone; however, this must be confirmed in writing within 2 working days. When deciding on the level of urgency of the referral, the degree and extent to which the risk poses harm to the vulnerable adult must be the deciding factor (SSD 2006). Some cases such as life threatening situations will require a rapid response. Screening: – At this stage the substance of the alleged abuse is screened by the designated officer alongside other professionals (SSD 2006). In determining whether there is need for further investigation, certain factors must be taken account of including natur e and extent of abuse, vulnerability of the individual, impact, length of time and the risk of repeated acts on other vulnerable adults (SSD 2006) Planning the investigation: – upon confirming receipt of the referral and after carefully screening and determining the need for further investigation, the designated officer may then convene a strategy discussion and appoint an investigating officer (SSD 2006). The strategy decision will ensure that there is an early exchange of information in order to clarify the actions to be taken and to determine the method of investigation which can either be a single agency, joint investigations or joint investigations with the police (SSD 2006). Investigation: – the investigation strategy agreed at the strategy discussion is then implemented. The investigating officer conducts the investigation while keeping the designated officer fully informed. A primary consideration to be made at this stage is to involve vulnerable adult in the i nvestigation. The investigation will establish facts about the circumstances, decide whether there are grounds of concern, identify the level of risk and the sources, determine the person responsible and recommend what action to be taken against them (SSD 2006). Making decisions: Upon receipt of the investigating officer’s report, a case discussion may be conducted to formulate an agreed care and protection plan for the individual. The objectives of the meeting shall be to share and evaluate the gathered information, assess the risk level, agree on an inter-agency care and protection plan, make appointments of persons who will oversee the implementation of the care and protection plan, and identify any therapeutic interventions to the vulnerable individual who has been abused (SSD 2006). This will include conducting an appropriate follow up. Monitoring and reviewing: this stage concerns the aspect of overseeing and ensuring that the care protection plan has effectively been i mplemented (SSD 2006). Where there are still risks to the vulnerable adult, the case can be kept under review and further actions that are necessary to safeguard them taken. LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Underpinning all the aspects of recruitment and selection are the legislative requirements that I, as the HR manager, must adhere to prior to making any appointments, especially in a children and vulnerable adult setting. These include: THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN ACT 1999 This act provides for the protection of the developmental needs and welfare of children, including the need to be protected from harm (DCSF 2010). CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND COURT SERVICES ACT 2000 This act covers issues of disclosure and child protection (DCSF 2010). It contains a list of convictions that bar offenders from working in a children and young people setting (DCSF 2010). THE CARE STANDARDS ACT 2000 This act provides for the establishment of certain protocols and procedures that bars certain individuals from working with children and vulnerable adults in England and Wales (DCSF 2010). THE MENTAL CAPACITY ACT 2005 This Act safeguards provisions with regard to people that lack capacity and provides protection from deprivation of liberty. According to the statute, all the staff working in a social setting, be it with vulnerable adults or children, must be aware of what constitutes deprivation and restriction of liberty (DCSF 2010). SAFEGUARDING VULNERABLE GROUPS ACT 2006 This act introduces a vetting and barring scheme for the staff working with children and vulnerable adults (DCSF 2010). This act which came into force in November 2006 heralds’ significant changes to the way vetting is done for people working with vulnerable adults and children. The act contains provisions relating to organizations or individuals involved in the recruitment and selection of people for regulated activities such as teaching, health care, social work, guidance and counseling among others (DCSF 2010). Other legislations that regulate the protection of vulnerable adults from harm include the Sexual offences Act 2003, Fraud Act 2006, and Domestic Violence, Crimes and Victims Act 2004 (DCSF 2010). These acts tend to criminalize certain actions hence deterring individuals who are unsuitable for working with vulnerable adults and children. Besides the legal and regulatory requirements outlined above, I will also observe certain professional codes. For example, the Code of Practice for recruitment, this is an important element for achieving excellence in the recruitment and selection of workers in a social care setting (DOH 2004). This code contains a list of standards of professional conduct and practices that must be strongly adhered to by all the employers in the recruitment and selection process (DOH 2004). It is widely acknowledged that the credibility of the recruitment process is greatly influenced by the collective conduct of individual recruiters. In order to maintain the credibility and reputation of my organization, I will endeavor to recruit while complying with the relevant professional codes including the Code of Practice, and Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct among others. The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is intended to instill confidence into the process of recruitment and selection. Embracing these professional codes among others will eliminate discrimination, improve on the recruitment process and help maintain best practices. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS In any recruitment and selection process, the candidates must be assessed for their suitability for the position. The selection criteria may be based on structured interviews, PowerPoint presentations, assessment centers and psychometric testing (Wood 1998). Due to the nature of work contained in a social setting, a structured interview will be more suitable as the selection criteria. The use of interviewing as the selection method is important as it not only enables the candidate to demonstrate transferable skills and previous experience that might be useful in undertaking the role, but also evaluates the candidate’s suitability for the post by exploring on other issues related to safeguarding the welfare of children and vulnerable adults (Wood 1998). Hence, as the HR manager, I will first consult with the others specialists in the recruitment industry so as to determine the selection criteria and method best suitable for recruitment and selection in a social care setting. Upon agreeing on a suitable method, say an interview, I will then proceed with the recruitment and selection process which following steps:i) PLANNINGPlanning is vital to successful recruitment. As an initial stage, the planning phase will take account of The amount of time needed to make the adverts A clear and precise definition of the role Applications closing date Time needed for the short-listing to be undertaken Appointment of the interview panel Determining the nature and relevance of interview questions and tasks.ii) RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION POLICYAs providers of social care services, it is obvious that the staff of the organization will have contact with this vulnerable group on a day to day basis. Hence, the recruitment and selection process should not only hire staff of the highest caliber in the performance, but also of positive influence to children and vulnerable adults. The recruitment policy and accompanying procedures must therefore be designed to safeguard and promote this vulnerable group. As the HR manager, I will ensure that an explicit recruitment and selection policy statement that shows the organizations commitment to safeguarding and protecting the interests of vulnerable individuals is included in the various aspects of the recruitment process. This will include incorporating the policy in recruitment websites, publicity materials, advertisements, person specifications, candidate information packs, competency framework, in the job descriptions and induction training as well.iii) ADVERTISINGHaving developed a proper plan and an explicit written recruitment and selection policy, the next step will be to advertise. At this stage, I will ensure that the advert goes in accordance to the time schedule and that the organization’s commitment to safeguarding the needs of children and vulnerable adults are clearly articulated in the advert. For instance, I will include a commitment statement such as below: Everyone in this organization has the obligation and commitment to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults, and ensure their protection from harm.iv) APPLICATIONS AND SHORT-LISTINGFor any recruitment and selection process, a selection panel is needed to assess the applicants in terms of how well they meet the job specification. However, it is not up to the panel to wade through the resumes and cover letters trying to locate relevant information that meets the selection criterion. The onus is on the applicant to ensure that the relevant information is presented in a form that is easily accessible. This will assist in rating the application against the selection criteria as well as against other applicants, and thereafter identifying those candidates shortlisted for the interview. An easy way of doing this is to draft an application form, which is to be filled in by the applicants. The application form provides the opportunity to emphasize on the organizational commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable individuals. It will be my responsibility to ensure that the forms are available for free downloads via the organizational website. Besides sending an application form to the Prospective applicants, I will also ensure that they receive a copy of The aims and objectives of the organization information about the job description, salary grade, person specification and lines of accountability. the time schedule for the interview process and the guiding principles that ensure that the organization is committed to safeguarding and protecting children and vulnerable adults. Upon receiving the applications, I will scrutinize them and undertake the relevant checks relating to qualification, character, suitability, skills and identity. This will include working together with the panel in evaluating the candidates’ application by: the extent to which the requirements of the person specification are met by the applicant. the demonstration of transferable skills and experience to the job in question Where there are discrepancies noted, I will conduct a follow up to confirm and determine the suitability of the candidate for the position.v) REFERENCESAfter wading through the applications presented by the applicants, the information submitted is then scrutinized and tested by contacting their referees. Contacting their previous employers is important in order to determine the legitimacy of their information and their suitability for the position by checking whether there have been any