Monday, May 25, 2020
Attaining Food Security For A Growing Population And...
Attaining food security for a growing population and alleviating poverty while sustaining agricultural systems under the current scenario of depleting natural resources, negative impacts of climatic variability, spiraling cost of inputs and volatile food prices are the major challenge before most of the Asian countries (Bhan and Behera, 2014). In addition to these challenges, the principal indicators of non-sustainability of agricultural systems include; soil erosion, soil organic matter decline, and salinization. These are caused mainly by: (i) intensive tillage induced soil organic matter decline, soil structural degradation, water and wind erosion, reduced water infiltration rates, surface sealing and crusting, and soil compaction; (ii) insufficient return of organic material (Bhan and Behera, 2014). Therefore, a paradigm shift in farming practices through eliminating unsustainable mode of conventional agriculture is crucial for future productivity while sustaining the natural r esources. Conservation Agriculture (CA), a concept evolved as a response to concerns of sustainability of agriculture globally, has steadily increased worldwide to 124.8 M ha (FAO, 2012). CA is a resource-saving agricultural production system that aims to achieve production intensification and high yields while enhancing the natural resource base. Continuous rice – wheat cropping sequence in the Indo-Gangetic Plains has resulted in a number of ecological and other disorders like development ofShow MoreRelatedTerm Paper on Islami Bank Limited17265 Words  | 70 Pagesthe shareholders. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited also performs foreign exchange business. In this process, the bank endeavors to contribute to the betterment of the society. In the context of open market economy, the foreign exchange business is growing rapidly and playing a vital role in the economic growth of a country. About 40 % of total business of our country is rolling through foreign exchange transaction. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has significantly contributed in flow of internationalRead MoreDevolution of Local Government in the Philippines5838 Words  | 24 Pagesdriven. Some commonly sited reasons are democratization increases efficiency and economic growth, improves supply and delivery of local services, vested interests of national politicians, preservation of national political systems in the face of growing local demands and general failure of centrist experiments. In the case of the Philippines, of the four given forms of decentralization, devolution is the prevalent form of decentralization used by the government. Decentralization and democratizationRead MoreThe Accounting Profession and Nat39077 Words  | 157 Pagesthese highly required interests is not magical. Finance stakeholders will not hesitate to advance more finances to the company once they are convinced in the performance(s) of the company s agents (the managers of the company) and/or are sure of the security of their investments. If the agents can show, with convincing evidence(s), that they adequately managed and utilized the initial amounts given to them, the stakeholders investments are secured and have higher probability of yielding better returnsRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words  | 269 Pagesthose who have helped to make this book a reality. We will never forget the legacy of international management education in general and for this text in particular provided by our departed colleague Richard M. Hodgetts. Special thanks also go to our growing number of colleagues throughout the world who have given us man y ideas and inspired us to think internationally. Closer to home, Fred Luthans would like to give special recognition to two international management scholars: Henry H. Albers, formerRead MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words  | 1792 PagesPROVISIONS Subtitle Aâ€â€Drug Discount for Rural and Other Hospitals; 340B Program Integrity Subtitle Bâ€â€Programs Subtitle Câ€â€Food and Drug Administration Subtitle Dâ€â€Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Subtitle Eâ€â€Miscellaneous DIVISION Dâ€â€INDIAN HEALTH CARE IMPROVEMENT TITLE Iâ€â€AMENDMENTS TO INDIAN LAWS TITLE IIâ€â€IMPROVEMENT OF INDIAN HEALTH CARE PROVIDED UNDER THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 2 DIVISION Aâ€â€AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE CHOICES 3 SEC. 100. PURPOSE; TABLE OF CONTENTS OF DIVISION; Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesskills also helps organizations attract and keep high-performing employees. Regardless of labor market conditions, outstanding employees are always in short supply.2 Companies known as good places to workâ€â€such as Starbucks, Adobe Systems, Cisco, Whole Foods, Google, American Express, Amgen, Pfizer, and Marriottâ€â€have a big advantage. A