Friday, December 27, 2019
How Psychology Defines and Explains Deviant Behavior
Deviant behavior is any behavior that is contrary to the dominant norms of society. There are many different theories on what causes a person to perform deviant behavior, including biological explanations, sociological explanations, as well as psychological explanations. While sociological explanations for deviant behavior focus on how social structures, forces, and relationships foster deviance, and biological explanations focus on physical and biological differences and how these might connect to deviance, psychological explanations take a different approach. Psychological approaches to deviance all have some key things in common. First, the individual is the primary unit of analysis. This means that psychologists believe that individual human beings are solely responsible for their criminal or deviant acts. Second, an individual’s personality is the major motivational element that drives behavior within individuals. Third, criminals and deviants are seen as suffering from personality deficiencies, which means that crimes result from abnormal, dysfunctional, or inappropriate mental processes within the personality of the individual. Finally, these defective or abnormal mental processes could be caused by a variety of things, including a diseased mind, inappropriate learning, improper conditioning, and the absence of appropriate role models or the strong presence and influence of inappropriate role models. Starting from these basic assumptions, psychological explanations of deviant behavior come mainly from three theories: psychoanalytic theory, cognitive development theory, and learning theory. How Psychoanalytic Theory Explains Deviance Psychoanalytic theory, which was developed by Sigmund Freud, states that all humans have natural drives and urges that are repressed in the unconscious. Additionally, all humans have criminal tendencies. These tendencies are curbed, however, through the process of socialization. A child that is improperly socialized, then, could develop a personality disturbance that causes him or her to direct antisocial impulses either inward or outward. Those who direct them inward become neurotic while those that direct them outward become criminal. How Cognitive Development Theory Explains Deviance According to the cognitive development theory, criminal and deviant behavior results from the way in which individuals organize their thoughts around morality and the law. Lawrence Kohlberg, a developmental psychologist, theorized that there are three levels of moral reasoning. During the first stage, called the pre-conventional stage, which is reached during middle childhood, moral reasoning is based on obedience and avoiding punishment. The second level is called the conventional level and is reached at the end of middle childhood. During this stage, moral reasoning is based on the expectations that the child’s family and significant others have for him or her. The third level of moral reasoning, the post-conventional level, is reached during early adulthood at which point individuals are able to go beyond social conventions. That is, they value the laws of the social system. People who do not progress through these stages may become stuck in their moral development and, as a result, become deviants or criminals. How Learning Theory Explains Deviance Learning theory is based on the principles of behavioral psychology, which hypothesizes that a person’s behavior is learned and maintained by its consequences or rewards. Individuals thus learn deviant and criminal behavior by observing other people and witnessing the rewards or consequences that their behavior receives. For example, an individual who observes a friend shoplift an item and not get caught sees that the friend is not punished for their actions and they are rewarded by getting to keep the stolen item. That individual might be more likely to shoplift, then, if he believes that he will be rewarded with the same outcome. According to this theory, if this is how deviant behavior is developed, then taking away the reward value of the behavior can eliminate deviant behavior.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay about Karl Marxs The Communist Manifesto - 1261 Words
Karl Marxs The Communist Manifesto The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels formulates the basic concepts of Communism. Faith and reason can be used to explain parts of this document. The Communist Manifesto has definite views dealing with faith, and along with this, religion. In the Manifesto, Marx states that religion is not needed in Communism because a society under Communism is classless. Marx uses reason to explain what will happen to society due to the materialism of the Industrial Revolution. Marx reasons how society will become classless under the rule of communism. The proletariat, defined as the lower working class, will take over the bourgeoisie, defined as the upper class, because of the†¦show more content†¦The upper class exploits the lower class, which is In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions.3 Religion camouflages a method of manipulation that the upper class uses to its advantage while ruling over the lower classes. Delos McKown, a professor at Auburn University, enlarges this concept saying, It cannot be denied that institutionalized