concerns, allegations or disciplinary investigations on their conduct, performance and behaviour towards children. Where there are ambiguities, anomalies or conflicting information, I will conduct a follow up alongside with the referee. Ideally, references need to be taken prior to the interview. However, where they are not taken prior to the interview, the decision to select the applicant for posting shall be conditional upon receiving suitable references and INTERVIEWI will then make arrangements for the interview process, which is the most crucial stage of the selection process as it allows the panel to test the requirements of the person specification. Prior to the interview, I will delegate the necessary authority to the panel to make informed decisions about the appointments; and ensure that the interview panel is well-trained in procedures of interviewing and selecting applicants. This will include the exceptional ability to recognize responses which may question suitability for the post. I will also organize for the Panel to meet prior to the interview in order to reach a consensus on: the standards accepted for appointment in this job, issues to be explored with each applicant, and the agreed assessment criteria. Aligning with the above, I will ensure that the interview questions are relevant and explore on suitability issues. That is, the questions should be linked specifically to the aspects of the job description. The purpose of interview questions is to enable the candidate to demonstrate transferable skills and previous experience that might be useful in undertaking the role (Warner 1992). SCOPE OF THE INTERVIEW In addition to assessing and evaluating the candidate’s suitability for the post, I will instruct the panel to explore on other issues related to safeguarding the welfare of Children and vulnerable adults. These will include exploring on factors: the attitude of the candidate towards children and vulnerable adults What motivates the applicant to want to work in a social setting The candidate’s ability to support the agenda of safeguarding and protecting the welfare of the vulnerable individuals Emotional resilience in working with challenging behaviours. Gaps in employment history Any discrepancies and concerns that may arise from the information provided by the applicantvii) PRE-APPOINTMENT CHECKSBefore making any offer to potential applicants, I will ensure that they have provided satisfactory evidence of: Identity/permission to work:- the applicant must provide proof of identity including the name, address, date of birth and a valid national ID. Qualifications: – this includes original copies of all the relevant qualifications and recommendations from previous employers. These qualifications will be assessed based on the Health and Social Care National Occupation Standards and must confirm competence working within health and social care setting, especially with children and vulnerable adults (AMA 2010). CRB clearance – I will check for any criminal record via the Criminal Record Bureau (CRB). Any offer of appointment in a social setting must be conditional upon a satisfactory CRB disclosure (Bowles 1995). Barring list clearance – Upon determining that the applicant is appropriate for the post, I will conduct checks with the relevant professional bodies including the General Social Care Council.viii) INDUCTION AND TRAININGWhere deemed suitable for the post, I will conduct a formal induction for the candidate which will include consideration of safeguarding and safe practice. This will also include a basic child protection training which will equip the new staff to recognize and respond to child welfare concerns. It is vital to have all the staff trained prior to their appointment so that those that lack the designated lead responsibility for child protection are subjected to refresher courses at three yearly intervals that will keep their skills and knowledge up to date. While those with designated lead responsibility who have taken up the role, may be given training on inter-agency procedures. As the HR manager, part of my duties in the induction and training will include: Explaining to the candidate about the safeguarding policy of the organization Issuing a practice guidance and explaining conduct requirements to the candidate Making known the name and contact details of the Designated Child Protection Officer. Making known to the candidate the health and safety requirements. Assessing the induction and training needs of the candidate. TASK FORCE TO RECOMMEND CHANGES FOR IMPROVEMENT Upon completion of recruitment and selection, I will set up a task force that will examine the frontline social work practice and provide their recommendations on how improvements can be made, especially to the induction and training, recruitment and leadership. CONCLUSION The process of recruitment and selection of staff is certainly no easy task, especially in a children and vulnerable adult setting. While working with this vulnerable group may bring great rewards, it places a great responsibility for the HR managers to ensure that the staff employed to provide these vital services are well suited to the task. Therefore, there is need for HR managers in a social care setting to appropriately screen all the staff and volunteers prior to their appointment. Only after a rigorous and satisfactory recruitment and selection process that appointments are made. This robust recruitment and selection process contributes to a safer workforce, whose duties should reflect on their commitment to safeguarding the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. REFERENCE Allegations Management Advisor, Government office South East, 2010. Towards a safer workforce: recruitment and selection, a policy guide: for adaptation by child and youth support organizations. {Accessed on 16th January 2012} Bowles, N., 1995. Methods of Nurse Selection: a review, Nursing Standard, 9, 15, pp. 25–29. Department for children, schools and families (DCSF), 2010. Safeguarding children and safer recruitment in education. { Accessed on 17th January 2012} Department of Health (DOH), 2004. Code of practice for the international recruitment of healthcare professionals, crown . Erooga, M., 2009. Towards safer organizations: adults who pose a risk to children in workplace and implications for recruitment and selection. {Accessed on 16th January 2012} Social Services Directorate (SSD), 2006. Safeguarding vulnerable adults: Regional adult protection policy and procedural guidance. {Accessed 20th January 2012} Warner, N., 1992. Choosing with Care. The Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Selection, Development and Management of Staff in Children’s Homes, London: HMSO. Wood, R., 1998. Competency-based recruitment and selection. Wiley publishers
Domestic Violence Against Men and Women Essay
Whenever the thought of domestic violence comes to mind, more than often the visual picture is a women or a child. However, there is another side that has been ignored because it is pushed under the rug. The unfortunate fact is that men are the victims of domestic violence at least as often as women are. While the very idea of men is being beaten by their wives or partners runs contrary to many of our deeply ingrained beliefs about men and women, female or male violence against men is a well-documented phenomenon almost completely ignored by both the media and society (Watson 2013). The majority of male victims do not report being abused because of the fear that people will not believe them. Men are also silent on the issue because of society’s automatic perception that men are physically stronger and should easily be able to overcome a female attacker. Countless stories tell of men who are physically abused by women calling the police only to be arrested themselves when the police arrive. One story tells of a man being driven to the hospital by the police after his wife struck him with a frying pan as he slept; the wife was not arrested. Many men who experience violence from their wives during marriage are advised not to bring up such incidents in their divorce proceedings because the court may consider it an act of violence against the wife. In these cases, perception takes center stage and allows women to get away with abuse while men pay the unjust consequences. The children isolate themselves, want go to school, lying to protect the family, acting out, even bed wetting. In the long run those children that are witnessing the violence can be come abusive themselves. A family under stress produces children under stress†(Ackerman & Pickering1989). In America about 3 million children witness some type domestic violence. Children that witness domestic violence in the home are at risk of being battered themselves either by the batterer or by the victim. The long term effects of such violence can create a cycle that spans from generation to generation. Facts show 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men have experience an attempted or completed rape. Three women are killed by a current or former intimate partner each day in America, on average. Over 22 percent of women to 7. 4 percent of men reported being physically assaulted by a current or former partner in their lifetime. Women who were physically assaulted by an intimate partner averaged 6. 9 physical assaults per year, 37% of women seeking injury-related treatment in hospital emergency rooms were there because of injuries inflicted by a current or formal spouse/partner. Women are at an increased risk of harm shortly after separation from an abusive partner. As previously mentioned, the majority of statistics show that women are victims of domestic violence. However, here are some more facts according to the Domestic Violence against Men. It 100 domestic violence cases, 40% of these were against men, 60% against women. In a 1995 to 1996 study conducted by the U. S. Department of Justice (as published in 2000), out of 8,000 women 25% were subjected to domestic violence. Out of the 8,000 men 7. 5% were also victims of domestic violence. The same 1995 to 1996 study estimated that, annually, in the U. S. , about 1. 5 million women and around 830,000 men are victims of domestic violence. That’s almost a 2:1 ratio of women versus men who were subjected to domestic violence. †(Graham-Kevan, 2013). On the other hand, several conflicts destroy a relationship. The biggest conflicts that seem more widely publicized and always at the forefront are infidelity, poor financial handling, sex, children and abuse. Seemingly, abuse is something that is more tolerated and unmentioned as a code of silence on both sides of the relationship. According to (Tjaden, P& Thoennes, N 1998) women are more likely to report abuse than men. Usually this is the case because the victim are too ashamed to mention the abuse, and unless either witnessed or displays visible signs of abuse it will be tolerated until the victim has had enough, or until death occurs. Guilt most often what keeps the victim, at the hands of their abuser, that internal turmoil that the victim goes through with leaving the since of feeling responsible, the feeling of leaving the relationship and the household, this alone is the underlying reasons behind not leaving, not wanting to separate the household. Self-blame can not be avoided for some of those who believe that they just have not done enough, the only thing that will help is time, distance and healing and too not get into another relationship until they are completely ready. It is estimated that about 3. 