Monday, September 30, 2019
Development And Evaluation Of A Dispersive Liquid Environmental Sciences Essay
It has been developed a small-scale, simple, and rapid diffusing liquid-liquid microextraction ( DLLME ) process in combination with fiber optic-linear array sensing spectrophotometry ( FO-LADS ) with charge-coupled device ( CCD ) sensor profiting from a micro-cell. The official mention methods ( ASTM D2330 – 02, ISO 7875-1 ) which require boring processs were replaced with modified method, as a consequence, it has achieved a major decrease in sample size, riddance of the usage of expensive glasswork, and a lessening in the measure of trichloromethane used every bit good as much more addition in sensitiveness. Our presented method requires merely one twentieth of sample ( 5.0 milliliter ) , less than one three-hundredth of microextraction dissolver ( chloroform = 138 A µL ) , and much reduced in analytical clip compared with official analytical methods ( less than one minute ) . The standardization curve was additive in the scope of 0.06 A- 10-1 – 0.8 A- 10-1 milligra m La?’1 of Na dodecyl sulphate ( SDS ) with a correlativity coefficient ( R ) of better than 0.99 and the LOD was 0.02 A- 10-1 milligram La?’1. The repeatability of the proposed method ( n=7 ) were found to be 4.5 and 3.6 % for the concentration of 0.03 and 0.07 milligram La?’1, severally. The enrichment factor was found to be 75 for SDS. Keywords: Diffusing liquid-liquid microextraction A · Water analysis A · Methylene blue active substance A · Anionic wetting agent A · Fiber optic-linear array sensing spectrophotometry1. IntroductionA turning public concern over protecting our environment obligate chemists, including analytical chemists, to alter their activities in such a manner that they will be conducted in an environmentally friendly mode. Sampling, and particularly sample readying, often involves coevals of big sums of pollutants. This is why sample readying techniques that use a little sum of organic dissolver, or none at all, have been developed [ 1-4 ] . Anionic wetting agents ( AS ) are widely used in family cleaners, industrial detergents and decorative preparations. The wetting agents expelled to natural H2O reservoirs as municipal and industrial wastes are good known to hold inauspicious effects on aquatic beings ; hence the monitoring of wetting agents in environmental samples is of great importance [ 5, 6 ] . For the measuring of entire surfactant concentration, titration methods have been extensively explored [ 7, 8 ] . Several ion-selective electrodes sensitive to anionic wetting agents have been reported so far [ 9-11 ] . Anionic wetting agents are normally determined by spectrophotometric methods utilizing methylene blue ( MB ) , this standard methods being used to find AS in the surface and tap-water samples ( ASTM D2330 – 02, ISO 7875-1 ) [ 12, 13 ] . The method is based on the formation of blue-coloured trichloromethane extractible ion-pair between the AS and the cationic MB. This requires three consecutive extractions of AS-MB content in 100 milliliter of sample with 15, 10, and 10 milliliter of trichloromethane. The ion-pair is determined by spectrophotometry, mensurating the optical density at 650 nanometer. However, these official methods are non merely long and boring but besides require great measures of sample and trichloromethane which has harmful consequence on chemists and environment. Besides, this method needs batch of research lab glasswork, do these operations highly expensive and uncomfortable for the operator. So it seems necessary to seek for new offers as options for the a foresaid method in order to increase the laboratory productiveness, operator safety, comfort, and to cut down drastically the reagents ingestion and waste production. Koga et Al. proposed a decrease of the size of sample employed for AS finding in H2O, being modified this method to utilize 50 milliliter of H2O and 5 milliliter trichloromethane, holding obtained a six times addition of the research lab productiveness [ 14 ] . An other simplified methods that cut down the measures of reagent by utilizing a certain sort of adsorbent have been proposed [ 15 ] . However, this method besides involves boring processs. Besides other research workers studied primary biodegradation of AS in aerophilic showing trials based on the formation of ion-pair of AS and MB [ 16 ] . By early 2006, Assadi and his research group innovated an attractive, high public presentation and powerful liquid-phase microextraction ( LPME ) method which named their techniques â€Å" Diffusing liquid-liquid microextraction †( DLLME ) [ 17-19 ] . Beyond the trait of simpleness of operation and celerity, ingestion of microextraction dissolver at the micro-level volume and compatibility with analytical instruments are other profitable characteristics of DLLME as a sample pretreatment method [ 20-25 ] For extremely sensitive, accurate, rapid, and cheap measuring with ingestion of extraction dissolver at micro-level volume, we propose a simplification of the spectrophotometric MB method that can be utile for finding anionic wetting agents in aqueous samples. A consecutive DLLME in combination with fiber optic-linear array sensing spectrophotometry ( FO-LADS ) with charge-coupled device ( CCD ) sensor profiting from a micro-cell was used for this intent.2. Experimental2.1 Reagent and criterions The reagents used in the experiments were of analytical class: MB ( used as a cationic dye ) , sodium dodecyl sulphate ( SDS, employed as a representative anionic wetting agent ) , acetone as disperser dissolvers, trichloromethane as microextraction dissolver, NaOH, HNO3 ( 65 % ) , HCl ( 37 % ) , acetic acid, and Na ethanoate for doing buffer solution ) and obtained from Merck ( Darmstadt, Germany ) . Absolute ethyl alcohol ( & gt ; 99.6 % ) purchased from Bidestan company ( Qazvin, Iran ) . The needed measure of SDS was dissolved in pure H2O to do standard solution of 1000 mg L-1. The stock solutions of MB ( 3 A- 10-3 mol L-1 ) were prepared by fade outing appropriate sums in dual distilled H2O. All the plastic and glasswork were cleaned by soaking for 24 H in 10 % v/v HNO3. After cleansing, all containers were exhaustively rinsed three times with dual distilled H2O and twice with acetone prior to utilize. No any detergent was used to clean glasswork because it is hard to take from surfaces and causes high consequences. 2.2. Apparatus and Instrumentation apparatus The fiber optic-linear array sensing spectrophotometer was perched from Avantes ( Eerbeek, Netherlands ) . The light beam from the UV-Vis beginning ( Deuterium-Halogen ) was focused to the sample micro-cell ( Starna Scientific, Essex, England, Cat. NO. 16.40F-Q-10/Z15 ) . The spectrograph accepts the light beam transmitted through the optical fibre and disperses it via a fixed grate across the 2048 component CCD-linear array sensor. The instrumental parametric quantities are listed in Table 1. A Universal EBA 20 extractor equipped with an angle rotor ( Angle rotor for 8 A- 15 milliliter tubings, 6000 revolutions per minute, Cat. No. 2002 ) were obtained from Hettich ( Kirchlengern, Germany ) . An adjustable pipette ( 10-100 A µL ) was prepared from Brand ( Wertheim, Germany ) . All 0.1, 1.0 and 2.5 milliliter panpipes were prepared from Hamilton ( Reno, NV, USA ) . To clean out the micro-cell, avoid any memory consequence and better the repeatability of process, it was washed three times by about 2 milliliters of propanone between each analysis and dried with a watercourse of cold air by usage of a hair drier. 2.3. Mention process Hundred milliliter of sample was placed into a 250 milliliter dividing funnel and 10 milliliter of a 1 A- 10a?’3 mol L-1 MB solution and 15 milliliters trichloromethane were added. After agitating the mixture smartly for 1 min, the two stages were let to divide and chloroform bed taken for analysis. Each sample was extracted to boot two times utilizing 10 ml part of trichloromethane and optical density measurings were made at 650 nanometers in forepart of an external standardization prepared from SDS. Solutions in the scope between 0.1 and 0.5 milligrams La?’1 were extracted in the same manner than samples. 2.4 Recommended analytical process Into a series of screw cap glass trial tubing with conelike underside 5.0 milliliter of the standard SDS solutions at the concentration in the studied scope were pipetted out. Then 25 A µL of 3 A- 10-3 mol L-1 MB standard solution was added. Afterwards, 2.00 milliliter ethyl alcohol ( disperser dissolver ) incorporating 138 A µL trichloromethane ( microextraction dissolver ) was injected quickly into the sample solution utilizing a 2.50-mL syringe. This injection led to a cloudy solution, caused by the all right droplets of trichloromethane into the aqueous sample. The stage separation was accelerated by centrifugating at 5500 revolutions per minute for 3 min. After this measure the spread all right droplets of trichloromethane were settled at the underside of the aqueous solution in conelike trial tubing. Subsequent to this process, for evacuating the upper aqueous solution a long needle connected to 10-mL injection syringe was immersed down in to prove tubing and pulled the spe culator up till minute 200-300 A µL of aqueous stage remains at the top of organic bed. The volume of the settled organic stage was determined utilizing a 100-i? L microsyringe at 25  °C which was 65A ±2 A µL. Sixty micro-liter of this settled stage was removed by micropipette and introduced into micro-cell. The ordinary optical density of AS-MB ion-pair in trichloromethane was measured at the wavelength of 650.0 nanometers by agencies of FO-LADS.3. Result and treatmentIn order to obtain a high sensitiveness, the parametric quantities impacting the DLLME such as the type of the microextraction and the disperser dissolvers every bit good as their volume, concentration of MB, pH, and the microextraction clip were optimized. The enrichment factor ( EF ) was defined as the ratio of the analyte concentration in the settled stage to the initial analyte concentration in the aqueous sample. The analyte concentration in the settled stage was calculated from the standardization graph obtained by the conventional liquid-liquid extraction ( LLE ) /FO-LADS ( extraction conditions: 2.0 milliliters standard H2O sample in the concentration scope of 4.5 A- 10-4 – 1.5 A- 10-3 mol L-1 of MB and 1.5 – 5.0 mg L-1 SDS which extracted with 2.0 milliliters trichloromethane ) . 