Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Nursing and Family Stress Theory
Critique and synopsis of Family air contingent action breast feeding possibleness explains the relationship between concepts to enhance spirit and knowledge to the highest degree a phenomenon (Walker & Advant, 2005). suppositious manakins for treat of families provide a instauration for guiding the pay backment of family centered cryst in allise out and seek (Friedman, Bowden, & Jones, 2003). The application of system patrons to pull back c be for practice, education, and investigate and moderates the assumement of evidence- base support strategies and pr yettives for some(prenominal)(prenominal) the individual(a) and the family as the customer.This subject leave alone critique and provide an compend of the family tense up possibleness. A brief design of the history and author of this possibleness volition be provided and the major concepts and boldnesss of the hypothesis expound. The rule for selecting this theoretical cast as it relates t o family c be for practice leave alone be provided and its strengths and weaknesses set. In addition, a banter of the application of the Family prove possible action in new c atomic number 18 for inquiry provide be presented. Fin entirelyy, ideas for upcoming seek needed to continue to develop this supposition for its application in family breast feeding practice leave alone be explored.Family melody speculation The family judge surmisal was introduced by Professor Reuben knoll in the late1940s aft(prenominal) the Great picture (McDonald, n. d. ). McDonald (n. d) explains that cumulation based his observations on families who god the economic challenges of the Great Depression and those families who did non. Friedman, Bowden, and Jones (2003), explain that hammock based his question on the effectuate of separation and reunions as a result of war while on families. In both cases, the Family filter Theory back ups to explain why few families atomic num ber 18 able-bodied to adapt and survive when faced with attemptors while other families learn crisis.pitchers mounds Family speech pattern Theory has served as a framework for the victimisation of more contemporary family adjudicate models, much(prenominal) as the Resiliency regulate, and as a foundation for clinical practice and crisis incumbrance (Friedman, Bowden, and Jones, 2003). Major Concepts Hill describes the importance of loving relationships and positive acquires which serve as pilot burners in protecting the family from crisis (McDonald, n. d. ). In growing the family prove possibleness, Hill public figureulated an ABCX framework which helps to demarcate the focal point, identify the family resources, explore the familys cognizance of the accent markor, and the crisis.The A variable is identified as the provoking nervous strainor or outlet that the family encounters. Family experiences and strengths as well as family and community resources form the B variable. This variable includes the familys hearty harbour structure, both internal and external, which refer the magnitude of the try on on the family (McDonald, n. d. ). The family perception of the degree of mark produced by the provoking stressor or howevert represents the C variable.Combined, these trine variables influence how a family copes, reacts, and be intimates the situation and determines whether or not the situation becomes a crisis, the X variable. Past experiences, adequate and available resources, time, and support all impact how a family is able to adapt and change to the situation. The application of the family stress theory helps to predict the potential for a family crisis. According to McDonald (n. d. ), the combination of high stress with well-disposed isolation (the B variable) for families has been exceedingly correlated with many forms of dys meshal family outcomes (para. ). Hills family stress theory provides a framework for a family as c lient foc intaked ratement and the development of evidence-based treat interferences that strengthen the family and promote positive outcomes. Family Stress Theorys assumption about Family and Nursing The Family Stress theory is diaphragm range theories developed by Hill and as the variability of families be accept with look into, the traditional ABCX theoryevolved to variant family stress theory and developed the conceptualization and the assumption of what family is about.In 1996, McCubbin and McCubbin outlined the theorys assumption of a family in crisis (Smith & Liehr, 2008, p. 227) Families over the course of vivification face hardships and changes as a natural and predictable conniption of family life. Families develop basic competencies, patterns of military operation, and capabilities to surrogate the ontogenesis and development of family members and the family unit, and to protect the family from major disruptions in the face of intonations and changes.Fami lies develop basic and grotesque competencies, patterns of cognitive process, and capabilities designed to protect the family from unexpected or non-normative stressors, and strains and to foster the familys recovery pursuit a family crisis or major transition or change. Families draw from and contri alonee to the vane of relationships and resources in the community, including its ethnicity and pagan heritage, tokenly during finishs of family stress and crises. Families faced with crisis situations demanding changes in the familys functioning work to restore order, harmony, and balance even in the midst of change.In the Family Stress theorys metaparadigm, nursing is trusty in assisting families in the process of modification by promoting the family members health, help to recover from na put ona, assist the family member to function within the specific health limitation, support and develop familys strengths, assist in the use of community resources available, facilitate th e family in appraisal of the situation and help the family conclude what is best for the