Thursday, September 26, 2019

Gun control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Gun control - Research Paper Example This paper will argue in favor of right to bear arms. Citizens should be allowed to bear arms because it leads to decrease in criminal activity, it can help in avoiding mass shooting events and will provide citizens to secure themselves from the threat of experiencing losses. Body Those who argue in favor of strict laws tend to defend their stance by stating that there is a positive relationship between the number of arms owned by the citizens of a nation and the number of gun related criminal activity. In another assertion, it can be said that the number of criminals can increase if they will be psychologically be consider themselves as much powerful over others. As per the lawful clauses of bearing a gun, it is important to make use of gun for self-defense following the clauses i.e. to shoot on the leg of the criminal or making use of it to warn at the first place. By bearing arms, it might be a common behavior to make use of it without following the clauses. ... Secondly it is not necessary that the criminal activity that is being conducted with the use of guns is performed while using legally obtained guns. If citizens are allowed to bear arms, they can help in reducing criminal activity taking place in a particular region. Lott states that right to bear arms help innocent, law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the criminals and he figured out that if one extra female is allowed to carry a gun, the probability of her getting killed decreases by more than 3 times (Lott 1). Statistics quoted by Lott in his research clearly indicate that right to bear arms allows law abiding citizens to protect themselves from the threat of being killed. By discussing the opposing view regarding bearing of arms, it can be well stated that by prohibiting the citizens from bearing the arms does not justify the possibility of completed eradication of criminal activities. There are many ways in which criminal activities are recorded without using guns. Cr iminals can be violent to the level that they can beat a person to death. There are no statistical base on which it can be proven that the countries where bearing arms is prohibited have actually been able to decrease the number of criminal cases. In addition, if criminals will get to know that their actions will be resisted by a person holding proper tool for self-defense then it is more likely that they will avoid committing crime because of the fear of being caught. Another reason due to which opponents of right bear arms promote strict gun laws because they believe that criminals are not rationale decision makers and once they decide to commit crime, they will do so without thinking about it for the second time. They

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