3.1. Chemical reaction of SDS and MB The equilibrium between SDS, MB and the distribution of SDS-MB ion-pair in H2O and trichloromethane has been qualitatively reported in the literature [ 14 ] . The AS dissolved in H2O are somewhat soluble in trichloromethane. On the other manus, MB dissolves good in both, trichloromethane and H2O, supplying a bluish colour solution in all the instances. When pure H2O is assorted with a chloroform solution of MB, the bluish colour is quickly transferred to the aqueous stage. 3.2. Consequence of ion-pair formation status parametric quantities The overall ion-pair formation status of SDS and MB is concentration of each, pH every bit good as clip needed. Our efforts were chiefly centered on optimising these parametric quantities under our microextraction conditions ( DLLME ) . In this survey the clip required for ion-pair formation were tested between 0 sec -10 min. The consequences, deducing from the ion-pair formation utilizing different reaction times, exhibited that the reaction clip has no any consequence on ion-pair formation efficiency and longer clip period did non better the reaction. In order to find the optimum pH for the ion-pair formation, several sample pH values were varied from 2.5 – 7.5 to prove the ion-pair formation of AS and MB in 5.0 mL H2O samples incorporating 0.04 mg L-1 SDS and extra sum of MB. The highest microextraction efficiency was achieved in the pH of studied scope and we found that in the alkalic solution MB it self would pull out into trichloromethane in absence of any MBAS. In optimisation processs no any buffer solution were used because after adding reagents the pH of solution become somewhat acidity in coveted scope. The influence of the MB concentration on the ion-pair formation/microextraction efficiency was performed in the scope of 0 – 2.1 A- 10-5 mol L-1 while the concentration of SDS was 0.04 mg L-1. During the fluctuation of this concentration the other experimental variables remained changeless. The consequences demonstrated that by increasing the MB concentration up to 1.5 A- 10-5 mol L-1 the microextraction efficiency increased and, so, no fluctuation were observed ( as depicted in Fig. 1 ) . Sing the fact that proposed method is additive up to 0.08 milligrams L-1, hence, the sum of 5 A- 10-5 mol L-1 MB was selected as consider adequate surplus sums. 3.3. Influence of the microextraction dissolver sort and volume The choices of an appropriate microextraction dissolver have a high importance function to acquire a high sensitiveness DLLME, so sort and volume of it were studied and optimized. Microextraction dissolver should hold particular features in DLLME ; it should hold really low solubility in H2O, extraction capableness of interested compounds, and much denseness than H2O. Chloroform and C tetrachloride are available as the most celebrated microextraction dissolvers in DLLME. During our primary surveies we found that C tetrachloride is non capable to pull out the ion-pair of SDS-MB at all. Furthermore, the recommended dissolver in the standard methods is trichloromethane ; hence, it was our extinguished pick. To look into the consequence of microextraction dissolver volume, experiments were performed by utilizing 2.00 mL ethyl alcohol incorporating different volumes of trichloromethane ( 138, 143, 148, 153, 158 and 163 i? L ) . By increasing the volume of trichloromethane from 138 to 163 A µL, the volume of the settled stage additions about from 65 to 90 A µL. Harmonizing to consequences ( Fig. 2 ) , optical density lessenings with increasing the volume of trichloromethane ; it is clear that by increasing the volume of trichloromethane the volume of the settled stage additions. Subsequently, at low volume of the microextraction dissolver high optical density or enrichment factor was obtained. 3.4. Influence of the disperser dissolver sort and volume In DLLME, choosing an appropriate disperser dissolver is of import, since disperser dissolver should be mixable with both microextraction dissolver and aqueous sample. For the interest of geting the most suited disperser dissolver, two sorts of instead safe disperser dissolvers: propanone and ethyl alcohol were studied. A series of sample solutions were studied by utilizing 2.00 milliliter of each disperser dissolver incorporating 138 A µL of trichloromethane and the enrichment factors were investigated. The consequences showed that ethyl alcohol showed much better efficiency than propanone ( enrichment factor of 75 and 17, severally ) . Less toxicity and the higher microextraction efficiency of ethyl alcohols make it a better pick. After taking ethanol as disperser dissolver, it is necessary to optimise the volume of it. The influence of the disperser dissolver ( ethanol ) volume on the microextraction efficiency was tested over the scope of 0.50 – 2.00 milliliter, but the fluctuation of the ethyl alcohol volume ( disperser dissolver ) caused alterations in the settled stage volume. Hence, it was impossible to see independently the influence of the ethyl alcohol volume on the microextraction efficiency in DLLME. To avoid this job and in order to achieve a changeless volume of the setteled stage, the ethyl alcohol and trichloromethane volumes were changed at the same time. The experimental conditions were fixed and included the usage of different ethanol volumes: 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, and 2.00 milliliter, incorporating 97, 102, 121, and 138 I?L of trichloromethane, severally. Under these conditions, the settled stage volume remained changeless ( 65 A ± 2 I?L ) . Fig. 3 shows the curves for optical density o f SDS-MB ion-pair versus the volume of ethyl alcohol. The optical density increased, when the ethanol volume increased from 0.50 to 2.00 milliliter of ethyl alcohol as disperser dissolver. Harmonizing to the consequences, a 2.00 milliliter ethyl alcohol was chosen as the optimal disperser dissolver volume. 3.5. Influence of the microextraction clip Microextraction clip ( interval clip between the injection of a mixture of disperser dissolver and microextraction dissolver, before get downing to centrifugate ) is of import factor that may be effects microextraction efficiency of analytes from aqueous stage to organic stage. The fluctuation for microextraction efficiency of SDS-MB as a map of microextraction clip was studied in the scope of 5 unsweet – 10 min. The ensuing informations, exposing that the microextraction clip has no important consequence on the microextraction efficiency for the mark compound. It was revealed that after the formation of the cloudy solution, the contact country between the microextraction dissolver and the aqueous stage was well big, defining why the extraction equilibrium could be established really fast. In this method the most time-consuming process was centrifugation of the sample solution in the microextraction process, which was about 3 min. Sing the fact this period of clip ( 3 min ) is for eight trial tubing ( microextraction vass ) , the clip required for managing one trial tubing is less than 25 seconds. 3.6. Analytic features of the method To measure the practical pertinence of the proposed DLLME/FO-LADS technique for finding of MBAS in H2O samples, several analytical public presentation features such as enrichment factor, one-dimensionality, bound of sensing ( LOD ) and repeatability were investigated under optimized conditions. The standardization curve was additive in the scope of 0.06 A- 10-1 – 0.8 A- 10-1 milligram La?’1 of SDS with a correlativity coefficient ( R ) of better than 0.99. The LOD, defined as CL =3 SB/m ( where CL, SB and m are the bound of sensing, standard divergence of the space and incline of the standardization graph, severally ) , was 0.02 A- 10-1 milligram La?’1. The repeatability of the proposed method expressed as comparative criterion divergences ( RSDs, n=7 ) were found to be 4.5 and 3.6 % for the concentration of 0.03 and 0.07 milligram La?’1, severally. The enrichment factor was found to be 75 for SDS. 3.7. Consequence of diverse ions and application to practical samples Any organic or inorganic compound that will organize a trichloromethane extractable ion-pair with MB will interfere by bring forthing high consequences. These positive intervention include organic sulfonates, carboxylates, phosphates, and phenols, every bit good as inorganic cyanates, chlorides, nitrates, and thiocyanates. On the other manus, any compound efficaciously viing with MB to organize an AS ion-pair will give negative consequences. These negative interventions cause by some aminoalkanes and have analytical significance in the instance of quaternate ammonium compounds. For pretreatment of MBAS in all Waterss and waste Waterss that contain meddlesome substances the undermentioned process is recommended by ASTM mention method. The selected sample is hydrolysed by boiling under partial reflux with hydrochloric acid. The residuary merchandises are neutralized to a controlled pH value, and reacted with 1-methylheptylamine. The resulting ion-pairs are extracted into a trichloromet hane stage and evaporated to dryness on a steam bath. The amine constituent of the ion-pair is removed by boiling in an aqueous alkaline media and the stray MBAS are so determined under the described mention process. Besides other research workers examined the consequence of assorted diverse ions on the finding of AS by similar method [ 14, 6 ] . In order to set up the cogency and pertinence of proposed method, it was applied to the finding of AS in several existent H2O samples ( mineral, pat, and good H2O samples ) by proposed method. For this intent, 5.0 milliliter of each sample was preconcentrated utilizing DLLME technique as described before ( pH was adjusted with acetic acid/sodium ethanoate buffer if necessary ) . In order to measure matrix consequence, the standard add-on method was applied for the finding of AS ( at spiking degrees of 0.02 and 0.05 mg L-1 ) in spiked existent samples which the comparative recoveries of analytes