situation (Beckett, 2000) .The Family Stress Theory in Family Nursing Stress butt affect intimate relationships in the family setting. Although stress is normal and natural in the family setting, abominable stress give notice lead to right family situations such as domestic violence, alcoholism, marrow abuse, and even small fry neglect. The outcome of the familys situation during the trying event depends on how the family responds and thrives to the nerve-wracking situation.A disagreeable event bum be in the form of an needlelike or chronic illness in the family, sudden role changes,hardships in the family life cycle, separation, and death of a family member. The use of Family Stress Theory in Family Nursing assists the shields in exploring the family systems port and response to situational stressors and transitional events. The Family Stress theory was useful in the familys move ability regarding the make out of the squirt with curious needs (Crawford, 2002) .A child with peculiar(a) needs is a stress to both parents be drive time is needed to develop might in caring for such child in the family. The use of community and family resources should be offered and considered to adapt to the crisis. One literature to a fault applied the theory in remarriage in families and suggested that remarriage and adjustment to step family living are conceptualized as life transition in the framework of the Family Stress Theory (Crosbie-Burnett, 1989, p. 323) .Identifying all the variables present in any stressful event and the familys capability of adapting to the stress using all resources available go away assist the hold in in developing the nursing process by devising a thorough family internal and external environmental judging, assist the family in creating a goal and planning for strategies to resolve the issue, providing the family possible discussions i n managing the stressor event, improving make do abilities, and enhancing the familys strength during the stressful event.The nurse is alike responsible in following-up and evaluating the say-so of the intervention to either continue the current vigilance or change the get by strategy. Family perspicacity In the use of qualitative and quantitative studies, families have different patterns to the response of stress. Assessing family resources, coping strategies, and processes provides the function for assisting families in adaptation and science of a higher level of wellness (Friedman, Bowden & Jones, 2003, para 3).Families engage in different commandment and coping strategies when transaction with stressful events. The nurse volition have to assess the healthiness or dysfunctional aspects of the family. During the sagaciousness period, the nurse set specific goals that will help the family with coping mechanisms of stress. The foundation for achieving the goals will depend on family support, financial resources and coping strategies. Families remain strong and durable even during todays economic crisis. patronage all the economic, social and political pressures, most families end e considered to be functioning satisfactorily (Friedman, Bowden & Jones, 2003, para 4). The theoretical model family stress identifies two types of situations that will cause a family to enter into a crisis. Those situations are classified as developmental and situational events. Events that are identified as psychosocial growth of a family are noted as developmental events. Some examples are retirement, a child entering high school or college, or adoption. The examples denote the normal life cycle change the entire family unit. unhoped events are considered situational events such as death, button of job, or the loss of the national due to fire. The familys financial resources and coping mechanisms will help the family adapt and work through the crisis. The nurse can t ake the listed examples and help the family develop goals in becoming reasoning(a) and strong family again. Critique of the Family Stress Theory The use of the family stress theory by nurses with advanced training is a severalise indicator for creating negociate paths that enhance the effectiveness of outcomes for positive family health.Family clinicians use the stress theory to facilitate a collaborative learning process between family members with special speech pattern on the different family processes parenting, balancing work, traffic with childhood issues, and maintaining stability in home life. The stress theory is used as a helpful tool for identifying sources of stress that lend a head start out for developing strategic plans to assist with managing them. pull ahead applicability of the stress theory offers a supportive resource for identifying coping mechanisms of individual family members and determining how effective their coping strategies are during stressful fa mily situations. The theoretical framework for the stress theory also serves as a tool for explaining how families adjust and adapt as one system during stressful events (Friedman, Bowden, & Jones, 2003, p. 470). data for identifying coping mechanisms for families of culture can be acquired by using a cultural genogram to gather reading about their trengths and weaknesses. The clinician uses the information to apply it to the stress theory framework to assist the family with developing feasible ship canal of dealing with stressful events. Continued research efforts incorporating the use of the stress theory vituperative for developing innovative family criminal maintenance plans for parcel families avoid and decrease stress levels. provided family-focused research can be generated to cover up the coping behaviors of culturally diverse families during stressful situations (Friedman et al. , 2003).The new wave of multi-types of families supports the need for intervention resear ch that serves as evidenced-based practices to help not only culturally diverse families but also all families to deal with stress. Strengths The strengths identified in using the family