2 million men are victims of assault by their partner each year in the United States. However, most of these assaults are relatively minor, such as hitting, smacking, pushing, and shoving, others are much more serious. It has raised serious questions about â€Å"implementation of arrest policies, equivalency of intimate partner aggression across genders, and management of female domestic violence offenders. This study compares demographic characteristics, criminal history variables, and the past domestic violence history of men and women arrested for domestic assault against a heterosexual intimate partner. Using victim reported information and data collected by local criminal justice agencies, we found that female arrestees were significantly less likely than males to have histories that warrant concern regarding the potential for future violence. (Henning, K. , & Feder, L. 2004, 19(2), 69-80). The warning signs to look for in domestic violence. Many of the signs women are taught to interpret as caring, attentive, and romantic are actually early warning signs f or future abuse. Here are some examples which includes constantly asks were you are going or were you at. Insists on you spend most of you time with cutting you off from family and friends. Accuses you of infidelity. Gets extremely anger when things do not go their way and speak negative of other women. With men there are no signs for them to follow the advice that I have is to watch for some of the same things that women look out for. Some may even result in homicide by the same partner. The main goal is to strengthen families through treatment, counseling and education; suggestions involved mandating intervention Programs for men and women, couples’ counseling, mediation, and judicial trainings, by implementing these helpful systems, it would be more effective towards the decrease of domestic abuse, and assist with repair of the mental capacity of the abused and the family in a whole. In most domestic violence issues it usually is a woman but has you can see men are also victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence could be even eradicated or all together dismissed. Society is beginning to realize that domestic violence is an increasingly growing issue and must continue to work towards implementing programs to decrease it within the home. Domestic violence is not a private matter, a couple’s matter, or a domestic squabble. It is the choice of the abuser. Domestic violence is a way for a person to control another person.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Systems Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Systems Approach - Essay Example [Kelly, G., p.204]. According to this, the laws governing the parts determine or cause the behavior of the whole. That’s why the client’s behavior needs to be viewed as a whole, being determined by the complex of influences from inner and outer surroundings to the organism. General Systems Theory is based on the assumption that there are universal principles of organization, which hold all the systems, be they physical, chemical, biological, mental or social. In this case, while treating a client there is an urgent need to appreciate his behavior as being influenced by a complicated list of determinates, which could be very different, but at the same time, due to the Systems Approach, are similar to all the human organisms. According to G.A.Kelly, the person-as-clent is ‘what he does’, and the therapist is primary interested in the client’s overall personal construction system within which he structures his world, and builds his relations to such a world. Primary diagnostic work in this case include an outline of the client’s existing channels of movement, the prediction of the development of a way how a person will behave, and what factors this behavior is determined by. The reasons for this emerge from the client’s inner problems, hidden in his childhood (this is the case of study for psychoanalysis, when the behavioral patterns of a client are the shadows of the events happened to him in the past), or are determined by the conditions of the present surrounding, and his personal behavioral constructs. Kelly stresses, that ‘by seeing a client’s constructs and their opposites as channels of potential movement for him, the therapist has some basis for forecasting what adjustments will appear to the client to be available when he finds himself up to his ears in people’. [Kelly, G., p.187] To view a client and to make an appropriate diagnosis the therapist must point of all the influences which have a certain impact on the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Nationals infrastructure accident Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Nationals infrastructure accident - Essay Example This paper aims at highlighting the various actions that are necessary for the U.S. government to consider in order to mitigate occurrence of similar events in future. For those who watched the media news about the New Orleans landfall made by the Hurricane Katrina in the year 2005, highly remember how water flooded over the numerous levees, which were built to prevent an occurrence of such accidents as well as protecting the city. Several factors contributed to the failure of New Orleans levees ranging from poor engineering designs to the storm’s sheer ferocity (Reilly, 2009). All these factors were into consideration during the reconstruction of the levee after the wake of the Hurricane Katrina. The other low-lying cities in America learned a lot from the failure of New Orleans levees and considered such factors when making evaluation on their preparedness prevent occurrence of such storms. New Orleans is an American city that is located in a unique site, because it is completely below the sea level. Residents of this city cope with the surroundings of large water bodies such as Lake Pontchartrain, Mississippi River, and Mexico Gulf with array of levees designed to prevent flooding water from entering the city (United States, 2006). When conditions caused the breakage of the constructed levees during the Hurricane Katrina in the year 2005, the effect was highly harming and flooding water pooled out covering the entire city. With the initial 24 hours after the storm started, 28 levees had already failed. The total number of failed or broken levees increased to over 55 within the first week. The U.S. USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers), the core constructor of the levees issued out a public explanation on why the levees failed after several days. According USACE’s account, the design of the levees was only to protect the city from Category Three storms, and the Hurricane
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Arab Americans in Southwest Michigan Research Paper - 1
Arab Americans in Southwest Michigan - Research Paper Example A unique dynamic of the majority of these first Arab American immigrants was the fact that they were almost invariably single males who, disillusioned with the prospects that their native land could offer them, struck out to find new opportunities in the United States in elsewhere as a means of building their life.1 Rather than settling in the major cities such as Chicago, Detroit, or New York city exclusively, such as so many immigrants before them had done, a large percentage of these young men set out across the Mid-West seeking to earn a living as traveling/itinerant salesmen.2 Although it is of course unfair to categorize an entire population by the actions of a few, it is fair to say that those individuals who engaged in such a line of work found themselves to be quite prosperous; so much so that many of them went back into the cities and opening small stores and shops of their own. It was at this juncture that the idea and actuality of an Arab community within southwestern Mic higan began to develop. Similarly, as the community began to grow and develop, a more nuanced and diverse array of Arab American immigrants began to add their own particular touches to this community. However, such is not to say that the transition that these individuals experienced towards acceptance within the communities they resided was an easy one not marked by hardship, racism, and prejudice. As the numbers of immigrants entering Michigan and elsewhere as a result of what has come to be known as â€Å"the Great Migration†increased, so too did the resistance among the native population to their presence. As with many such stories of assimilation and immigration, the native population believed that the influx of immigrants based on the belief that these individuals were antithetical to the â€Å"American†way of life and held worldviews, religious beliefs, and key cultural differences that would not blend well with
Monday, August 26, 2019
How do news effect financial market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words - 1
How do news effect financial market - Essay Example The main aim of this paper is to determine whether news affect the performance of financial markets whilst using data from the UK economy. Indisputably, financial markets are fundamental within specific economies as well as the global economy. Through financial markets, various economies can estimate their performances. As a result, any volatility experienced within the financial markets should be identified, tested, and controlled. One of the factors that cause volatility within financial markets is the news. News, irrespective of its nature (good or bad), affects the performance of financial markets within the global economy, which consequently affects the operation of other markets and sectors of the individual economies. Identifying the macroeconomic variables associated with financial markets is an important step in analyzing the impact of news on the performance of financial markets (Tetlock, 2007). Amongst the identified macroeconomic variables in the UK include manufacturing index, oil prices, housing index, UK inflation, unemployment, LIBOR rates, long term interest rates, industrial index, service index, and output expectation. Understanding the behavior of these macroeconomic variables within a financial market as a result of changes in news is likely to assist in the overall understanding of the overall impact of news on financial markets (Roley & Troll, 2003). The methodology used by Ewing (2002) in finding the impact of macroeconomic news on the returns of financial companies shall be broadly adopted in this paper with various changes and modifications to suit the specific research question. The reason for choosing Ewing’s (2002) paper is that it provides a clear understanding on the regression analysis between macroeconomic news and returns of financial companies. Financial companies directly deal with products of the financial markets. In addition, macroeconomic news is a form of news that this paper can
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 33