are mentioned in Table 2. The obtained consequences were compared with those obtained from spiked distilled H2O. In all instances, the spike recoveries confirm the dependability of the proposed method. The obtained comparative recoveries indicates that matrix does non act upon the microextraction efficiency in the mentioned samples ( no serious interventions ) , hence, there was non any duty t o take interventions. As it can be seen in table 3, the public presentation of proposed method shows distinguishable advantages over other methods with mention to try volume, extraction dissolver volume, RSDs, LODs and additive dynamic scopeDecisionsThis survey demonstrated that DLLME process with really pleasant and robust features for check of AS seems to offer possible campaigners for mention method, which utilizes really little sum of microextraction dissolver every bit good as its low cost. Furthermore, freshly DLLME process in combination with FO-LADS equipped with charge-coupled device ( CCD ) sensor profiting from a micro-cell demonstrated that LPME ( DLLME ) could be combine with spectrophotometer system despite of micro-level sample volume without any dilution and diminishing the sensitiveness. Analysis of several existent samples for AS content illustrated the truth, dependability, simpleness, dependability and bargain rate of method. It appears to be a time-saving techni que, chiefly for research labs executing analysis of a big figure of samples with a rapid coverage clip. Besides we suggest the pertinence of this method for supervising the biodegradation of AS.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Eva’s Print Shop
Eva’s – – Print Shop: tripled bottom line operates as a social business and a corporate structure divided in terms of it’s two businesses some horizontal connection between the teams but not a clear functional structure hybrid between functional and divisional innovative features: social business (mohamed yunous) – integrating the production (commercial) and the teaching (social) business side – bringing in money to sustain the organization social side 2002 – they used to be funded by federal grants BUT caveat w. overnment funding required the trainees to be paid†¦ issue: these are homeless youth and they are being taken off the streets – giving them homes and are taught basic survival skills on how to live, and take care of themselves any kind of not for profit formula has strict guidelines which is why they switched because it was counter intuitive to the social goal. Case: Who: (names and position): – Andrew Macdo nald and the Advisory Board (primary stakeholders) – Eva’s initiatives What: (Key Issues): – Whether or not to expand and if so how Why: (Root Causes): Funding Will the business side fund the social side?Need to help more at risk youth is pressing – growing problem When (Timeline): – No, just as it works for the company – Changing the funding has put some constraints on the economic business, BEP Analysis: (application of course concepts, models, theories): – Performance: changing in funding formula away from government funding was made after 2005 strategic review – allowed Eva’s Phoenix †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. How did this impact its organizational design?Strategy: integration of its social and commercial elements of the enterprise – triple bottom line, includes environmental – uses Bullfrog Power Models: – triple-bottom line – effectiveness measures: goal approach – internal process model: h ow does the training side interact with the commercial side? How are conflicts resolved? resource model: by choosing bullfrog power, they may be paying more for their power but using homeless youth – they may be comprising their efficiency and quality – Balancing Act between the 2 – Professionalism – more professional you’re staff, the more you have to pay them Decision Criteria 1. ncrease youth participation 2. increase efficiency on the economic business side 3. feasibility and funding 4. keeping or increasing the synergy 5. no compromise the social or environmental objectives for the business objectives 6. complexity in the design structure 7. maintaining your volunteers Alternatives: 1. Keep the structure the same but tweak it, make economic more efficient (incremental efficiencies) 2. Grow the business using the same structure – just bigger 3. Grow geographically – replicating the model in different cities where there is a simila r need 4.Separate the print shop and the social initiatives Evaluation of Alternatives 1. Incremental efficiencies will allow for more professionalism and customer focus – some basic training before anyone works in the print shop handling customer materials – meets a, b, c & d 2. Growing the†¦ Recommendation/Implementation/contingency – finding a suitable location – must find advisory board and volunteers – securing funding to run a similar operation – finance volunteer – finding customers and sales volunteer – onnecting with volunteer agency in the designated city to source homeless youth and discuses details on how to manage the process hiring staff with the expertise needed to run both the print side and the social side create and accountability Constrains – Budgetary issues – Timelines Downside Risk: – Failure of program – volunteer not committed – Not find youth who are interested in staying and learning new skills – Not enough customers Contingency: partnering with a local social agency and try to implement the program using their infrastructure and recourse while providing your expertise
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A Cross-Cultural Study of British, Indian, and Portuguese College Students Essay Example for Free
A Cross-Cultural Study of British, Indian, and Portuguese College Students Essay College (1014) , Cross-cultural (58) , College Students (39) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints ? Love Styles: A Cross-Cultural Study of British, Indian, and Portuguese College Students Love is a feeling known to many people. Sometimes, it becomes a goal for different individuals to find their love through different ways. Moreover, love is a feeling which helps individuals to be compassionate to other people. Hence, love is not a mysterious thing yet no one has really attempted to study such topic for its very vague concept. However, there is a study which presented varying aspects regarding love. The article Love Styles: A Cross-Cultural Study of British, Indian, and Portuguese College Students. Furthermore this article provides a very significant understanding towards the subject of love. Therefore, as stated by the author is categorized into six different types of love. The types of love which were mentioned are Eros, Ludus and Storge which are categorized as the primary styles of love. The secondary styles are Pragma, Mania and Agape. These are all composed of different categories which mostly provide the concept of love in the current society. Eros is known to be the romantic and passionate type of love. Ludus is known to be the game playing love. Storge is a love which is based on friendship. Pragma is meant to name the practical kind of love. Mania is the possessive or dependent kind of love while Agape is the unselfish kind of love. Thus, all of these kinds of love is dynamic that could interchange or develop through time (Neto, 2007). Hence, the author was able to create a study which does not focus on the concept of romantic love but also the varying kinds of love in the society. Hence, in order to understand the concept of love, the author view various culture such as the British, Portuguese and the Indians in order for to attain the accurate results of the data. In the conclusion, the author realized that the need to view love must go through a gender, cultural and psychological aspects for there are great differences in the ethnicity of varying individuals. The research question in the author’s mind is definitely leaning on the concept of love through utilizing the concept of Lee on various students from India, Britain and Portugal. Hence, this is the main basis utilized by Neto in order to derive to such study. In order to get the accurate data, the author used various students of different nationalities such as Indians, British and Portuguese that shall provide different view points of the study. The study was composed of 562 individuals who are not equally divided between male and female. The results stated that different cultures of people are important in predicting the kind of styles of love which they make. Furthermore, the cultural perspective mainly predicts what kind of love the participants wanted to experience. Moreover, the gender of the students who participated is significant in the study. Therefore, there are studies which show that Eros is important to both genders. Hence, in the study Indians is much leaning into three secondary type of love such as Pragma, Mania and Agape (Neto, 2007). Thus, the Portuguese and British participants are much active in the Ludus kind of love. In the whole study, I view that all the information provided is very interesting. The kind of love that is being practiced by different individuals from varying countries is truly affected by the culture and environment they have experienced. Furthermore, I find it very interesting that Indians tend to have a Mania style of love. Although I have learned their culture, I do not believe that Indians’ love style could lead into a very deep and possessive state. I have learned that although love is needed by everyone, the types of love could be different. Love is not only defined through an Eros relationship but also through different kinds of love such as Storge or Agape. Most people see love as a serious relationship that could end up in marriage. Friendly relationships and companionships are also love but with limitations. References Neto, F. (2007). â€Å"Love Styles: A Cross-Cultural Study of British, Indian, and Portuguese College Students. †Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Retrieved on May 13, 2010 from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_hb3248/is_200704/ai_n32226385/? tag=content;col1 A Cross-Cultural Study of British, Indian, and Portuguese College Students. (2016, Sep 19).