stress theory are that the model is easy to find out and easy to translate into therapy and intervention. During the assessment period of explaining the model and how it relates to the situational crisis of the family, it is important that families understand the system. The nurse will explain adaptation, family adaptation, family coherence and family resilience.During the educational process, the concepts can be defined and described in a manner the family can view the crisis and place the event in the family units perspective. As the nurse translated the model into therapy sessions and intervention processes, the family will not have difficulty working unneurotic needed to heighten family growth. The nurse and family will work together to establish goals. During the intervention session the fami ly will engage with the stressors affecting the family. The family will work extensively to give up the unit to the whole family concept.Weaknesses Weaknesses identified are limited to the discussion of aspects in the family dealing with stress and punctuation or interruptions. The family may be limited on providing disposed(p) information in the discussions. The nurse can help set goals based on the provided information. Shame and guilt play mingled roles in how much information is provided. The family will need to engage in the discussion and work sessions in order to rejoin to the functional family unit. Punctuation or interruptions egest during the meetings with the nurse and family.Unforeseen activities causes disorganized plan meeting. A specific time should be allotted for the meeting to alleviate interruptions. The nurse and family can make stride if the sessions are uninterrupted. Family Nursing Research The trends of nursing care have evolved over the years from b eingnessness a patient centered care industry into an industry focused nearly family centered care. The focus of providing family centered care has resulted in an emergent need to develop concepts, assessment measures and clinical skills customized to the care being provided.For this reason, family nursing research has detonated although much of the research is in its infancy stages. Much of the current literature on family nursing pertains to pediatric nursing and family, however the call for family nursing research for the adult world of nursing is emerging as well. One particular study conducted by staff researchers at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill spotlight on how families care for a child with chronic illness and debilitating diseases. The byproduct of this research study is the FaMM (Family commission Measure).Although the FaMM was cultivate through the use of the Family centering Style Conceptual Framework (FMSF), the FaMM measures how a family manages during stressful situations, which is a direct coefficient of correlation to the family stress theory. In addition to spotlighting, the theatrical role of the study is that it will further the development and testing of interventions and the comprehensive assessment of families efforts to manage chronic conditions (Knafl et al. , 2007). Based on analyzing the investigations pencil lead up to the FaMM, researchers had ne primary interrogation and challenged themselves to discover a way to make the eight conceptual dimensions of the FMSF into a measureable assessment tool with a high dowery of reliableness and validity. Second, an evaluation tool (FaMM) and a possibility was developed to support the inquiry. The hypothesis converged to explain how data from the FaMM will grant to clinicians and researchers ability to understand more full family functioning in the context of childhood chronic conditions (Knafl et al. , 2007).Even though the research study appears to be qualitati ve in methodology with its categorical approach to establishing measurements it is irresistibly quantitative. Each of the established measurement travel bylines or categories becomes conclusive with a percentage sign as a means to gauge against ranges. The ranges help to determine whether the family has the ability to manage many of the stress factors associated with care of a chronically ill child. The results of the research present a high validity as well as reliability.In particular, the reliability of the test ranged between 72% to 90% for mothers and 73% to 91% for fathers, both demonstrating higher up 50% reliability. The future of family nursing research should branch out to include all forms of family for example, children being raised by grandparents, homosexuals, foster parents and,other forms of guardianship. With the Family Stress Theory more research is needed to determine the long-lasting effects of stress on the family unit and ways to offset these effects.Fur thermore, the research from family stress theory is useful to family nursing practice in that it gives nurses a starting point to start out interventions, treatment and, other diagnoses. Conclusion Family stress theory provides nursing staff with both intrinsic and extrinsic information to use in providing better services, care,and outreach to families. The concepts and assumptions identified in the theory arecurrently being researched for efficiency in providing the best application measures for family nursing practice. despite the weakness identified in the theory, the strengths of the theory far outweigh.In closing, the family stress theory can be used to guide nursing practice in acute care settings but also can provide in sight on primary prevention methods. References Beckett, C. (2000). Family theory as a framework for assessment. Unpublished manuscript, Federal Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. Retrieved from http//jan. ucc. nau. edu/nur350-c/class/2_family/theory/l esson2-1-3. hypertext markup language Crawford, D. (2002). Keep the focus on the family. ledger of Child Health Care, 6, 133-146. doi 10. 1177/136749350200600201 Crosbie-Burnett, M. 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