Assignment Example Furthermore, the health department of Northern Carolina would always seek to ensure that the vaccination record of a child is checked once the child under consideration enrolls in a school, or a child care facility. It is important to provide an explanation that a child is not allowed to enroll in a school, whether it is private, religious, or even public without the same child receiving all immunizations that are appropriate and useful for their age. This policy is aimed at reducing the chances of a child to acquire diseases that are preventable through vaccination, as well as reducing the chances of such a disease spreading to vulnerable children. It is the following ailments that the state of North Carolina actively vaccinates its citizens against, HPV, Hepatitis A, and B, Diphtheria, Anthrax, Influenza, Mumps, Rabies, Tetanus, Typhoid, etc (Department of Health, 2014). Furthermore, for purposes of turning this vaccination policy into a success, the Government of North Carolina has developed a vaccination schedule that all health care agencies must follow while vaccinating children under the ages of 18 years. This schedule contains the identification of the ages in which children are supposed to be given certain doses of the vaccine, and identifies the type of vaccine to be administered. These vaccination schedules do not only identify the vaccination programs of children, but they also identify the vaccination programs of adults. In the medical field, a cohort study is always used to obtain evidence for purposes of disapproving the existence of an association between the causes and effects of a disease or medical condition. It is important to provide an explanation that by failing to disapprove an hypothesis, then chances are high people will start having confidence in it. It is important to understand that the cohort study can be a useful method in reporting on HPV, and tracking the disease. This is because scientists will identify a
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Murder Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Murder Report - Essay Example Ryan had been drinking lager all night, topping up the beer up with a few shots as the evening wore on. In the night club Ryan happened to see Sukhdev an Asian engaging in loud discourse with Laura in an intimate position. Under the influence of alcohol, Ryan used dirty language against Sukhdev humiliating his Asian identity. Sukhdev’s friends separated him from the scene, ignoring Ryan. The outraged Ryan shifted his anger over her and tried to pull her out when she quitted saying her day with him was over. Ryan never stopped taking liquor and met a friend of him in another club. During exchange of his experience at ‘Gas’ club, the friend fuelled his animosity on Sukhdev and returned back to ‘Gas’ club to meet Sukhdev again who was just leaving ‘Gas’ with a few friend and two young white girls. Ryan dragged them into altercation and began to attack Sukhdev. Sukhdev’s friend too retaliated in the same coin terming Ryan a white scum. Ryan’s friend joined him and showed his muscle power against Sukhdev, by when the door staff of ‘Gas’ called the police to intervene. However, the police caught hold Ryan and brought Sukhdev to a nearby hospital, where he was declared dead before arrival. Background: - Ryan was aged 22 at the time of the incident. He had grown up in the north Midlands town where the incident took place in a terraced house close to the mine where his father had worked as a young man. The mine had closed in the early 1980s along with many of the town’s other heavy industries. After losing his mining job Ryan’s father had struggled to find work, eventually finding work as a long distance lorry driver. During the 1950s and 1960s when the local economy was booming, people had been attracted to the town from both Pakistan and the West Indies, often to work in the health service, transport and on night shifts in local factories. More recent migrants from sub-Saharan Afric a, the Middle East and south-eastern Europe had found it harder to get work – often because they were prevented from doing so as asylum-seekers. Despite this inward migration, the town remained overwhelmingly white and many families had lived in the area for generations. Ryan’s father and mother split up when Ryan was four leaving his mother to bring him up along with his elder brother, Damian, and younger sister, Charlotte. During Ryan’s childhood, his mother had a succession of relationships with men, two of whom had, like Ryan’s father, been violent towards her. One of them, a man called Dave, who didn’t work and spent most of the time drinking at home in front of the television, had taken a strong dislike to Ryan and gave him regular beatings, including on one occasion with a baseball bat he kept behind the door, ostensibly to deal with burglars. Ryan had spent some time in hospital as a result of this beating. Ryan also suspected that Dave had been sexually abusing his younger sister but his mother had threatened to throw him out if he didn’t ‘stop making things up’. From the age of nine Ryan had tried to spend as little time as possible at home. Hanging out on the streets, he came into contact with a group of older boys who were amused by his fearless, devil-may-care attitude and adopted him as a kind of mascot. Through his contacts with this group, Ryan began drinking alcohol and then got into taking drugs. By the age of 13, Ryan was a hardened drinker and a regular truant. On the rare occasions
Friday, August 23, 2019
Technology and Training Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Technology and Training Systems - Essay Example A number of the participants stated that the interviewing phase acted as a means of exploring the training system, debate the findings, and change the evaluation into an academic expedition. With no proper questioning, employees who may record poor productivity in the training system may get the wrong impression about the organization or its training system. In my assessment, I also learned that subjects should draw on the entire experience of the training session and not simply the outcome. This drawing should include shifting the focus of the debate from matters employees enjoy conversing about to topics that are more important (LÃ ©ger, Feldstein, Babin, Charland, Robert, & Lyle, 2011). For instance, participants of my assessment ought to have talked about group behaviors that either aided or limited them during training. Other questions that employees in similar career development systems could ask are the significance of clarity, the full exploitation of all group members’ contribution, requirements for complete usage of the knowledge of fellow employees, and the effects of such combined effort. During the questioning in my assessment, I emphasized the fact that a group that did not produce desired results in the training system but can explain the root of this poor delivery is at an advantage compared to a group that produ ced desired results but cannot explain why they performed well. My assessment also established that a more official and ready teaching presentation can be helpful for questioning. This is a good chance for analyzing some of the key concepts behind incorporation and technology-supporting training systems and offering explanations and features of these systems. With the simulation training experience, employees can most probably relate to these accounts better because they have applied the technology in a virtual environment. A conventional strategy to questioning can aid in maturing training processes
Thursday, August 22, 2019
A nobel economist's caution about government Essay
A nobel economist's caution about government - Essay Example For example, the U.S. Affordable Care Act has brought little change since its implementation in 2010, lowering the number of individuals without health insurance to 13 percent down from 16 percent. While there are some elements of truth that the American economy has exacerbated and that some policy interventions usually worsen off the economy, it is prudent to acknowledge that without a logical economic framework, the economy would simply shut. Economics provides the framework, which influences the performance of the economy for the betterment of the society. Economics as a science focuses on ensuring that the most is achieved out of limited and scarce resources as opposed to perfecting the society as Boudreaux and Zywicki postulate. Achieving the desired results out of an economic decision inclines on the dexterity with which policy makers or governments choosing which economic policy to implement for a given problem. As such, the dismal achievement realized in Obama Care and many other botched government intervention attempts are exhibitions of inaccurate policy choices rather than deficiency in economic thoughts. Nonetheless, the article is a food for thought that evokes de eper thinking and understanding of economic
The long term effects of playing football Essay Example for Free
The long term effects of playing football Essay When people think about football they think its glitz, glamour, and a life of amazement because youre doing what you want and youre getting paid for it. Though that is part of football there are more parts to it that people dont really think about too much. There are three points of football that come from playing the game and they are the rich, glitzy, famous part. The part that travels to away games and has long practices that keep you away from your family. Then there is the anguish and stress factor, which is probably the biggest effect. One obvious positive that comes from playing the game of football is all the perks that come with it. As a kid there are dreams of doing something like this and then it comes true; that alone is amazing. You get paid an incredible amount of money that you really did not need to get an education for. People know and love personalities that play football and its even better if you are a well-known star. Restaurants invite you in to eat for free and clothing companies give you their merchandise in exchange for publicity. This would really seem like it is the life. Then there is the traveling aspect of this deal that is made where in a way a life is signed away. A team is competing to be the best in their sport and there are many sacrifices that have to be made in order to achieve that goal. There will be grueling practices up to 6 days a week and the day that you are not practicing you are doing your job, playing a game. That you have to travel to play away games will leave you homesick. That training with this team will take up most of your day a family could be dismantled. All this being away from family and loved ones can really take a toll on a personal life. A good effect that comes from traveling is seeing new places. Putting yourself in new environments keeps you well rounded. The last and I think most crucial effect that comes from football is the stress and anguish. That football is such a pressure game it could cause many psychological problems. Worrying about so many different things at once can cause you to stress out. For example you have to remember over 100 plays and if you start forgetting or messing them up the coach can pull you out for a couple plays or even the game. Also intermitting itself in this is the I have to better than him motive, which means the thoughts of taking performance enhancing drugs. Taking these drugs can cause major thought and anguish in the long run. If the decision is made to take them then if caught you will be all over the news and fined which will tarnish peoples respect for you. In conclusion there are many effects that come from playing the game of football and all of them are not good as implicated in this essay. Whether it is the glamour, the traveling, and the stress. Fortunately this essay focuses more on the harder aspects so if you do want to get into pro football there are a lot more things waiting for you.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Challenges And Prospects For The Asean Economic Community Economics Essay