recent survey of hundreds of workplaces, and more than 200,000 respondents, showed the social relationships among co-workers and supervisors were strongly related to overallRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pages310 SKILL PRACTICE 311 Exercise for Gaining Power 311 Repairing Power Failures in Management Circuits 311 Exercise for Using Influence Effectively 312 Ann Lyman’s Proposal 313 Exercises for Neutralizin g Unwanted Influence Attempts 314 Cindy’s Fast Foods 314 9:00 to 7:30 315 x CONTENTS SKILL APPLICATION 317 Activities for Gaining Power and Influence Suggested Assignments 317 Application Plan and Evaluation 318 317 SCORING KEYS AND COMPARISON DATA 319 Gaining Power and Influence 319 ScoringRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pagesunderstanding the cause-effect relationships and interactions among the sociotechnical dimensions of projects. Improved competency in these dimensions will greatly enhance your competitive edge as a project manager. The field of project management is growing in importance and at an exponential rate. It is nearly impossible to imagine a future management career that does not include management of projects. Rà ©sumà ©s of managers will soon be primarily a description of the individual’s participation in and
Friday, May 15, 2020
Border Patrol Nation A Nation Without Borders - 964 Words
BORDER PATROL NATION A nation without borders is not a nation. Today, every country is putting efforts to secure its borders not only from terrorists and drugs smuggling, but also from the illegal immigration. All these recurring activities have sparked the United States to secure its borders against illegal immigrants and terrorism by creating a special department named the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). DHS is headed by the Secretary of Homeland Security. After the terrorist attack of 9/11, terrorism and illegal immigration were two striking issues for the DHS. To solve these issues, the Department of Homeland Security further created two immigration enforcement agencies: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in year 2003. The United States has over seven-thousand miles of border to cover each day. The US shares its borders with Canada and Mexico. That’s why the CBP was established to safeguard our borders through the deployment of technology, personnel, and infrastructure. The US Border Patrol is the most visible of DHS’s agencies and is now touching majority of population than ever before. It has increased its strength to more than 21,000 agents, up from 8,500 in 2001and 4,000 in 1994(17). The primary function of the Border Patrol Agency is apprehension of terrorists, drug interdiction and immigration enforcement. The book ‘Border Patrol Nation’ by Todd Miller is a classic example of the Border PatrolShow MoreRelatedThe United States Border Patrol1532 Words  | 7 PagesThe United States Border Patrol has a mission and duty to protect our borders through regulating laws and preventing illegal terrorists, drugs, and weapons from entering the United States. This has been a clear goal ever since laws have been passed to help secure our borders back in 1924. The need for Border Patrol and the demand for tighter security plans have been increasing due to terrorist attacks on American so il, the presence of radical groups, and a high rate of crime in the United StatesRead MoreThe U.S. Border Patrol1104 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1924, the U.S. Border Patrol started its service for our nation. Although changes have affected nearly every aspect of its operations from its earliest days, the values; professionalism, honor, integrity, respect for human life, and a shared effort, helped shape the Border Patrol from the early years and they still remain the same today. Since the very beginning agents have been patrolling our borders, â€Å"Mounted watchmen of the U.S. Immigration Service patrolled the border in an effort to preventRead MoreEssay United States Border Patrol1416 Words  | 6 PagesBorder Patrol The U.S. Border Patrol to me is very important to the United States of America and to me as well. Without the Border Patrol, America would be a goat standing in the middle of a wolf cage. The Border Patrol and their agents border the boundaries of America so we can be safe in our homes. People don’t realize how important any kind of law enforcement is, until the day that they need assistance comes. I don’t take our men and women who protect us Americans; it is something that not everyoneRead MoreGlobal Influx Of Immigrants During The United States1074 Words  | 5 Pagesthe number of Central Americans crossing over the border illegally the crime rate as reflected in this occurrence. However, these crimes are not a representative of all illegal Immigrants but the numbers and crimes reveals otherwise. Since President Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration bill into law