Friday, September 27, 2019
My personal development plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
My personal development plan - Coursework Example In my life, I have some innate skills that I have obtained in the course of life and which I do not struggle to develop while I am working within an organisation or for my own good. These skills help me to overcome various challenges in life and make it easy for me to implement activities in a very easy way without making any consultation from different people. For example, I have skills in communication, which I acquired through my education and a person interested in different things in the world, I have developed my ability in written and spoken Arab as well as in English. In English, I have developed the skills since birth as I am a native English speaker and can communicate to different people with ease of understanding of their language and forms of communication. In addition, I advanced my skills in English following my study at the University of Buckingham where I attained a certificate in effective communication between 2008 and 2009. This was in my attempt to enhance my com petence in the English language as a language of communication in my endeavours as I practice my skills in marketing and promotion. This was also in understanding that marketing and promotion, in which I major, needs people who are fluent in their modes of communication as one interacts with different people in the market and convincing them to purchase products. My skills in written and spoken Arabic was put in to test when I worked for Coca-Cola Company in Yemen in 2011 from June and September and during my four weeks internship in Egypt.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Gun control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Gun control - Research Paper Example This paper will argue in favor of right to bear arms. Citizens should be allowed to bear arms because it leads to decrease in criminal activity, it can help in avoiding mass shooting events and will provide citizens to secure themselves from the threat of experiencing losses. Body Those who argue in favor of strict laws tend to defend their stance by stating that there is a positive relationship between the number of arms owned by the citizens of a nation and the number of gun related criminal activity. In another assertion, it can be said that the number of criminals can increase if they will be psychologically be consider themselves as much powerful over others. As per the lawful clauses of bearing a gun, it is important to make use of gun for self-defense following the clauses i.e. to shoot on the leg of the criminal or making use of it to warn at the first place. By bearing arms, it might be a common behavior to make use of it without following the clauses. ... Secondly it is not necessary that the criminal activity that is being conducted with the use of guns is performed while using legally obtained guns. If citizens are allowed to bear arms, they can help in reducing criminal activity taking place in a particular region. Lott states that right to bear arms help innocent, law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the criminals and he figured out that if one extra female is allowed to carry a gun, the probability of her getting killed decreases by more than 3 times (Lott 1). Statistics quoted by Lott in his research clearly indicate that right to bear arms allows law abiding citizens to protect themselves from the threat of being killed. By discussing the opposing view regarding bearing of arms, it can be well stated that by prohibiting the citizens from bearing the arms does not justify the possibility of completed eradication of criminal activities. There are many ways in which criminal activities are recorded without using guns. Cr iminals can be violent to the level that they can beat a person to death. There are no statistical base on which it can be proven that the countries where bearing arms is prohibited have actually been able to decrease the number of criminal cases. In addition, if criminals will get to know that their actions will be resisted by a person holding proper tool for self-defense then it is more likely that they will avoid committing crime because of the fear of being caught. Another reason due to which opponents of right bear arms promote strict gun laws because they believe that criminals are not rationale decision makers and once they decide to commit crime, they will do so without thinking about it for the second time. They
Investment and Portfolio Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Investment and Portfolio Analysis - Essay Example There was automotive gross cash at June 30, 2007 of $37.4 billion. Ford Motor Company sales and revenue over the last three years has fluctuated tremendously, 2005 was 176.8 billion, 160.1 billion and for the year of 2006 and 172.5 billion for 2007. The current return on investment is -10.4 as of 2007. ( White, 2007). Investment is the commitment of money or capital to purchase financial instruments or other assets in order to gain profitable returns in the form of interest, income, or appreciation of the value of the instrument. (Reilly & Brown). It relates to saving or deferring consumption. Investment is involved in many areas of the economy, such as business management and finance no matter for households, firms, or governments. An investment involves the choice by an individual or an organization such as a pension fund. After some analysis or thought, to place or lend money in a vehicle, instrument or asset, such as property, commodity, stock, bond, financial derivatives (e.g. futures or options), or the foreign asset denominated in foreign currency, that has certain level of risk and provides the possibility of generating returns over a period of time. Investment comes with the risk of the loss of the principal sum. (Myles, 2003) The investment that has not been thoroughly analyzed can be highly risky with respect to the investment owner because the possibility of losing money is not within the owners control. The difference between speculation and investment can be subtle. It depends on the investment owners mind whether the purpose is for lending the resource to someone else for economic purpose or not. Through Investment analysis, an investor is in a good position to understand the trend of performance and the likelihood of getting suitable returns at the end of the investment period. Investment analysis is important to any sound portfolio-management strategy. At most, times, investors find it difficult to carry out
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Ethical Conduct in Scientific Research Assignment
Ethical Conduct in Scientific Research - Assignment Example In real sense, they were not being given penicillin which was the standard treatment for syphilis. The scientists who carried out the study as Tuskegee continued to examine the subjects and withheld information relating to penicillin from the patients. In addition, the scientists did not allow the participants to access syphilis treatments that were available to the other people in Tuskegee (Reverby, 2009). This resulted to suffering, pain, and even death for the participants. The revelation of the study made the federal government to have a closer look to studies involving human subjects and initiated changes to prevent ethical breaches that happened at Tuskegee. The resultant reforms in clinical research include, firstly, the researcher should notify partakers that their anonymity. This means that they will be informed that their responses will not be discussed with anyone else. Consequently, the privacy and confidentiality of the participants is maintained. Secondly, informed consent. The respondents need to be informed of the aim and nature of the study. Consent is about if a participant decides to participate in the study or not (Shrader-Frechette, 2011). The consent can be obtained directly or indirectly through third-party consent. Informed consent entails capacity which is the person’s capability to acquire as well as retain knowledge, information is where the participant accesses information regarding the study, and voluntariness involves the person willingly participating in the study. They also have the right to withdraw from the study at any time. Finally, harm protection. The researcher needs to ensure that none of the par ticipants is exposed to unwarranted psychological and physical harm (Adil & Shamoo, 2009). In the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, the scientists were engaged in unethical practice since they knowingly failed to inform the participants that penicillin was an effective cure for the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
TOPIC 2 Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
TOPIC 2 - Movie Review Example hoice to not use any color palette aside from gray, black, and white in the movie creates a gripping sense of drama and the unexpected that helps to place the viewer on the edge of his seat. The story is kicked off by the voice of a narrator, an old man who had previously lived in the village and experienced the mysterious events that remained without answers. His narration is supposed to be a hindsight explanation of how the Germans eventually fell prey to the Fascism of Adolf Hitler during World War 2. In his mind, the reasons behind the rise of the Third Reich and the potential targeting of the Jews can be traced back, at least for him and those whom he knew, to the way that their little village was run by the Baron and its other residents in a similar fashion during the years leading up to World War 1. The children who grew up during this era were after all, the very same children who came into adulthood during the time of Hitler and delivered the power he so craved to him when he asked for it. Hanke, as a film maker, dug deep into the history of the two world wars that Germany was directly involved in order to successfully portray the complex love and hate relation ships of the village residents that served as the catalyst of violence within the community. Borrowing from American literature, the children who wore the â€Å"White Ribbon†on their arms reminds one of the evil and judgment that accompanied the women who wore the â€Å"Scarlett Letter†in Nathaniel Hawthornes historic American literary work. The incestuous relationship between the doctor and his 14 year old daughter proves the kind of complex relationship between the residents of the village. Although the doctor loved her father, as shown at the beginning after his fall from his horse, she also despised him for abusing her. The wife of the Baron, was in a hurtful love affair with the same doctor whom she could not leave. By interweaving the lives of these people, we begin a study in human nature
Monday, September 23, 2019
Paul Smith Logo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Paul Smith Logo - Essay Example The design would consider the size shape and orientation of every element constituting the logo. The color would emphasize on the variations and the meanings when interpreted. The analysis would also focus on the message communicated by the trademark, the context on which they apply and use (Meroni & Sangiorgi 2011). Design The layout of the logo displays a number of variant characters, each acting to form a coherent structure of the emblem. The orientation of every element of the logo displays a convergence of meaning and its intent to the appreciator. The name â€Å"Paul Smith†is indicated at the central position of the logo and occupies a better area of the logo indicating that the writing is one of the main reasons for the logo. For instance, the average range of the area occupied by the writing is 40 – 75%. The proportion of the writing depends on the item onto which the logo is embedded. The writing is the main feature that whoever sees the logo would acknowledge (Middleton C & Herriott 2007). The writing and the background of the logo is modified to attain a rectangular shape. The length of the rectangular shape containing the logo is about twice the breadth. According to Harvey 2005, the disparity in proportionality is critical to show the main intent of the sign. The logo graphics are variant and have either posed the logo in two dimensions or three. The woven logo tends to have depressions forming the three dimensional aspect whilst the printed or painted signatures express two dimensionality. The front styles and sizes are different but maintain conspicuous nature and visibility to attract attention of the eyes. Placement on websites and advertising has been easing by the logo since the logo tends to communicate all the information about the company. The logo has a rich visual text relationship because the logo design has ensured that the name is extremely visible. The logo has ensured maximum visibility through the difference between the color used in writing and the background. Concerning the expression of the logo, the emblem symbolizes the general nature according to its structure. Firstly, the name on the logo is hand written in spite of any graphics used in improving it. The writing indicates simplicity and normalcy of the company products. The logo tends to display the sense that even the best things of the world originate from the simplest items. Color The logo exposes an extreme complexity in color since it appears in a multicolor system. The logo was designed to express a total of twenty eight colors. Nonetheless, the colors have then been trimmed to fourteen in number. Basically, the logo depends on the occurrence of two contrasting colors. The numerous colors are also critical on the logo because the design intends to address many persons in the world and who also have variant preferences. Thus, an individual must get the preferred color (Harvey 2005). The variation of the colors composing the emblem ranges from slight difference to the most conspicuous differences. The difference in colors appears in a system exposing the particular color and the partial concentrated color of a similar nature either besides it or at a different point of the logo. The logo symbolizes the basic components of a fashion emphasizing that a fashion depends on the difference between two materials provided that the arrangement of the items is logical. The logo takes different