Challenges And Prospects For The Asean Economic Community Economics Essay Free trade is a significant stimulus to regional production, linkages and competitiveness. ASEAN has made significant progress in that regard since the implementation of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) from 1993. The AFTA initiative has been particularly successful in reducing tariffs in the trade in goods. Currently, some 99.8 per cent of the products in the Inclusion Lists of ASEAN-6 (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) have been brought down to the tariff range of 0-5 per cent, with about 65 per cent of those products having zero import tariffs. Meanwhile, 91 per cent of the products traded by the CLMV countries (Cambodia, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam) under the Common Effective Preferential Tariff package have been moved into their respective Inclusion Lists. About 77 percent of those products are already within the 0-5 per cent tariff band. However, regional free trade alone is not sufficient to release the full energies and the inherent potential of ASEAN. All of us now have to take a further step forward. Deeper economic integration is necessary for ASEAN to cope effectively with the unprecedented opportunities as well as the unprecedented challenges, on both scale and depth, unleashed by globalisation. China and India have altered the global economic landscape through huge market openings and greater competition, too. Meanwhile, interlinked supply networks have proliferated all over the world, among many other innovative and more efficient ways in value creation and industrial organization. Last but not least, there are the freer and often instant movements of new ideas, people and resources across national boundaries. The ASEAN Economic Community. In the midst of two giant economies, ASEAN Leaders made a historic resolution in December 1997 to leverage the regions potential by building an economic community (ASEAN Vision 2020). Henceforth, ASEAN is to be transformed into a stable, prosperous, and highly competitive region with equitable economic development, and reduced poverty and socio-economic disparities. Notably, that resolution took place in the midst of a severe financial and economic crisis in ASEAN. This underscored once again ASEANs common perception of the critical importance of greater regional cohesion and complementation in coping with good as well as bad times. Subsequently at the Bali Summit in November 2003, ASEAN Leaders declared that the AEC would be the end-goal of regional economic integration (Bali Concord II). This Community shall weld together 10 separate entities as a single market and production base by 2020. The ASEAN Economic Ministers have recently recommended that the target year be sped up to 2015. Put it simply, there will be a free flow of goods, services, investment and a freer flow of capital in the AEC. This is to be complemented by freer movements of skilled human resources including regional business persons, professionals, and cultural and artistic talents. The consequent gains from deeper and broader integration are substantial in ASEAN. They are estimated by McKinsey and Co to cut as much as one-fifth of production costs of consumer goods in the region. As such, the AEC building process will empower ASEAN to remain a dynamic and competitive player in the regional and global supply chains. But the same process is also predicated on wide-ranging adjustments and reforms to be carried out by Governments and the business sector, among other stakeholders in the region. The commitments so far made include, to name just a few, the ASEAN Free Trade Area of 1992; the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services of 1995; the ASEAN Agreement on Customs and the ASEAN Customs Vision 2020 of 1997; the Framework Agreement on the ASEAN Investment Area and the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Mutual Recognition Agreements, both of 1998; the Initiative for ASEAN Integration of 2000; the ASEAN Framework Agreement for the Integration of Priority Sectors of 2004; and the ASEAN Policy on Standards and Conformance of 2005. ASEAN has three key strengths in the economic arena. We have abundant natural resources in our region. We have large supplies of professionals and talented people. And, we have the capability to adopt, adapt and advance technology. By leveraging on these strengths the AEC is likely to be realised sooner than later. ASEAN Charter. A key development complementing the AEC work is the process to establish the ASEAN Charter. A Charter is certainly not a panacea. But at a minimum, it is going to facilitate the transformation of ASEAN into a rules-based regional organization with a legal personality. Provisions in the Charter to establish robust mechanisms for monitoring implementation and ensuring compliance would contribute greatly to ASEANs effectiveness. Through the Charter, ASEAN will be able to enshrine the values and principles that shaped by our history and experiences in the last 39 years. It will virtually become our new and official birth certificate in the sense that we are re-born as the ASEAN Community. Such a Charter would also serve to make ASEAN a more responsive, dynamic and integrated regional organisation. In short, the Charter will define ASEANs future. The ASEAN Eminent Persons Group (EPG) has been working on its recommendation for the drafting of the Charter. In a few days, the EPGs report will be considered by the ASEAN Leaders during the 12th ASEAN Summit in Cebu, the Philippines, from 11-12 December 2006. In that report, the EPG will recommend what should go into an ASEAN Charter. And at the upcoming Summit, a High-Level Task Force is expected to be mandated by the ASEAN Leaders to start drafting an ASEAN Charter, taking into account recommendations of the EPG, among other things. This achievement would not only become a benchmark for the region to further enhance its cohesiveness and coherence, but also would venture forth a new cooperative spirit for the community building in the region.  To be sure, there is a lot more work to do, especially in converging the different levels of ambition. Yet, I am optimistic ASEAN is on the threshold of a quantum leap in collective development and growth. ASEAN-EU economic interaction. Against that backdrop of dynamic changes and developments within ASEAN, the EU has remained, among other roles, an important partner in trade and investment and a major source of technical assistance to ASEAN. The EUs valued roles will continue to be very helpful to AEC building efforts in the coming decade. As a market, for example, the EU-15 economies took in some US$ 78 billion worth of ASEAN exports in 2005, a steady growth of 5 per cent a year since 2000. The EU was the third largest trading partner, with an average share of 12 per cent of ASEAN trade in the last two years (or just about one percentage point behind Japan and the U.S.A. during 2004-2005). Germany, Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and France are the most important EU traders with ASEAN. Likewise, the EU-15s foreign direct investment (FDI) in ASEAN has been significant, with the largest share of 57 per cent of the FDI hosted by our region in 2000 (totalling US$ 23.5 billion). However, this share fell to 19 per cent of the FDI flows to ASEAN (US$ 38.1 billion) in 2005. Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Viet Nam and Thailand were the main destinations of FDI from the EU. 30 MAC 2011
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Computer Networking
Computer Networking 1. Data Link Layer Protocols always put CRC in there trailer rather than in the header. Why? Ans. The CRC is computed during transmission and appended to the output stream as soon as the last bit goes out onto the wire. But If we put CRC in the header, before transmitting it is necessary to compute CRC bits and then add it. This approach will result in handling of each byte twice once for check summing and once for transmitting. While addition of CRC in trailer results is the easy way and less effort. Thats the reason why we add CRC at the trailer part of the frame. 2. Slotted aloha is a improved version on aloha protocol. On what factors the improvement is implemented in slotted aloha. Ans. In case of slotted ALOHA concept of time slot has been introduced. During the transmission we make use of this time slot to send a frame. A frame will be send only at the beginning of the time slot. As a result of this method the chances of collision decreases considerably. Vulnerable time in case of slotted ALOHA is also less than the vulnerable time in pure aloha. Or in other words we can say that the vulnerable time is just half in the slotted ALOHA as compared to that of ALOHA. As the probability of collisions has been decreased this results in the increased efficiency of the transmission. 3.When bit stuffing is used, is it possible for loss, insertion or modification of a single bit to cause an error not detected by checksum? If not why not? If so how? Does checksum play a role there? Ans. Yes. There is a possibility of modification a single bit which will result in an error. But this error can easily be detected by the checksum error detection method. This is so because checksum is the sum of the data elements to be transmitted. If a bit in frame get modified then it will result in the change of sum of the data elements. Which in turn will change the checksum. And if the chechsum dose not match at both the sides then error will be detected by the receiver. Also there is chance of loss of a bits. Lets suppose if there change occurs in the bit which was stuffed in the data part means stuffed 0 bit becomes 1. in this case receiver will take it as flag and conseder it as the end of the frame which will finally result in the loss of some data bits. This loss of data bits can easily be detected by the checksum method. As due to the loss of data bits the sum will change and it will result in change in checksum number. And the error will be detected easily. Insertion of a bit is not possible because flags are used to indicate the start and end of a frame. And also the size of the frame is fixed. So we can not add one extra bit to the frame. 4. Give two reasons why network might use an error correcting code instead of error detection and retransmission? Ans. Sending data with error correcting code and detecting error then ask for retransmission of data are two different methods used for data transmission. The 1st option have some advantages over the 2nd one. 1> Fast transmission of data takes place. If any frame is received with error then receiver can regenerate the correct frame using the error control information. While in 2nd case receiver will 1st send request for retransmission of that particular frame then sender will again send that frame, which is a very time consuming process. 2> Efficiency of transmission increases. If we use 1st option then the whole bandwidth of the channel will be used to send the data only in one direction which will automatically increases the data transmission efficiency. While in case of 2nd option bandwidth of the channel is divided in two parts which results in loss of efficiency. 5. Wireless transmission and wired transmission use different set of multiple channel allocation strategies. Why there was a need of avoidance when detection was already available? Ans. In case of wired transmission we use wires for the transmission. If data have to send over a small distance it is easily transferred but if data is to be send over a long distance then we makes use of repeaters. Because of the repeaters the energy of the frames are maintained. So if any collision occurs in wired connection then it is easy to recover the data. While in case of wireless transmission data travels through the air which results in loss of energy of the packets. During transmission energy of the data packets decreases. So if collision occurs then the packets destroy easily and completely. So we need to avoid collisions in case of wireless transmission. 