in 1986 (Kirkwood, Par.1). It gave an incentive for others to come to America illegally and the U.S. failing to regain control of the borders since then (Kirkwood, Par.11). Due to this bill, thatRead MoreBorder Security1320 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: Has Technology Improved Border Security Operations 1 Border Security Technology HAS TECHNOLOGY IMPROVED BORDER SECURITY OPERATIONS 2 Border Security Technology Border security is paramount to the security of the United States of America. There are 7,000 miles of land border with Canada and Mexico as well as numerousRead MoreBorder Security Through Technology and Manpower Essay1654 Words  | 7 PagesIt was reported in the San Antonio Express News that â€Å"Border-Patrolling Drones Would Call Texas Base Home.†Lynn Brezosky reported that â€Å"U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Alan Bersin cut the ribbon for the launch of the nation’s fourth base for operating border surveillance drones.†This is important in securing the U.S.-Mexico border, which the U.S. has an approximate 1,933 mile long border with Mexico (Beaver). Brezosky also reported that â€Å"the Homeland Security budget called for twoRead MoreI Would Like To Identify And Describe The Major Functions1667 Words  | 7 Pageskeep the confusion allocated. You also have the military who has their own facilities to lock up abroad if that perso n is breaking the law. Military civilians are taught discipline, so if you dessert your branch of service this will be absence without leave, which is a federal offense. All federal offenders are classified as minimum, medium, and maximum, because you have to classify the offenders by their charges. This will eliminate a lot of other problems which may arise in the prisons. FederalRead MoreTerrorism And The National Security1731 Words  | 7 Pagesfield. It was said flight ninety-three, which was the plane that crashed in the field, was bound for Washington, DC. President Bush had addressed the country later on after the attack by saying â€Å"These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat, but they have failed†( At the moment Americans are dealing with a type of terrorism involving kidnapping and assignation. ISIS has managed to capture certain Americans and video the beheading of the personRead MoreEssay on We Must End Illegal Immigration in the United States1391 Words  | 6 PagesEveryday illegal immigrants try to come to the United States for freedom. The United States government should double the patrolling of the borders and the coast of the United States in order to keep out illegal immigrants. We need to some how create a program that will end illegal immigration. Ensuring that people who enter the United States illegally will not be able to obtain employment, public assistance benefits, public education, public housing, or any other taxpayer-funded benefit should beRead MoreU.s. Immigration Today s Economic Stability1436 Words  | 6 PagesShawn Carpenter Professor Chapman English 1B 3 March 2016 Immigration Today â€Å"I will build a great wall- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me- and I’ll build them very inexpensively on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words†-Donald Trump. Whether the United States builds a wall, deports hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, or does nothing about it, the so called â€Å"uncontrollable problem†of immigration is still present today. America, for
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Legacy Of Franklin D. Roosevelt - 868 Words
Franklin D. Roosevelt has gone down in history as one of the greatest presidents to serve our country. He was president from 1933 to 1945, the longest any president has ever served. With the establishment of the new deal, he was able to not only bring the American economy out of the depression but also the people themselves. But it is his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, was a leader herself. She did not stand in the foreground of her husband’s presidency; she actively fought for her beliefs and became one of the greatest first wives in history. Eleanor was unlike any first lady in history. She wasn’t a woman hiding behind her husband she was such a strong pioneer for women and civil rights. This article caught my attention because of the great details, it told a great brief history of her life. With learning more of her history, you begin to understand how she became the powerful woman we read about today. Within the reading of, â€Å"Women and the New Deal†(683), I was very interested in know more about Eleanor. Within the text, it does state her actions with her fight for women and civil rights. Its gives a very basic rundown of certain accomplishments she had achieved. Yet, the article gives us so much more detail of her life and just how vast her endeavors were. How she changed women’s rights and pushed for the disadvantaged. The first interesting fact