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Socrates The Afterlife Essay Example for Free
Socrates The Afterlife Essay Read selections from The Phaedo, available in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Focus on paragraphs 107 to 115a (pp. 437–444). Write a 350- to 700-word essay on the following: †¢Why does Socrates not fear death? †¢What are his views on death and the afterlife? †¢Do you agree or disagree with Socrates on this topic? †¢Using the Socratic method and The Good Thinker’s Tool Kit, formulate at least one question you would ask Socrates about his views on the afterlife. Socrates’ view of the afterlife is a little difficult to assess due to the fact that there are not actual written works by Socrates. The only works about him are by other people. Socrates view of death came up in a conversation when asked by Cebes about the poetry he was working on. The discussion starts with the question suicide. Socrates thesis was â€Å"the one aim of those who practice philosophy in the proper manner is to practice for dying and death†. He also defines death as the separation of body and soul. All this lead to Socrates conclusion about death which is, upon dying a philosopher is most likely to obtain the wisdom which he has been seeking his whole life. Socrates also had an interesting view of the afterlife. Since â€Å"being dead†and â€Å"being alive†are opposite states, and â€Å"dying†and â€Å"coming-to-life†are the two opposite processes between these states, coming-to-life must balance out dying. Socrates also recalled an ancient theory basis just as the souls of the dead in the underworld come from those living in this world; the living souls come back from those of the dead. He concluded that everything that dies must come back to life again. Socrates made a strong argument with valid points that cannot be dismissed. If the two opposite processes did not balance each other out, everything would eventually be in the same state: for example, if increase did not balance out decrease, everything would keep becoming smaller and smaller. Another prime example of this is the Yin and Yang which is a Chinese philosophy and culture which based its principle in that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposite, for example female-male, dark-light.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Family Involvement In Early Education
Family Involvement In Early Education The purpose of this research paper is to examine the effects family involvement has on the success of children and the ways families can get involved in their childs education. My literature reviews defines family involvement is when families get personally involved in education, their children do better in schools, get better grades, and grow up to be successful in life. Family involvement is one of the most overlooked aspects of American education. Today, many programs are designed without recognition of the role of families, and consequently many families remain unaware of the significance that their role can have on their childs education (NASA, 2009). Family involvement means that families work together with care givers and teachers to create an atmosphere that strengthens learning both at the program and in the home. Family involvement is an important component of the United Sates of America educational programs. The purpose of the family involvement component is to engage families as partners in the educational process. Family involvement programs was developed to give families, regardless of their own educational experience, the tools needed to become more actively involved in their childs day-to-day education (Knopf Swick 2008). Significant research over at least 25 years has demonstrated that family involvement is critical to the educational success of children (Bricker Casuso). To give more detail on the findings: When schools acknowledge the relevance of childrens homes and cultures and promote family involvement, they can develop a supportive environment for learning through meaningful activities that engage and empower families (Bricker Casuso, 1979). As our schools and programs become more diverse, that relevance of home and culture takes on greater importance and expands teachers responsibilities for collaboration with families. Families can get more involved with their childs education by, talking with their children, enhancing their childs self esteem, modeling social and educational aspirations and values and monitoring out of school activities (supervising homework etc.)(Battle, 2004). Activities parents can be more involved at school consists of: attending events, such as open house and school fairs, working in the school in support teachers such as helping with activities in the classroom, on trips and with sport activities, assisting with the governance of the school and meeting with teachers to discuss their childrens progress are all ways parents can get more involved with their child education while in school (Battle, 2004). I have seen a lack of parental involvement in Head Start due to lack of communication. I have volunteered for Head Start every since my son went there in 2006. I am a former parent and I have done four internships there. I have done two for Social Work and two for Early Childhood. Most families I have talked to use work, or they do not get grades or I am too tired to sit with those bad kids as an excuse but I try to let them know that if they dont get involved in their child education now they will regret it in the long run. When I lived in Chicago I went to a Head Start program called the Child Parent Center (CPC). My mom worked nights and had three other children to take care of. She made it her job to volunteer at my school at least three days a week. She assisted the teachers, she was even the President of the PTA. My mom got involved in what I was learning because she was a concerned parent. Parents today are not concerned about their childs education. Parents who are involved in their childs education develop more confidence in the school, and about helping their children learn at home and often enroll in continuing education to advance their own schooling (Measuring Up, 1999). Parents tend to be less involved in their childs education as their child get older. The United States Department of Education found that nationwide, as children grow older contacts between families and schools decline both in number and in the positive nature of such contacts. Although 52 percent of interactions are positive and 20 percent are negative in the first grade, by seventh grade positive contacts drop to 36 percent and negative increase to 33 percent (Measuring Up, 1999). The importance of family involvement is the environmental, social, and economic factors have the most powerful effect on student performance. The greatest factor of a child underachieving in school is growing up in poverty, inadequate learning opportunities, and exposure to drugs, lack of after school care, dysfunctional families, and inadequate health care, run down schools, neighborhood distress, few role models, poor nutrition and teen pregnancy (Measuring Up, 1999). Parents cannot always change these factors; they can always have great influence over many of these challenges. Epstein defines a school, family and community partnership as an approach that gives families and community members greater opportunities to determine options for school involvement, to participate in the wide range of involvement activities, and to assume key role and responsibilities in school-improvement efforts, including participation in the schools decision-making processes. If a partnership is to succeed, it must be based on mutual trust and respect, an ongoing exchange of information, agreement on goals and strategies, and sharing of rights and responsibilities. Schools must be willing to involve parents, families, and communities at deeper levels and to support their participation (Epstein 2002). Epstein six types of involvement consist of: Type1: Parenting: Assist families establish home environments to support children as students. Type 2: Communicating: Implement effective home to school and school to home communication practices. Type 3: Volunteering: Encourage families as volunteers in a variety of ways. Type 4: Learning At Home: Involve families in supporting learning activities at home. Type 5: Decision making: Include parents in school; decisions, developing parent leaders and representatives. Type 6: Collaborating With the Community: Coordinate resources and services from the community to strengthen school programs, family practices and student learning development. The problem with families not being involved in their childs education is laziness. A lot of younger generation parents have too many excuses on why they can and cannot get involved. The most common one is transportation problems. If you can get a ride to go clubbing on Friday and Saturday you can get a ride to visit your child Monday thru Thursday for a couple of hours. Majority of the younger generation families just dont care. Their children are being raised by a grandmother, aunt or a caregiver. They do not understand how critical parental involvement is and the effects it has on a child. From my own personal observations parents just do not understand why they need to get involved. It is my job as a professional student to address these concerns to all parents young or old. Teachers are very frustrated trying to involve parents and getting little to no response. Teachers complain that parents do not come to conferences or school open houses, check homework, or answer take home notes. This leads teachers to feel that parents just do not care about their childs education (Brown, 1989). There are many reasons to consider why parents do not get involved. For many parents, a major obstacle to getting involved is lack of time. Working parents are often unable to attend school events during the day (Brown, 1989). Evenings are more convenient and the only time they can be involved. Parents rather spend that time with family than be at an open house, which is understandable. Parental involvement during prekindergarten can promote childrens school readiness and is associated with higher academic achievement and fewer behavior problems through adolescents, at least in low income families (Basile Henry, 1996). It can also lead to greater parental involvement in elementary school, which is associated with higher achievement for children of all socioeconomic backgrounds (Basile Henry 1996). When families do not get involved in their childrens education they are more at risk of being exposed to drugs and alcohol, teen pregnancy and inadequate learning opportunities. The benefits of families who get involved in their childs education their child will get better grades, better attendance, and higher graduation rates, less or no drug or alcohol use, better self-esteem, and less violent. Parental involvement is important because it improves cognitive and social development in early years of education. Evidence indicates that parental involvement continues to have a significant effect on achievement into adolescence even adulthood. A survey in 2007 has found a variation in levels of parental involvement among different ethnic groups. African American parents are more than twice as likely as White parents to say they felt very involved in their childs education. Parents from non-White ethnic backgrounds are more involved in their childs school activities (including homework). Parents from non-White backgrounds are also less likely to say that a childs education is the school responsibility rather than the parents (17% of African American and Asian