6. Blue tooth supports two types of links between a slave and master .What are they and why is each one used for? Ans. There are two types of link that can be created between a primary ( Master ) and a secondary ( Slave ) stations. 1> SCO, Synchronous connection oriented. This connection is used when it is more important to deliver data in time ( to avoid latency) than integrity ( i. e. error-free delivery ). The basic units of connection is two slots, one for each direction. At regular intervals specific slots are reserved for primary and secondary stations to establish the connection. If any error occurs ( such as packet lost) then it is never retransmitted. This type of connection is used in real-time applications. 2> ACL, Asynchronous connectionless link. This type of connection is used when data integrity is more important than avoiding delay in data delivery. If any error occurs, then the damaged frame is retransmited. The number of slots are not fixed for ACL, it can use one, two or more number of slots. After the arrival of the data frame secondary station sends ACL frame if and only if the previous slot has been addressed to it. 7. Using 5-bit sequence numbers, what is the maximum size of the send and receive windows for each of the following protocols? a. Stop-and-Wait ARQ Ans. In this protocol sequence number is based on modulo-2 arithmeetic. Send window Size :- 1 ( always ) Receive Window Size :- 1 ( always ) b. Go-Back-N ARQ Ans. Send window size :- 32 ( frames numbering from 0 to 31 ) receive window size:- 1 ( always ) c. Selective-Repeat ARQ Ans. In this protocol the size of send window is equal to receive window. Send Window size :- 16 Receive Window size :- 16 8. If an Ethernet destination address is 07:01:02:03:04:05, what is the type of the address (unicast, multicast, or broadcast)? Ans. A source address is always a unicast address as frame comes only from one station. Now destination address can be unicast, multicast or broadcast. To identify a address wheather it is a unicast or a multicast we conseder least significant bit of the 1st byte. If this bit is 0 then address is Unicast. If this bit is 1 then address is Multicast. While broadcast address is a special case of the multicast address. If all the bits in the this 6 byte address are 1 then its a broadcast address.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Saints vs Modern Day Role Models Essay -- Sociology, Leadership
THESIS STATEMENT Saint’s qualities can be viewed as more effective modern role models and leaders than the contemporary media influencing the youth. PURPOSE STATEMENT The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the influence of the with the media today and how saints can be viewed as role models today, which will be supported with books and web sources on the related topics. INTRODUCTION Saint’s qualities can be viewed as more effective modern role models and leaders than the contemporary media influencing the youth. The mass media influences our society today in what many should look up and follow their steps to. They create role models for the youth to base their decisions in life so they follow their role model’s actions. â€Å"Research on violent television and films, video games, and music reveals unequivocal evidence that media violence increases the likelihood of aggressive and violent behavior in both immediate and long-term contexts†says Anderson, (Anderson, The Influence of Media Violence on the Youth). This generation lacks leaders that positively impact the youth into doing virtuous and productive actions. The media should expose role models that demonstration good qualities to influence the individuals into following them. Instead they show bad role models for people to follow or for the youth to look up to. McFarland, author of 21st Century Leadership, states a quality a modern day leader should possess, â€Å"Inspiring words, actions and emotions that propel others to go beyond their preconceived limits†(28). The motives of a successful leader should be genuine and not just for show. Good examples of genuine motives to do good deeds are saints, who fit in the classification of respectable role models to ... ...veryone. Good leaders need courage to show others and direct them in what they believe in. Alexander says, â€Å"Courage is an essential quality in heroism. Heroes have courage to be true to themselves. They are celebrated for their courage, nobility, or exploits†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (3). Contemporary role models seldom offer stability, good choices, and morals unlike historical role models, such as saints that use their abilities to effect positive changes. According to theologian Lawrence Cunningham states, â€Å"Saints show the possibility of a heroic life, even today†(43). Instead of following the footsteps of the usual celebrities advertised by the media, looking back at the actions of saints’ show a more positive influence for the youth today. People should base their choices on good examples seen in righteous models who have a vision and show their beliefs through their actions.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Any Animal That Attacks a Human Should be Destroyed at Once :: Animals Violence
An animal that attacks a human being should not be abolished. In any type of case in law, you always have to have justification and be fair, why can’t animals have it? Most animals attack when we attack them, it might have even been an accident. In any law case, no matter high or low, you always have to have reasons for why or at least how it happened. You don’t just say to the lawyer, â€Å"That person harmed me, destroy that person at once.†You wouldn’t, would you? Animals have to be justified to our standards! The animal could have even done it accidentally. Some of the animals might think of us as food. They try biting us, but once they find out we are not food, we don’t just go to them and kill it. It’s an accident. Everyone makes mistakes. Most animals attack when they are attacked or frightened by us. For example, take a look at a snake. Not long ago, I read an information book about snakes and it said, â€Å"We think that snakes deliberately harm us because it is our habit, but think a bit more deeper, we are the ones who harm or frighten them first.†Now take another example and compare it. If someone tried to attack us, what we would do without even thinking is obvious, defend ourselves. Well so do animals. They are only defending and protecting themselves! On the other hand, however, what if it is situation between life and death? If it is a situation between life and death, and you have to kill it, then go ahead. If you are about do die, and a big tiger is going to kill you, you don't just let it eat you, you try to think of the last solution, which is killing it. Therefore, one can conclude, besides the fact that if you are in a situation between "life and death", and have to kill it, it doesn’t give us the right to destroy it other times.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Case: Erik Peterson Essay
Do you think Erik Peterson was an effective leader? Why or why not? I do think Erik Peterson was an effective leader. Erik Peterson was definitely represented good leadership from every aspect of his work. Though at the very beginning, there were a great many problems exsiting in the GMCT and had negative effective on operating, Erik Peterson was trying his best to solve these problems and to some extend, gain some outcomes which revealed Erik Peterson was an effective leader. First Erik Peterson found the chief engineer, Curt Andrews, had a plenty of problems. Erik Peterson noticed that Curt Andrews was lack of administration skills which were required to start up new operation. Erik Peterson made every effort to solve Curt’s problem, such as replaced Curt by someone more capacitive in this position. Eventually, to help Curt improve the planning and coordination, Erik Peterson held one-on-one counseling sessions to show Curt how to plan better. Erik Peterson showed good leadership for the reason that Erik Peterson’s work-facilitation behavior indicated that Erik Peterson was willing to provide mentoring, coaching and counseling to assist employees in developing their skills. Also, Erik Peiterson believed high moral and understanding would encourage people to work as a team and participate more in organization, thus, he held meeting every week in order to let employee to communication and exchange of ideas. Under the Leader- Member exchange Model of Leadership, it was the so called â€Å"in group exchange†. Most employees said the meeting was effective, they found from the meeting, they developed respect, mutual trust and a sense of common partnership. This kind of leadership was effective, employees tended to increase job satisfaction and build more trust for company and coworkers. From the part â€Å"key personnel assignments†we could conclude that Erik Peterson was kind of transactional leadership. He clarified employee’s role, such as he found that Trevor Burns was very bright, knowledgeable and sophisticated and assign him in the management group of GMCT. He found the out what people’s the capacity and strength was and assigned them to the right position. This definitely increased efficiency of the daily work. Meanwhile, Erik Peterson gave positive rewards â€â€-promotion for his secretary based on her good performance on work. As to the salary problem of Trevor Burns, Erik Peterson showed the empathy which was an essential part of emotional intelligence according to the article â€Å"what makes a leader†. Erik Peterson felt uncomfortable when he was hearing Trevor’s salary was 25% less because he believed Trevor deserved it. Then Erik Peterson had a conversation with Trevor concerning the decrease and Trevor, finally accepted the cut of 20%. Erik Peterson was thoughtfully and considering employee’s feeling-along with other factors –in the process of making intelligent decisions. After noticing the initial construction of cellular the not that GMCT’s relationship with four of the towns in the license area, Erik Peterson made every effort to solve these problems. At the same time, Erik Peterson revealed self-aware during his work, which was another important part of emotional intelligence. Erik Peterson recognized the problems about the local utility in getting it to make ready its telephone lines according to the promised schedule. What’s more, Erik Peterson realized the bad relationship between Curt and Trevor. Feeling unable to deal with these problems, Erik Peterson was looking forward to talk with Knight who w the executive to figure out the solution to the problems.. Erik Peterson knew when to ask for help. Also, he had a firm grasp of himself and he would not let him overstretching the assignment. Knight arranged a two day meeting with Erik Peterson, discussing the problems Erik Peterson were facing in his organization. This process may stated in the article â€Å"tipping point leadership†as breaking through the cognitive hurdle. From the meeting, Erik Peterson provided Knight, the executive with the opportunity to had a face-to-face with the problems. In this case, Erik Peterson may be more likely to get help from Knight since Knight might get a profoudining understanding of how serious the problems were and gave Erik Peterson support to overcome these problems in the organization.