that I read was how important women’s rights were to Eleanor. Eleanor would push boundaries, and her husband,Show MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of Franklin D. Roosevelt1333 Words  | 6 Pages Wisdom, knowledge, greatness and power are a few words that come to mind when thinking about our 32nd president of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He’s one of America’s greatest presidents who accomplished more than we could have hoped for. A man of few words citizens would say, yet each word was a something to remember. I believe that he was in fact the most effective president the US has had so far. This president was the most precise, straightforward president; he got what was neededRead MoreA Man With No Bounds Essay1005 Words  | 5 PagesFranklin D. Roosevelt he is not just a person, he is a legacy the way he approached problems in his time â€Å"in charge†. The way he spoke to people was just outright amazing, like in his Infamy Speech after Pearl Harbor when he said, â€Å"With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God.†While in his long p residency, Franklin D. Roosevelt was considered by many, a amazing president who made all the right decisionsRead MoreThe Legacy Of Franklin Delano Roosevelt872 Words  | 4 Pagespreserved it; Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who rescued it from economic collapse and led it to victory in the greatest war of all time.†(Smith XI). Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only President to serve four terms and had two great, important crisis in his presidency. He truly was a great leader, because he gave the people a sense of security during an era of distress. Although winning victory in the greatest war the world has ever known dominates Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s legacy, his savingRead MoreThe Life of Franklin D. Roosevelt1005 Words  | 5 PagesA mention of the name, Roosevelt D. Franklin to most Americans, rekindles the memories of the Second World War, the Manhattan projects and the subsequent bombing of two Japanese cities. What most of these people fail to understan d is that Roosevelts presidency was the Second World War. Turth be told, Roosevelt is one the greatest presidents the United States ever had based on his personality and the challenges he faced while in the White House. This paper discusses a number of aspects about oneRead MoreGeneral Info And Early Political Career1401 Words  | 6 PagesGeneral info and Early Political Career Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born in 1882 in New York to a rich family. He went to Groton School and Harvard College to get an education. He married Eleanor Roosevelt and had six children with her. His hobbies included stamp collecting and relaxing on his yacht. He started his political career in 1910 when he joined the New York State Senate and then continued on as the Assistant Secretary of the Navy under President Woodrow Wilson. He ran for vice presidentRead MoreEleanor Roosevelt : Long Range Goal1005 Words  | 5 PagesAnna Eleanor Roosevelt Isra El-khateeb Long-Range Goal: To inform listeners about the legacy and inspirational status Eleanor Roosevelt left behind. Immediate Purpose: To entertain and inspire my audience by honoring the roles Eleanor Roosevelt played and describing the impact she has on our daily life. INTRODUCTION I. Arouse Audience Interest in the Topic A. It is difficult in a sense to capture the greatness of Eleanor’s life in simple terms through her background, but we will surely uncoverRead MoreFranklin Roosevelt And The Great Depression1458 Words  | 6 PagesFranklin Delano Roosevelt, commonly known as FDR, coined the famous quote, â€Å"The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.†As America’s 32nd president, Roosevelt served four terms and pushed America towards the future. Franklin D. Roosevelt was prominent during America’s periods of turmoil. During the Great Depression he was well known for his organizations of relief, recovery, and reform; and at the time of World War II, he used his leadership to gain victory for the Allied forces. Roosevelt leftRead MoreFranklin D. Roosevelt : An Effective American President And Leader1509 Words  | 7 Pages1 Bernier Abby Bernier Mrs. Walden Sophomore Honors History Period 1 8 December 2014 The Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt Thesis: Franklin D. Roosevelt was an effective American president and leader. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a powerful leader and one of the most highly regarded presidents in American history. He connected well with American people, had a strong character, possessed a clear vision for America, had valuable political skills, and could lead people in challenging times. With recentRead MoreFranklin Roosevelts New Deal1672 Words  | 7 Pages Ordinary Americans and their families sit together in their living rooms as they turn the knob on their radios. The words â€Å"Good evening, my friends†¦Ã¢â‚¬ echo audibly over the static and ambient noise, and the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt informs the nation of his New Deal and planned solutions to the problems of post-Depression America. He speaks warmly and directly, addressing the American people â€Å"you†and himself â€Å"I†. Many people unemployed or working, poor or wealthy, supporterRead MoreEleanor Roosevelt : a Personal and Public Life Essay751 Words  | 4 PagesEleanor Roosevelt: A Personal and Public Life Longman, New York 2000 This book is about a woman who forever changed the course of womens role in American history. Eleanor Roosevelt was an extremely important figure in the history of the United States, especially during the twentieth century. The way the author uses the book to help the reader to feel included in Eleanors life, makes the reader feel as if he knows Mrs. Roosevelt. Eleanor was the daughter of Anna Hall and Elliot Roosevelt. She
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
King Lear Quotes Analyze free essay sample
By using of underhand means, He gonna to seize the power, lands, wealth , status from his brother, also from his fater. He wants the gods to help me fulfill his plan. * My cue is villainous melancholy, with a sigh like tom o’bedlam. A1S1 Edmund said to himself. He has used the letter to deceive his father. Now , he must to pretend that he is sort of worried about the bad situation in order to make his brother believe and fulfill his future goal of separation between edgar and Gloucester. * ACT 2 * Down thou climbing sorrow. / thy element’s below. A2S4 Lear said it to himself. Regan and cornwall has putted kent into the stock which is absolutely disrespectful toward the king. King is in the rage because of this. He tried to make him clam down and go to find his daughter. Actually, he is too weak to suffer the rude treatment from both his daughters. He is gonna to be crazy soon. Everything is unnatural. * Thou wholeson zed! Thou unnecessary letter! A2S2 Kent said it to Oswald. Kent met Oswald in glouceater’s castle and Oswald pretend that he don’t know him. It really pissed off kent and made him start the insults to him. Cornwall tried to ind out what going on here. Oswald said that kent is very old. Kent got angry and offence back to him by these insulting words. * Let not women’s weapons, water-drops/stain my man’s cheeks. A2S4 lear said it Regan said she will not allowed any servants of lear. the two daughter tried to cut off his trains. Their rude treatment really makes lear go to crazy and he ran into the storm soon. He is totally insanity at the moment. * O,sir! You are old. A2S4 Regan said it. Lear told how goneril was treating them badly in his castle and cut off his train in half. Lear expect to get a better treatment from regan. On the contrast, regon had already got the letter from goneril and she tried to said something to warn his father that he is old and useless. And let him to say sorry to goneril and do whatever goneril is expected to see ther. * I will do such things. A2S4 lear said it. Regan and goneril have showed their true evil faces to the king lear. lear is in the rage because of these two unfilial daughters. He is totally insanity and this moment. He gonna to take revenge on these two evil daughters. * Act 3 * Poor tom’s a cold. A3S4 edgar said it. They meet each other in the hovel and edar is trying to pretend he is a insane beggar. Gloucester come to find lear and mentioned that his own son edgar betray him. Edgar said cold actually is because he felt sadness about what his father is thinking of him. * The green mantle of the standing pool. A3S4 edgar said it. Gloucester was asking him that who is him. He tried to disguise him as a insanity beggar. He also trying to talk about his bad situations right know and show how poor is him. * The prince of darkness is a gentleman. A3S4 edgar said it. Glouceter thought that king is inappropriate to be with such a insane beggar. Edgartried to said that Edmund is gentleman, but has an evil personality which will finally reveal his true face and hurt his father. * Out –paramoured the turk. A3S4 edgar said it. He tried to disguise him well through putting down himself when lear is asking who is him. * Tis a naughty night to swim in. A3S4 FOOL SAID IT. FOOL TRIED TO SAID SOMETHING TO prevent lear scratch out his own clothing after lear saw the poor tom. Lear is totally insanity and the moment because of the rage * No I will be a pattern of all patience. A3S2 lear said it. Lear and fool was in the storm. Lear is insanity and accuse his daughters’ crimes in the rage. He wants him are able to suffer all these bad things. * A poor, infirm, waekamp;depised old man. A3S2 lear said it. He is accusing his daughter’s crimes in the strom. To say how poor is him, to say how the gods treat him unfairly. * There was a never yet. A3S2 fool said it. Fool tried to say that lear is a foolish guy