parents compared to 27% of White parents said that it was the school responsibility) (Harris Goodall, 2007). Parental involvement is easy as pie says McReynolds she came up with the pie program based on research and many years in the classroom. McReynolds states family involvement is a critical part of high quality education, a safe and disciplined learning environment, and student achievement. McReynolds PIE program actively pursues and involves parents as true and equal partners. She offers them five ways in which they can become involved. Decision making. McReynolds encourages parents to set goals for their children and for the teacher goals that reach beyond those goals she has already set. The goals are stated at the start of the school year in a contract between parents, teachers, and students. That contract lists everyones responsibilities and is signed by each of the participants. A parent is free to add to the contract specific goals for their child. The goal of the contract is a very simple one: Helping children to learn, says McReynolds. The contract is a tool to meet that end. It can change from year to year and even sometimes from child to child. If parents feel a need, we do whatever we have to do to meet that need as long as it helps the child learn. Supporting. Parents support their children in many ways, McReynolds says. They provide shelter, food, clothing, protection, and love. They also need to support the work that goes on in the classroom. McReynolds shares with parents the research that supports the need for their involvement in their childrens education at home and at school. Showing children that school is important can be done in many ways, and McReynolds offers parents many options and tools for doing that. Her next goal is to establish a parent library, a place in the school where parents can find and check out materials that will help them to help their children learn. Teaching. Parents are teachers too, says McReynolds, adding, Lets face it, children learned a huge amount from their parents before they even entered school. And a parents role as teacher doesnt end when the child enters school. McReynolds points to a number of ways in which teaching continues to be a parents responsibility and part of a parents daily routine. Providing time and a place for doing homework, reading with a child, making sure homework is understood and finished, talking about what is being done at school, and continuing to learn how to help are just a few of the ways in which parents teach. In addition, parents can get actively involved in the classroom as volunteer tutors, as lecturers sharing their own expertise, and in many other ways. Last year, McReynolds says, a small group of parents got kids interested in participating in the Valentines for Veterans program. That was just one example of a wonderful learning experience that came directly from parental involvement and it was proof that If its important, parents will help to get it done,' says McReynolds. Kids got to see their parents in action and, more importantly, they got to see themselves as contributors to the larger community. Learning. The more parents learn, the more they are able to help a child learn, McReynolds says. That means getting actively involved in finding out what is being taught, how it is taught, and how children learn and develop. Parents can take classes (offered through adult education programs, community colleges, etc.) on their own to demonstrate to their children how important learning is. Or they can take classes with their children; computer classes or hobby classes are two possibilities. McReynolds offers additional help and suggestions. She provides ideas for field trips that parents and children can take together to support classroom learning. And she holds a monthly in-service session for parents. In one recent session she focused on the childrens math curriculum. The sessions goal was to familiarize parents with the curriculum and to relieve the parents anxiety about it. Other sessions have included a science fair preparation night (where McReynolds familiarizes parents with th e scientific method through a fun airplane-making family activity); a session that explains the school grading system; and a field trip to a dinosaur exhibit at a nearby museum. Communicating. An open-door policy allows parents to come into the classroom at any time. In addition, McReynolds offers regular communication through two newsletters. Those newsletters include information about the concepts that are being taught, how those concepts can be reinforced and practiced at home, a schedule of after-school help sessions, and news about a special citizenship program in which kids earn points for positive behaviors. The newsletters also include news of upcoming in-service sessions and special projects parents might want to get involved in. Parental involvement programs, if they are to be effective, must include parents in all aspects of a childs education, Parents must be involved as teachers, learners, supporters, and advocates for their children (Hopkins, 2004). Families can get involved in their childs education by just overseeing their childs homework (time), Limiting time spent watching T.V., Providing support for educators and taking advantage of opportunities to become more involved with school administrations and policy development. Suggestion for teachers to get parents involved is to help parents understand why it is so important to their children school success. Give parents specific thing they can do to be involved. Take time to assess current practices in your school before embarking on a program for parental involvement. Develop a long term plan for a parent that includes evaluations of their childs success. Teachers need to communicate with parents and encourage parents to provide inputs on policies that affect the education of their children. 1) Teachers need parents help! Teachers are over worked and overwhelmed and in need of our help. Even if it is the smallest amount of help. 2) All parents should volunteer at least five times in a school year. 3) Parents also need to know school is a learning environment and not a day care. Parents need to remember even when their children are at school they are still your children, take responsibility in their education. 4) The more parents volunteer, the more educated you are about what is going on in the school. Parents should be an example to their children, show them the importance of education through your actions, not just your words. 5) Kids copy what they see you do, show your children how important it is to be involved parent by being one yourself. 6) All parents should know the old saying It is better to give than to receive. Giving always feel good. 7) Majority of the schools budgets are being cut, as parents we can help schools save money by donating our time, talent and treasures. 8) Parental involvement also gives you the opportunity to voice your opinions on school matters. Who said it is better to be seen and not heard? 9) With all the violence in school today being an involved parent will allow you to keep up with the issues and problems. Parents need to keep their ears and eyes open while at school and you will be surprised at what you will find out. 10) Lastly, parent need to know that their children are only young once. Do not miss out on the opportunity to create memories that will last a forever. Children will not remember that toy you gave them but they will remember all those times you became involved in their education. In conclusion, the most important person in parental involvement is the child. Anything that the parent can do to assist their child is worth it all. Special importance should be on producing ways of helping children, families, and schools work together to supply students with the advantages to put their best efforts forward. It is very clear that parental involvement is very profitable to a child learning environment.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Animal Farm Comparison :: Animal Farm Essays
Most directly one would say that Animal Farm is an allegory of Stalinism, growing out from the Russian Revolution in 1917. Because it is cast as an animal fable it gives the reader/viewer, some distance from the specific political events. The use of the fable form helps one to examine the certain elements of human nature which can produce a Stalin and enable him to seize power. Orwell, does however, set his fable in familiar events of current history. Old Major, a eminent pig on the Jones farm, is regarded as the wise superior by the other animals. He has had a strange dream and calls the other animals together to talk about their disastrous situation. Old major declares: ';Let us face it, our lives are miserable, laborious and short';. He declares in Marxist terms that Man is the problem: ';Only get rid of the Man, and the produce of our labour would be our own. Almost overnight we could be rich and free. What then must we do? Why, work night and day, body and soul, for the overthrow of the human race! That is my message to you, comrades. Rebellion!'; The simple, but emotional appeal, gets trough to the uneducated and plain animals and, as in all revolutions, the planning begins in euphoria and idealism. No voice is raised to ask relevant question or call for a considered debate. The appearance of rats at the meeting raises a question: ';Are rats comrades?'; A democratic vote results in a ringing ';Yes!';. And Old Major proclaims, ';No animal must ever tyrannise over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers. All animals are equal!'; It was however generally understood that the pigs were the cleverest of the animals, so the work of organising for the Rebellion fell naturally to them. Especially two pigs take over leadership: Napoleon and Snowball. The pigs developed Old Major’s teaching into a complete system of thought: Animalism. Rules of equality, formality, and hard work was proclaimed and encoded in The Seven Commandments - ';an unalterable law.'; The animals enthusiasm was expressed through a hymn, ';Beasts of England.'; The Rebellion comes sooner then it had been excpected and the successful animals join together with a will to build a new and better world. To symbolise the new day the name of the farm is changed from Manor Farm to
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Intercultural Communication and Acculturation :: globalization, misunderstanding
Communication within one culture can often be difficult, convoluted and result in many misunderstanding, this process can be significantly exacerbated however when communicators are from different cultures. With the world becoming smaller day by day due to globalization and cultures converging from all corners of the globe, communication and culture as we know it has drastically evolved and become very complex. Examples of this can be seen right here as people from all over the world immigrate to America. Throughout history as people from around the globe made America their new home they have had to address and overcome the looming issues of intercultural communication and acculturation. According to acculturation means; cultural modification of an individual, group, or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another culture; also: a merging of cultures as a result of prolonged contact (Webster†¦..). Beyond having to learn a new language which is difficul t enough but through the process of acculturation they have to learn social values, norms, rules that very often is entirely different that that of their native culture. In order to successfully thrive and survive people have had to master a language while navigating through a society that often looks, behaves, sounds and fundamentally believes differently than they themselves do. Making this process even more difficult is always the prevailing desire to hold true to native customs values and traditions which may not be accepted practice in the new society. For example in America we believe in and exercise freedom of religion however in a predominantly Christian society practicing other faiths such as Muslim of Buddhism may prove more confined and contained than in ones home land where the majority practices their religion. Further examples of this point may stem to the work place where women are treated equally and their ideas and opinions are accepted and sought after but in other nations women are treated as second class citizens and therefore have no voice in public environments. These instances can require great adjustment on the part of ind ividuals who may not be familiar with American customs and treatment of women in the workplace or otherwise. Also the inability to find adequate words from a native tongue may pose a problem and great frustration if there is no literal translation in the new language. Although acculturation does not require complete assimilation and abandonment of one’s beliefs or culture it does require embracing and adopting practices of the new culture.