How to Become a Crisis Hotline Volunteer
First of all, a crisis hotline is a number that one may call when they are in need of immediate emergency telephone counseling by trained volunteers. To start, you need to assess yourself; meaning to make sure all your own problems are set aside in case you come in contact with someone who has a similar situation that you have been through but isn’t resolved. Then, the training begins. You will need to learn to react under emergency situations and under pressure. You will also learn different counseling techniques, although through the hotline you will be having the person in the crisis situation be the decision-maker. You will need to have them gain your trust and be able to open up freely to you. The length of training depends on the program of which you are volunteering for. There also may be a screening/background check to make sure there is a clear record. After reviewing all of the information about volunteer program, I am actually considering on doing this. It would greatly affect my future because it will help me be able to figure out if this is something I would be able to handle and do on a daily basis. I just recently watched a movie called The Call and I was touched by it. This movie had me thinking afterwards about being put in that situation. It’s about this operator (dispatch station) and she is trying to keep this young girl calm because she has been kidnapped in the back of a trunk. She is trying to use different techniques such as asking what her favorite movie is. At one point she asked the young girl what her sign was and she said â€Å"Capricorn†and the operator responded back, â€Å"You are? I am also a Capricorn and you know what we Capricorns do? and the girl replied, â€Å"No. †The operator said, â€Å"We fight and we will fight and get you home safely. †I feel like being put in this situation, hearing those in a crisis and need immediate assistance, it would be difficult especially if something happens to them and it is way out of your control. But, then again, you could also be somebody’s hero because you were able to save them somehow-someway. This would be good for my career because it will show that I have experience in the Human Services field. Not only that, but as a volunteer.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Domino’s Pizza Business Environment
Content: TASK 1 – a – various types of organisations – pag. 3 – 6 – introduction Domino's Pizza – pag. 7 – mission goals and strategic objectives – pag. 8 – compare Domino's Pizza and Pizza Hut – pag. 9 TASK 1 – b – stakeholder influence – pag. 10 TASK 2 – a – the nature of UK economic system – pag. 11 TASK 2 – b – how government manage UK economy – pag. 11 – fiscal and monetary policies – pag. 11 – 12 TASK 2 – c – competition policy and regulatory mechanism in UK – pag. 12 TASK 3 – a – market structure of Domino's Pizza – pag. 13 TASK 3 – b – market influence in Domino's Pizza – pag. 4 – 15 TASK 3 – c – cultural environment in Domino's Pizza – pag. 15 TASK 4 – a – international market in UK – pag. 16 – TASK 4 †“ b global factors in Domino's pizza – pag. 16 – 17 – impact of EU policies – pag. 18 CONLUSION – pag. 19 REFERENCES – pag. 20 Student ID 11170 page 2 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 TASK 1 a: Examine the various types of organisations and their purposes and compare the mission, goals, and the strategic objectives of your chosen organisation with a similar organisation. The various types of organisations are: Sole traders – is a person who start a business by one individual. Advantage: – Retain all the profit – Maintain full control of the business – Information about sole trader is keep private – Direct contact with customers – The business can be based on the sole trader skills Disadvantages: – Unlimited liability – Difficult to have finance for business – Intense competitions from bigger firms – When the owner dies the business ends too – Partne rships – is then when two or more persons became associate and start a business together. Advantage: – More money for business The partners can have different skills – Shared decision making – Business losses shared between the partners – Partners can replace each other if needed Student ID 11170 page 3 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 Disadvantages – The profit must be share – Unlimited liability – To take a decision must consult all partners – The partnership must be reformed in the event of the death of one partner – Private Limited Companies – is an independent entity that provides limited liability and legal protection for its shareholders. Advantages: –Limited Liability – The business will continue even if one of the owners die – Separate entity – More capital can be raised Disadvantages – Profit must be share – There is a legal procedure to set up the business – Firms are not allowed to sell shares to the public. – Financial information filed with the Registrar can be inspected by any member of the public – Public Limited Companies – is a company that work with stock exchange and its share can be buy or sell from anyone Advantages: – Limited Liability – New shareholders and investors can be easily assimilated –The company has a legal existence separate from management and its members Student ID 11170 page 4 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 – Because of their size a PLC can sometimes dominate the market Disadvantages – Setting up the costs can be very expensive – The firm is open to public inspection – Because of their size they cannot always deal with customers at a personal level – Decisions can be slow because the PLC has many directors – Cooperatives – is an organisation founded and controlled by a group of volunteer users for their benefits. Advantages: –Buying in bulk – Working together to solve problems – Good motivation of all members to work hard for profit Disadvantages – Possibility of conflicts between members – Poor management – Longer decision – making process – Franchises – is an organisation that operates under the brand of another organisation that is already in the market called franchisor. Advantages: – Operate in an already known brand – Support from franchisor ( training, financial) – Can work with franchisor’s existing partners Disadvantages Student ID 11170 page 5 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 Must work from roles already established from franchisor, the franchise has no control of the business – Franchise must to pay franchisor because use their name. – Private Sector and Public Sector Organisations Student ID 11170 page 6 of 20 Assignement Busi ness Environment Feb 2013 DOMINO’S PIZZA – FRANCHISE INTRODUCTION Domino’s pizza was founded in 1960 by Tom Monaghan (www. coversupermarket. com) and his brother. After one year Tom bought him brother’s half became the sole owner. In 1967 Domino’s opened the first franchise in 1978 to have over 200 franchise stores.In 1985 they opened their first store in UK currently reaching over 700 stores. By 2000 coming to have more stores in fallowing countries: Canada, Tokyo, India etc. In 1998, after 38 years of ownership Domino’s pizza sold 93 percent of the company to Bain Capital for $1 billion. In 2004 Domino’s began trading common stock on the Stock Exchange. In 2006 they opened 8000 total stores in international markets. The company is still growing today with more than 9350 stores in more than 60 international markets. In same year they starts its sponsorship of The Simpsons in UK. the Domino's effect. 13 supplement, Estates Gazette, Ju ly 19 2008 Issue) In 1999 Domino’s became the first home delivery company to float in the Alternative Investment Market. In 2000 they introduced hot bags to keep the pizzas hot and crisp during delivery. Domino’s started making pizza and today the current menu is a variety of Italian – American products but pizza stay main product, Domino’s along time bringing many improvements countertop and toppings. The Domino's Pizza Team is hard working, committed to excellence and serious about having fun.There are more than 170,000 team members employed by 600 corporate-owned stores, a system of 5,000+ domestic franchise-owned stores and international franchise base that operates more than 5,000 stores in more than 70 markets around the globe ( www. dominosbiz. com ). Over 21,000 team members work in UK and Irish stores and in a range of support functions ranging from marketing, IT and training. Tom Monaghan bought the business for the amount of $500, now Dominoâ⠂¬â„¢s has already labeled as â€Å"megabrand†because it already reaches a total of $5. 1 billion in terms of global retail sales.This includes $3. 2 billion in domestic sales and $1. 9 billion in international sales. ( www. statupbizhup. com ) Student ID 11170 page 7 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 MISSION, GOALS AND STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES MISSION Their mission is to be the best pizza delivery company on the world. Sale more pizza, have more fun. GOALS When the business started Tom Monaghan, the founder, had an only one goal to open three stores. This goal is achieved even exceeding the expectations Domino’s has turned its attentions to a new goal, namely to make the people to love their pizza.OBJECTIVES – Improve speed and efficiency of pizza making. Improve efficiency and speed in delivery. Lower the costs of pizzas. To improve customer relations. Make more profit. Student ID 11170 page 8 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 COMPARE DOMINO’S PIZZA WITH PIZZA HUT(FRANCHISE) PIZZA HUT MISSION They take pride in making perfect pizza and providing courteous and helpful service on time all the time. ( www. wiki. answers. com ) Every customer says â€Å"I’ll be back! †PIZZA HUT GOAL Their goal is to reach 85% recognition of the new product in their target arket. The most important goal of the company is to increase revenue and profits. PIZZA HUT OBJECTIVES To serve the customer , to provide delicious and hygienic pizza and helpful delivery service. Practice what they preach: integrity, ethics and open communications. While Pizza Hut's mission is to improve products and customer loyalty, Domino's Pizza and motivate their employees saying that selling more pizza then the company will have more profit and employees will be better rewarded for their work as a result will have more money for their personal activities.Pizza Hut's goal is to launch new products and marketing in a more advantageous and profitable growth while Domino's Pizza wants to expand their business by opening as many stores and offering products and services as good that loyalty to his customers. Domino’s Pizza and Pizza Hut are competitors in pizza market and has same market demographic characteristics. Both companies have been able to offer to the customers a good and quality pizza and services. Both companies want to have the best possible promotion of products so that they can maximize their profit and want to cover a larger part of the market.Student ID 11170 page 9 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 TASK 1 b – Explain how stakeholders influence organisational mission and goals and discuss how and to what extend your chosen organisations (responsabilities) meets stakeholder expectations. All stakeholders have a real importance for a company. Each of them is an important part of business. Customers. The customers want that company to provide good products and service customer. For Domino’s customers are real important, they are dependent by customer’s satisfactions and they know that it is important to keep them.Each of satisfied customer bring with him profit. To became one of the most leading pizza delivery Domino’s has made and put the focus on clients feedback regarding improving the quality of products and services carrying many times their survey. Employees. The employees want that company to create a nice place to work and to give them a good training. As well the employees is very important in this company. Without good employees no organization can grow up. Domino’s know their employees work hard every day to provide great food and customer service why invest financial resources in training them. Suppliers.The suppliers want that company to have a good and along collaboration with them and pay them bill on time. Domino’s Pizza has a good relation with suppliers because they are an important factor in a business. Domino’s Pizza is very strict when choosing their suppliers because they are one of the largest volume purchasers off pizza – related product and they need the suppliers to ensure their highest quality product Management. The management want that company grow up and increase profit. Franchisor. The franchisor want that company provide a good work and to keep a good image of brand. Student ID 11170 page 10 of 20Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 TASK 2 a – Explain the nature of UK economic system and how it affects business organisations such as yours. UK have a free market economy, that means the market economy have a little government control and they can fixed the price without state intervention. At same time is a market where the sellers decide what to sell and the buyers decide what they want to buy and for how much. As for other organisations and Domino’s Pizza is an advantage that they can perform the work in a free market but can also be a disadvantage because in a free market all time are more