who made a series of mistakes to make him result like this. * I am a man. lear said it. A3S2 lear still in rage and insanity. He still think every unnatural things happen is due to the gods who want to play him. But he never thought he did something wrong or foolish. * Oh, that way madness lies,let m e shut that. A3S4 lear said it. They are coming to a hovel. Kent want him to enter in. but he is still thingking about his two evil daughters. He start to recognize he gonna to be insane if he still thinks on that matter. * Take physic pomp. A3S4 lear said it. He is starting to care for pool people. He is learning from the suffering. he is becoming nice at the moment. * I am tied to the stake. A3S7 gloucester said it. His son Edmund has told everything to cornwall and betray him. He is caught in the castle. They tried to get the word about lear from his mouth. But he said nothing because he think that he must loyal to the king. So, at the point, he has forgotten the death and do not fear of it. * Act 4 * When we are born, we cry. A4S6 lear said .. glouster and edgar meet lear and lear thought Gloucester is goneril. It is why he said a lot of thing s toward Gloucester. Even lear is inanity, he still said some truth, like reveal the downfall of the whole society. people are fallen and immoral in Britain right now. Thou art a soul In bliss, but I am bound. A4S7 lear said. Cordelia’s men saved him and bring him back to the French army camp. Lear has recognize that he has did something wrong on cordelia. And cordelia is the kind daughter who really loves him and cares him. He is feel regretful to cordelia. * The worst is not. A4S1 edgar said. Edagar saw his blind father was lead by a senior whic hmade him he is not in the worrest bottem of the wheel. He saw that his father has said something like sorry to his sincere son edgar to show his regrets. * How fearful and dizzy. A4S6 edgar said. Gloucester want to suicide himself on the top of the cliff near dover. But actually edgar lead him to the fields and use his vivid language to pretend that they are on the way to that dangerous top of the cliff. To let him believe. * The starts above us. A4S3 kent said it. The gentleman who sent the letter to the cordelia has back to kent. The gentleman told everything about how kind daughter the cordelia is to the kent. Kent said that it is the gods control people’s fate, so the extreme evil daughters regan and goneril can exist in the world, and so nice cordelia also exist here. * O let me kiss that hand. A4S6 gloucester said it they meet in the fields and lear thought that Gloucester is evil goneril and made a lot of complaining words toward gloucster. Glouceste found that the guy is their sincere and poor king of england. * Get thee glass eyes A4S6 lear said it. Lear said that even he is blind, but he still can see how the crazy world goes. Also, reveal the poor Gloucester lost his eyeballs and how evil the regan and cornall are. * Act 5 * Vex not his ghost A5S3 KENT SAID IT lear is too sad about cordelia’s death, and his tragic result is, all his daughter died in the moment. He can’t suffer any more in this tragic world. He died and kent said just let him go. Maybe the death is the better way for him to relieve himself. * Upon such sacrifices,my cordelia A5S3 lear said it.. French army was defeated by the brithish army. Edmund catch lear and cordelia. He plan to kill them all. But lear has a positive attitude toward their situation. He said it is the better place for them to live and the gods will not easily take their lives away. * Her voice was ever soft. A5S3 lear said it. Wen kent got to save them, the cordelia has already killed by the edmund’s man and lear is sad for his daughter. In his point of view, cordelia is the only daughter he has in his life who acts so nice and soft. * The oldest has bome most. Kent said that he is sort of gonna to kill himself later on. He also is a man who suffered too much in the world. Albany has reveal the tragedy of the play here, the old people like kent and lear suffered too much pains here. * The gods are just A5S3 edgar said. Edgar came to here for fighting with Edmund. He said the gods are just, but actucally is our human beings make chaos in the world to punish ourselves. It is evidence the wheel of the Edmund has start to turn to the bottem right now. Men must endure. A5S2 edgar said it. The French army has lost the battle. They gonna come to kill Gloucester if he stay there. Edgar want to protect his father , so he tell you people should not easily end their life, but waiting for the god’s direction. * Why should a dog,a horse A5S3 lear said it. He goes to insanity again because his mixing of his daughter and his poor. He is too sad to support himself in a sane way. He cant suffer any more about the death of people who really care for him. Then, he finally died because of the series of tragic events to him.
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