The Use of Settings in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë Essay -- Charlott
The Use of Settings in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontà « In this essay, I will be examining three different locations used in Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s novel ‘Jane Eyre’ and discussing their uses towards the story. The three settings I am to consider are the red-room at Gateshead Hall, Lowood Institution where Jane attends school, and Jane’s first sight at Thornfield Hall; the house in which she becomes employed as a Governess. The first setting I am going to discuss is the red-room at Gateshead Hall. Gateshead is the house in which Jane lives as a child after both her parents die. Jane is sent there to live with her Uncle and his family. Her Uncle dies shortly after her arrival and so she is left with her wicked Aunt Reed and her three cousins. Jane is sent to the red-room as a punishment, following an incident where John throws a book at her and she retaliates as he continues to physically bully her. The room itself is described: ‘Square chamber, very seldom slept in’ and this room happens to be ‘one of the largest and stateliest chambers in the mansion’ The room is non-surprisingly dominated with the colour red. The furniture is made from deep polished mahogany, the walls were a ‘soft fawn colour with a blush of pink in it’ and the curtains draped around the four-poster bed were red. We soon find out that this room was in fact the room where Uncle Reed had died. ‘It was in this chamber he had breathed his last; here he lay in state; hence his coffin was borne by the undertaker’s men; and, since that day, a sense of dreary consecration had guarded it from frequent intrusion’ Jane becomes extremely frightened by the whole sinister atmosphere of the room, and worsens her state of mind with the thoughts ... ...tory would be entirely different. They keep the reader interested, not only in the story, but also in Jane. The reader grows to love Jane as a strong and brave character and I enjoyed seeing how she managed to cope with such difficult situations. I thought it was interesting to find out that when Brontà « first published the book ‘Jane Eyre’, she was not permitted to publish under her female name. She had to create a male name for herself. I think it’s a shame that Brontà « was not given credit as the true author, but thankfully the system has changed now, although you may have noticed that the policy has not been completely abolished. Joanne Rowling, author of Harry Potter, had her name initialised to J.K Rowling, as not to deter male readers from reading it. All in all, I really enjoyed reading and analysing Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s infamous novel, ‘Jane Eyre’.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Acknowledging Sources Essay
For this entry created by the student, the student apparently misunderstood the source materials since although the source mentioned the roughness of the sport, the article that was used by the student as the primary source material did not directly state nor imply that the spectators are included in the roughness that occurs in hockey. Also the student assumed that since the article mentioned that there were â€Å"built-in cooling-off periods†and â€Å"higher emotional temperature than [†¦] baseball or [†¦] football†(qtd. in McGrath 9), there was no cooling-off instances in the game of hockey (Spatt 475). 2.        Have the source ideas been acknowledged with sufficient and accurate documentation, according to MLA style?            The source ideas in this student’s essay were not sufficiently and accurately documented based on the MLA style. This is evident in the lack of an in-text citation at the end of the paragraph of the student’s essay and thus committed an act of plagiarism. According to Spatt, even if the writer may have used his or her own words in order to construct the paragraph, the ideas used by the student were that of McGrath (Spatt 475). Without the ideas provided by McGrath in his article, the student would not have been able to create the said essay paragraph. As such, credit and acknowledgement must be given to McGrath for his insights regarding the game of hockey (458-59). 3.        Have quotations from the source been indicated with quotation marks?            The student borrowed the term â€Å"cooling-off periods†(qtd. in McGrath 9) from the article that was used by the student from the source material without the use of quotation marks. This was the second error of the student that could cause the essay work be classified as a plagiarized essay. Not only did the student not acknowledge the source where the ideas for the essay were derived from, but also the student failed to acknowledge the exact wording used by the author of the source used by the student through the use of quotation marks (Spatt 459). Student Essay B 1.        Has the source been misquoted or misunderstood?            The student had misunderstood the context of the essay presented by McGrath in his article (Spatt 475). Based on the essay that was constructed by the student, the reader of the essay would assume that the passionate emotional outbursts observed during hockey games were crucial in each hockey game (Spatt 475). 2.        Have the source ideas been acknowledged with sufficient and accurate documentation, according to MLA style?            Although the student acknowledged the author of the article from where the ideas for the essay were derived from, the student may have overdid the documentation. Since the student already specified the name of the author whose ideas were used in the essay, the student did not need to use the name of the author in the in-text citation at the end of the paragraph. The specification of the page number at the end of the essay paragraph would have sufficed (Spatt 469). Also, the student placed the in-text citation after a period ending the essay. In creating in-text citation, this should be placed before the period except in instances when the parenthetical citation is located at the end of an indented quotation. It is only when indented quotations are included in the essay where the end of the indented quotation should be ended first with a period and then the parenthetical citation is placed after the period. This is because there are no quotation marks that would state the end of the indented quotation that was inserted in the essay (Spatt 469). 3.        Have quotations from the source been indicated with quotation marks?            As with the first essay, the student borrowed the exact wording from the article used as the source material for the essay. In this case, the student failed to put the words â€Å"cult of toughness†(qtd. in McGrath 9) in quotation marks. Although the student did include an in-text citation in the essay, according to Spatt, there are two things that the student must remember to prevent plagiarism. The first is that the source of the ideas should be acknowledged in the form of in-text or parenthetical citations. The second is that if the student or the writer would opt to use the exact words used by the author in the resource material, the student should also place these in quotation marks (459). Student Essay C 1.        Has the source been misquoted or misunderstood?            The student who created this essay did not misquote or send another meaning to the readers of his or her work apart from what the author of the resource material was trying to imply which was that although hockey was considered a rough sport, the roughness associated with this is embedded in the game similar to that of a ritual (Spatt 475-76). 2.        Have the source ideas been acknowledged with sufficient and accurate documentation, according to MLA style?            The student properly acknowledged the author and the main source from where he or she derived the ideas for the essay from. Since the student already mentioned the name of the author of the article in the paragraph, the student only included the page number from where the article was located. The student also stated the page number where the article was located before the period ending the sentence of the paragraph which is the correct placing for the parenthetical citation (Spatt 458-59). 3.        Have quotations from the source been indicated with quotation marks?            The student had accurately indicated various terms that he or she had used in the essay he or she constructed with the use of quotation marks in order to establish to his or her readers that the student is acknowledging not just the source where the ideas where taken from, but also acknowledging that some of the vocabulary and terminologies that the student used in the essay where also the terminologies and vocabulary that were derived from the article as well (Spatt 459). Student Essay D 1.        Has the source been misquoted or misunderstood?            The student who created this last essay was accurate in delivering the same idea that McGrath had (qtd. in Spatt 475) intended his article to relay to his readers. 2.        Have the source ideas been acknowledged with sufficient and accurate documentation, according to MLA style?            Although the student had acknowledged the source materials used for the essay using a parenthetical citation, the style that was used by the student for the in-text citation was incorrect. The format to be used for using an in-text or parenthetical citation for the MLA style is to specify the last name of the author followed by the page number inside the parenthesis. The last name of the author should not be separated from the page number using a comma. Also, the page number should not be preceded by the letter â€Å"p†(Spatt 466-67). 3.        Have quotations from the source been indicated with quotation marks?            The student had specified quotations from the source with quotation marks. However, there was only ones that needed to be placed in quotation marks which were the phrases â€Å"fistfights to routinely break out†(qtd. in Spatt 475) and â€Å"cult of toughness†(qtd. in Spatt 475) since these were direct quotations from the article written by McGrath. The phrase â€Å"burn at a high emotional level†(Spatt 476) was a paraphrase done by the student from the original text from the article which was written as â€Å"burn at a much higher emotional temperature†(qtd. in Spatt 475). This being the case, the student did not need to put this inside quotation marks. The phrase â€Å"ritualistic pushing†(Spatt 476) should have included three periods in between and after the words â€Å"ritualistic†and â€Å"pushing†because in the original article, there were additional words in between and after the two words. The addition of three periods in between these two words would advise the readers that although this was a direct quotation from the article, the student left out some of the words in order to make the statement or the phrase more cohesive and as such be able to create a clear statement while ensuring that the ideas and thoughts of the author are acknowledge in order to prevent any possibility of plagiarism (Spatt 477). Works Cited Spatt, Brenda. Writing for Sources 7th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Personality And Professional Developmental Planning Education Essay
Personal and professional development planning is a consequence of successful structured and supported procedure undertaken by any single or group of single. It is their acquisition, experience, public presentation and their action program for the attainment of their personal, educational, societal development. Now it ‘s a common pattern by the authorities and organisations to develop and implement the personal development program for their employee and interest holders. Which in bend would be good for the organisation or authorities? The purpose behind the doctrine of personal development program is to construct upon the capacity of single or group how they are larning, reexamine it, program it and do rectification if required. The motivation behind the personality development program is to happen out the concealed unleash potency of any single or group. To promote the single towards the positive acquisition thought the life. Recognize and value yesteryear and present accomplishments. Identify movable accomplishments and personal competency Measure the failings & A ; strength in scope of competencies Form clear development aims Set up a development action program Roll up together grounds and information for a personal profile Collect grounds for a portfolio of accomplishment Clarify personal and professional ends There is a celebrated stating from George Elliot â€Å" It ‘s ne'er excessively late to be what you might hold been. †George Elliot. There is no terminal to stop procedure for personality development as per my position, although it ‘s a uninterrupted acquisition result which helps an single to execute better in his or her current work and duties. Develop accomplishments and competences ; recognize 1s possible and calling pick and personal development. The types of calling are available today for more complex and variable from the traditional calling watercourses. Possibly person needs to compose their ain calling enchiridion because regardless of the calling picks one should necessitate to take the calling for oneself by sing his/her strength and failing and their entire personality appraisal. I remember my female parent suggestion towards taking a occupation for me. Harmonizing to her the occupation I should take should be interesting to me it is of critical of import. I think most of the clip about this whenever I plan for my hereafter. Actually I had a desire to go a character like my male parent who has been a function theoretical account for me. He has run his ain successfully for a long clip. The ground behind this idea was really easy because my male parent is a successful man of affairs so he gave me everything whatever I demand, merely because of this I want to be become like him. However