competitors.Domino’s can set their prices and their activity without been affected from government influence only if the change taxes, instead there are situations where they need to stay flexible with the prices because of competition and they need to spend more money for advertising because in a free market the costumers have many options. TASK 2 b – Discuss how governments manage the national economy briefly and analyse the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on businesses such as your chosen organisation.UK government tries to manage the national economy in the fallowing ways: – keeping a low unemployment rate – keeping a low inflation rate that is as low prices – trying to produce as many goods and services that have a growth economy – by lowering taxes The fiscal policy represents all government imposed taxes and fees to maintain a balance of macroeconomics. Fiscal policy applie s to market goods and services and by increasing or decreasing taxes can have a significant impact to organisations, can rise or lower inflation and unemployment.If the government reduces taxes would be an added advantage for Domino’s Pizza because automatic and demand would increase. If demand increases the organisation can Student ID 11170 page 11 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 have a higher profit and that help to open other stores. When the organisation expands help lower the unemployment rate because new jobs automatically appear. When the government increases taxation the demand decreases and the organisations are discouraged to invest and unemployment increases.When inflation is high has a negative effect on Domino’s Pizza because the organisation is forced to raise the prices and this automatically leads to lower demand and this affected the company’s profit. The monetary policy is intervention of monetary authorities on cash economy. Th e monetary policy have influence on interest rates, exchange rate, money supply. In terms of Domino’s Pizza organisation can be seriously affected by rising interest rates because the firm need to pay more money back to bank or stop the loans witch is a really help in company’s grow up.If the interest rates increase the population can’t take loans as well and this means if the costumers don’t have money the demand decrease and the production is affected as well. Lower interest rates have the opposite effect and the organisation can make more investment because the consumption increase as well. TASK 2 c – Analyse how competition policy and regulatory mechanism work in the UK in relation to your chosen organisation. Competition policy is an organisation that tries to control commercial activity in competition so that some companies do not get to have total power over the market.Competition policy bring the follow benefit for consumer: – consum ers can benefits from products and services at the best prices – to adapt to competition policy, the firm develops researches and bring new innovation Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is the UK's consumer and competition authority. Their mission is to make markets to provide a good work for consumers. OFT do the market research and provides consumers all the necessary information to make sure that they can make the right decisions regarding the products or services that consume.Regarding Domino's Pizza there is no informations revealing that the organisation would have created problems so that OFT intervention to be necessary. Student ID 11170 page 12 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 Task 3 a – Using your chosen company as an example, explain how market structure determines the pricing and production decisions. Domino’s Pizza is part of monopolistic market. The monopolistic competition is a type of imperfect competition. The monopolistic competition h ave fallowing characteristics: – arge number of competitors in market – between prices are small differences – large number of substitutes products – high advertising – is easy to entry or exit because exist just few barriers in this competition The monopolistic market is a market where exits many organisations which provides same products or services but with different characteristics. Same like Domino’s in pizza market exist many pizza delivery organisations but their products are different in taste, bases of ingredients, brand and advertising.In monopolistic competition for Domino’s is hard to decide their prices because they are influenced by competitors witch sell products substitutes. To be able to remain at a high level in this market segment, Domino’s has invested a lot of money in advertising to get customers trust and loyalty. In monopolistic market, Domino’s may not always have the same profit because the pres ence of competition and they always must to make researches to differentiate the products. Student ID 11170 page 13 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 TASK 3 b – Using a range f examples, analyse how market forces influence the organisational response and examine how your organisation would respond. Unlike other companies which have faced difficulties during the recession, Domino’s pizza has managed to keep afloat even increase sales. Although the economy was visible affected Domino’s has invested more money in advertising continues to promote its deals and discounts and, reportedly from 2009, for Domino’s was an advantage that much of the population affected by the recession chose to eat home this led to a sales increase of about 11%.As well if cost increases and Domino’s Pizza offer must increase prices of its products or company profits would be affected. However manages to not have a drop in demand even increase its offering in exc hange quality products and fast delivery order. Another influence comes from the competition because in this domain are many competitors, so Domino's Pizza try various way to remain high: – through more intensive advertising – goods products and customer services – fast delivery All this make the demand increase.Student ID 11170 page 14 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 Another influence have suppliers because if the cost of the milk or wheat increases then the supply increasing as well and Domino's Pizza need to increase the prices and then the demand decreases. TASK 3 c – Discuss the business and cultural environment of your selected organisation and assess to what extend it shapes the behaviour of the organisation. Food is the most culturally sensitive category of consumer goods.For Domino’s richness of diversity in the workplace stimulates the work environment, creativity and innovation, and they became stronger because they use a ll the human resources with different culture. While age consumers change their option for consumed products. Every buyer has their own vision of quality products that wants to consume and this is influenced by lifestyle and the income of each. Domino’s has many shops in many countries with customer who have different tastes they had to adopt their products according to the demand and desires of customers in each country.For example in Korea Domino's sell Potato Pizza which topping include potato, in France domino's sell Saumoneta Pizza with smoked salmon and dill and creme fraiche also they sell Four Cheese pizza. Student ID 11170 page 15 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 TASK 4 a – Discuss how international trade affects the UK business organisation and analyse the impact of global factors on UK business, including your chosen organisation. The international trade is the exchange of goods and services outside the territorial borders.International trade has many advantages but also requires some higher costs than domestic trade. International trade is very important for economic development in general and for individual countries economic development. Like other countries and UK practice international trade because it can not produce all the goods and services they need to be continuously developing. UK import is called when purchasing goods and services produced in another country and when UK sells goods and services to other countries is called export. For Domino's Pizza international trade is opening new opportunities borders.When the organisation can expand by opening new stores the profit is growth but also the competition increase. When competition increases Domino's Pizza must focus on placing the best possible products and services so that its clients do not turn their attention to competitors. This means that Domino's need to invest more time and money in advertising and researches. Another great advantage of international trade is the company access to new products and suppliers which means that international expansion helps to increase production because in international trade a country need to utilize all resources.Globalisation is a business philosophy which believes that the world can became homogeneous. Globalisation has effect on the culture, economic development, environment and political system. Globalisation have fallow drivers: – market drivers – cost drivers – government drivers – competitive drivers Market drivers – degree of homogeneity of customer needs – existence global distribution network – transferable marketing Student ID 11170 page 16 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 Market globalisation drivers bringing homogeneity among customers.Domino's Pizza can provide products to customers in UK from other countries and this influences cultures, taste and lifestyle and can increase demand. Cost drivers – potential for economies of scale – transportation cost – product development cost – economies of scope Globalisation have many advantages in cost drivers because Domino's Pizza UK can supply from another countries with cheaper product with same quality and company can benefit from lower transport prices in globalisation if purchase necessary products in larger quantities. Government drivers – lower taxation compatible technical standards and common marketing regulations – privatisation Government can help Domino's Pizza by lowering import taxes and export taxes. Globally, Domino's can work in countries with less advanced technology with more advanced technology from another countries. Student ID 11170 page 17 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 TASK 4 b – Assess the role and impact of EU policies and directives on the UK businesses using your organisations as an example. The European Union was founded by economic and political union of 27 stat es.The purpose of the European Union is to create a single market, the European market, and to introduce a single currency in the Member States to facilitate commerce and to lower the risk of being affected by exchange rate. By creating a single market in Europe, Domino's Pizza, would have many advantages and few disadvantages. EU first wants to ensure protection of traders that operate within European borders and to introduce a common external tariff to facilitate the exchange of goods and services between Member States.By creating a single market with a common external tariff, for Domino's means new business opportunities, a simple way to have access to new market, increase number of consumer Although, in UK, Domino's working with national currency, if here would introduce the single European currency, Euro, the company would have a number of advantages; – company would not have losses caused by exchange rates that they would be removed – the transition to the single currency would eliminate and some bank fees – there would be no a fluctuation in the prices.EU helps to reduce the unemployment rate in Europe because in most Member States any citizen has the right to live and work in another member states except do some states still retain certain restrictions which include and UK. Student ID 11170 page 18 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 Conclusion My opinion about this course is that now I have more knowledge about what mean business environment. I developed my vision strengths to be considered within organisation and also negative and positive influences of all factors acting on business.I have more knowledge about national and international economic system and how economy can influence the organisations. And after this course I learned which is the best position in market for to have a good business. Student ID 11170 page 19 of 20 Assignement Business Environment Feb 2013 References www. coversupermarket. com. 2012. Domm ino's Pizza. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. coversupermarket. com/blog/? p=211. [Accessed 15 April 13]. www. dominosbiz. com. 2011. OUR TEAM. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. dominosbiz. com/Biz-Public-EN/Site+Content/Secondary/Careers/Team/? lang=en_us=json-id=bdec0454534e2ab7f3ed9233e6b9f7ce . [Accessed 14 April 13]. www. startupbizhub. com. com. 2011. Dominos Franchise Cost. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. startupbizhub. com/dominos-franchise-cost. htm? =en_us=json=653a45ce3c73fa78dfdd910e0a4bda77. [Accessed 15 April 13]. www. wiki. answers. com. 2011. What is the mission statement for Pizza Hut? Franchise Cost . [ONLINE] Available at: http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_is_the_mission_statement_for_Pizza_Hut? =en_us=json-id=29e880efe554d20d1c63f97638aab27e . [Accessed 15 April 13]. Student ID 11170 page 20 of 20
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