as I am turning up my idea is altering for certain still I want the occupation related to concern but now I made my vision narrow down and specifically that I will make concern related to manner industry. I have decided about my calling by giving a idea on my female parent words and uniting my involvements, gustatory sensation, strength and failing. To go a man of affairs is my d esire nevertheless I like manner and I want to be an built-in portion of my life. A station of manner trade name selling manager is good suited for me and it fulfills all my desire, I set it as my calling end for now and future. In the committedness towards making my end I need to strategically analyze myself have a clearly consciousness, subject and scheme. To do everything ordered and to be achieved an single personality program is really necessary.Personality Development Opportunities:To do any program executable the first pillar is self consciousness. It is really critical for the attainment of the coveted calling. I can specify my developmental schemes and subject merely after cognizing my strength and developmental country. However in instance of mine I am reasonably guaranting about my strength and developmental countries. My strengths are dutifulness, cautiousness and artistic involvement, but I need some betterment on the country of cooperation, activity degree and imaginat iveness. By cognizing my developmental country and focussing on those and capitalising on my strength I think I can better myself comprehensively. Some of the basic manner which found common in leaders and higher degree directors are: Integrity Cognition Communication Honest Decisive Role mold Duty Listening ExperienceAppraisal of Personality:Several Self- appraisal trials have perform to measure the personality. The web page and has been used. Following are the result of the assorted activities performed for appraisal.Facts about the basic personalityThe personality of any persons is categorized fundamentally in five general classs. These five features are written below against each class my mark is mentioned. These characteristic make up human nature and behaviours Characteristic My Mark Extraversion 12 Agreeableness 13 Openness to see 7 emotional Stability 13 Conscientiousness 12 A mark between 12 to 15 suggest high grade of the characteristic, 7 to 11 is scored by mediocre individual while below 6 is comparatively low into that class. As per writer if person scores high Markss in the conscientiousness factor than it means the occupation public presentation of the person would be significantly impressive. The high mark on extraversion factor suggest that I do n't waver in sharing my position with other couples. A moderate mark on emotional stableness is good plenty. The low mark on openness to see suggest my involuntariness to the new things and experiments it may foretell that developing attempt on me could non be productive ( Formy-Duval et Al, 1995 and John, 1990 ) .My Jungian 16-type personality AssessmentWith the aid of these tools a personality can be assessed based on four wide classs. This test tells about the single whether one is S denote feeling or N denote intuitive, T denote believing or F denote feeling, E denote extroverted or I denote introverted, P denote comprehending or J denote judging. There are in entire 16 type of personality can be identified. My personality has been assessed as FESJ. It means I am extravert individual with holding good interpersonal accomplishments while judging the state of affairs and doing any reasonable move ( Marcic & A ; Nutt, 1989 ) .Appraisal of Core ValuesCore values are the set of dwelling ethical values which relates the civilization and orientation of any single or organisation. In the rating of my nucleus values I have narrowed down the 18 listed values. The top nucleus values of me are Integrity and Authenticity. The above top two nucleus values which I put on top most precedence have been mentioned. These are the values which are inbuilt in my nature and I pattern these into my twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life. I anticipate that my leading manner would besides be derived from unity and genuineness (, 2009 ) .Attitudes toward workplace diversenessThe Exam attempts to happen the attitude of the testee towards the workplace kineticss. The trial taker could be classified as either pessimistic or optimistic non in isolation but on the footing of Markss scored by them in the test. The higher the mark the higher the optimistic position of the individual, the lower the mark the individual is more pessimistic. Mark varies from -35 to +35. I was able to hit good plenty in this test. I scored 22, which suggest that I am an optimistic individual and cognize how to work in diverse workplace ( Hostager & A ; demeuse, 2001 ) .Position on the Nature of peoplePhysiologist Mcgregor Douglas has proposed a theory on the behaviour and manner of employee. It is known as bureau theory or Ten and Y Factor theory. This theory says there are two type of people in the universe one lazy and disinterested in work they need a supervisor to reexamine their work ( Type X ) on the other manus there are people those are responsible and go getter they merely need the undertaking ( Type Y ) ( Haire et al, 1966 ) . Type Y people are reasonable and hardworking they merely need the way remainder they will make themselves they do n't wish to be monitored and supervised. The hiting form of campaigners in this theory varies from 8 to 40. A higher mark suggest the disposition of the trial taker towards the x type people. A mark less than 16 suggest the individual belong to y class. I scored 18 in this trial which suggest I flexible in my perceptual experiences and good balanced between the bossy and team playing activities.Emotional intelligenceEmotion intelligence is every bit of import for any single as it has been found most of the leaders lead their follower by their emotional intelligence. They understand the sentiment of the other individual and so answer consequently. It is one of the greatest humanistic disciplines which is inherently born quality though there are treatment that it can be learnt besides. Emotional intelligence ( EI ) can be defined as the mixture of the Competencies and the accomplishments that have shown to act upon the character ability to win over the environmental demand and force per unit area. Peoples those are on higher side of emotional intelligence have the ability to accurately justice, evaluate, express and modulate the emotion and feeling of others every bit good as theirs ( Goleman, 1995 ) . The test fundamentally tests the five dimensions of the testee which step how much a peculiar individual is self managed socially horned, empathic, self motivated and self cognizant. The tonss vary from 10 to 50. Higher tonss suggest with high EI. Most of the leaders Like Abraham Lincoln, Barak Obama, Aristotle are high on their Emotional intelligence. I score 41 in this test. A higher emotional intelligence predicts that in future I could be successful in managerial and leading places. I am possessing the proficient and interpersonal abilities ( Goleman, 1995 ) .Developmental Aim:Short-run Developmental Objective ( 1-6 Month ) :In Order to accomplish my coveted end of the life ab initio I build upon cognition. I will analyze every bit much as I can. I will make good in my category to construct my foundation strong. I will read as much book as I can so that I will distribute my thought procedure and heighten my believing sphere. I besides need to fall in assorted carbon monoxides cur ricular activities to better on my concerted accomplishments. Last but non the least I will seek to understand the planetary cultural so that I will be able to pull off and understand planetary civilization while working.Average Term Developmental Objective ( 6-12 Month ) :As shortly I finish the short term development aim I need to work on my preparation degree. Now I need to larn how I can better my personality non merely by reading books but besides from the society. I need to pay attending every small thing in society occurrence. I need to believe about other s I need to complete my prep and other things every bit shortly as possible. I besides need to collaborate with nine to heighten my cooperation degree and increase my activity degree. Finding a occupation in the campus could be a good move. In summer holiday my program is to fall in wood coal picture and dance categories so that I can construct more solid foundation for a calling in manner designing.Long Term Developmental Path Goal ( 1 – 3 Old ages ) :This is period where greatest stress must be given towards an single betterment. Till now I have gathered the cognition from the books. Now it is clip to analyze how the selling and fiscal portion plays into the concern. How the theories learned from book applies into the existent concern scenario. How can I turn the cognition into the action with accomplishments and easiness would be the chief intent for my betterment in these three old ages of my developmental planning. Although I need to absorb the other classmate sentiment about me what are alterations they observed within me. I need to larn from the experience of my instructors.Decision:In decision, in order to accomplish every end in my life, making an single personal development program is really of import. It non merely can assist me to cognize my existent place specifically but besides can allow me believe and make every action logically and orderly. Bing a selling manager in an internat ional manner corporation is non that easy. However, I ‘m certain I can accomplish my end by following my plan measure by measure. Because of my involvements, difficult work and continuity, I believe there is one twenty-four hours I will hold a large calling in the manner country.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Catcher in the Rye Plot Essay
When someone is young, they tend to have innocence about them. As children grow up, they no longer possess this natural innocence. Exposure to all of the hatred in the world causes this loss. Holden Caulfield realizes this simple fact, as he himself grows up, and has a difficult time with the change. He experiences problems with communication as well as his school work. A common theme used throughout The Catcher in the Rye has to do with contradictions Holden makes. In J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, first person point of view is used to highlight contradictions Holden makes throughout the novel. Holden’s first contradiction becomes clear in the first few chapters of the book. When it comes to attending movies, he claims that he does not enjoy the company of Robert Ackley or going to see movies. Yet, he attends a show with Ackley. On Friday night, while Stradlater was on a date with Jane, Holden made his own plans. Holden, Mal Brossard, and Ackley went out for a burger and a movie. â€Å"†¦ decided we’d take a bus into Agerstown and have a hamburger and maybe see a lousy movie.†(36) Due to the use of first person point of view, we find out Holden’s inner thoughts instead of just relying on his actions. Also, later on in the novel, Holden goes to yet another movie, despite his claim of not enjoying them. While in the theater, he becomes extremely annoyed with the woman sitting next to him. She cried throughout the entire movie over, in Holden’s words, phony stuff. â€Å"†¦ there was a lady sitting next to me that cried all through the goddam picture. The phonier it got, the more she cried.†(139) We learn about Holden’s inner thoughts because of first person point of view. We can find another contradiction dealing with Holden’s hatred of movies. When he attends the first movie, he goes with Robert Ackley, despite the fact that Holden previously told us that he dislikes him. Holden says that he finds Ackley to be completely annoying. However, he was the one who invited Ackley along. â€Å"I asked Mal if he minded if Ackley came along with us†¦ Mal said he didn’t mind but that he wasn’t too crazy about the idea.†(36) This quote helps show another contradiction of Holden’s through Salinger’s use of first person point of view. Holden also sought out Ackley as a form of comfort after his fight with Stradlater. Holden had no one else to turn to after the fight except for Ackley. â€Å"I had a feel Ackley’d probably heard all the racket and was awake, so I went through the shower curtains and into his room†(46). Salinger again uses first person point of view to show even more of this contraction. Another contradiction that can be found has to do with Sally Hayes. Although Holden calls Sally a phony, he still decides to spend a night with her. In his head, he continues to say how much he hates Sally and how much she annoys him, yet he expresses that he loves her. Holden extends his contradiction by necking with Sally in the back of the cab, and still continues to think about the fact that he hates her. â€Å"I told her I loved her and all. It was a lie, of course.†(125) Holden’s actual thoughts about Sally stick out from the other statements through the use of first person point of view. Holden even goes as far as trying to run away with Sally. He expresses a want of running away and living on their own, right after calling her a pain in the ass. â€Å"I was getting excited as hell the more I thought about it, and I sort of reached over and took old Sally’s goddam hand. What a goddam fool I was.†(132) This contradiction was shown through the use of first person point of view. First person point of view is used by J.D. Salinger to show Holden’s contradictions in the Catcher in the Rye. Holden contradicts himself on a regular basis; it leads him to believe that he is crazy. Due to the fact that he has a problem with communicating to others, letting his feelings out became a challenge. His biggest battle involved his inner thoughts, and the words he actually expressed out loud. We can find most of his contradictions through this battle of words.
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