religion has vested interests surprisingly like those of the ruling elite [†¦] this amounts to the cant, deceit, and exploitation which Marx perceived in religion and for which he loathed it.4 The second reason explains that religion is an eternal truth and, Communism abolishes eternal truths.5 These eternal truths that Marx refers to are the ideas that have adapted to all the changes in society in history and include such things as religion, morality, and philosophy. Denis Janz, a professer at Loyola University, reports that religion is a product of society6 and because of this all traditional forms of Christianity are no longer viable.7 Eduard Heimann summarizes Marx’s idea by explaining that religion is a phenomenon in history and, under the dialectical law of history, has its preliminary necessity and function, just as its final disappearance is necessary.8 Marx sees religion as just a method one class uses to control another class.Show MoreRelated Karl Marxs The Communist Manifesto Essay1731 Words  | 7 PagesKarl Marxs The Communist Manifesto The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx explains the history of all societies as the history of class conflicts, he claims that the power and direction of all societies is determined by the modes of production, as such when the mode of production no longer suits the relations of society there is a revolution. He predicts that a revolution is coming between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, and calls its coming inevitable. Marx argues that the bourgeoisiesRead More The Revolution of 1848 and Karl Marxs The Communist Manifesto1430 Words  | 6 PagesThe Revolution of 1848 and Karl Marxs The Communist Manifesto There were two major things that happened in Europe in 1848. One of those things was the Revolution of 1848. The other was the publication of the Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx. The Revolution of 1848, and the Communist Manifesto tie into each other very well. The Revolution was calling for a change in society, and so was Marx through the writing of his Manifesto. 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Marx’s different varieties of work influenced his understanding of society and and the economy during his time period. Once Marx got older, he moved to London England where he progressed his ideas and even collaborate with Friedrich Engels with whom he published numerous works. Marx’s most well known piece ofRead MoreAnimal Farm: a Compare and Contrast on Karl Marx Communist Manifesto1037 Words  | 5 PagesResearch the life of Karl Marx. What were the fundamentals of his Communist Manifesto and how do they compare to the ideas expressed by Old Major in Animal Farm. Animal Farm is a novella written by George Orwell in 1945. This particular story by George Orwell reflects on the events leading up to and during Stalin era in Russia. During the time he wrote, the work of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto was being followed by the Russian leaders, and some of Marx’s ideas can be found in
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Companies of Fast Food and Junk food Should Stop Selling Unhealthy Food free essay sample
Most of people in United States have the knowledge of how junk food and fast food restaurants are bad for our health. Also most of people in US who eat continuously junk food and fast food mostly do not know how to stop eating fast food and junk food because they can’t. Nevertheless, Fast food restaurants and junk food with great marketing are everywhere in United States. The real problem is for the one who eat continuously fast food and junk food almost four-five days aweek or more becauese eating fast food and junk food continuously leads to serious health problem which is obesity. Although, obesity has been a serious health problem for many decades in United States and it has been increaesd every year. However, fast food and junk food companies should stop selling bad food for many good reasons and the government is the most responsible one to stop these companies selling bad food. We will write a custom essay sample on Companies of Fast Food and Junk food Should Stop Selling Unhealthy Food or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also the government is the most responsible one to help people to create environment that support healthy eating, rather than undermines it. However, the government of United States did not take or find any cure action for this problem until now. Although, fast food and junk food companies have to stop selling bad foods because they have very deceptive marketing industry which have bad impact to health and children. First, marketing of fast food and junk food influence of what we eat because today, fast food restaurants and junk food are nearly ubiquitous in United States. For example burgers, fries, pizza, soda, candy, and chips are everywhere to find at any time in United States, and you will not find apples, bananas and salads everywhere at any time. In United States, there is a huge marketing of fast food restaurants and junk food compared to healthy foods marketing. In simple form, fast food restaurants food and junk food companies in US rely on cheap prices, make their food look good, make their food easy to find at any time. Moreover most store pushing junk food not fresh fruit for example, you will find in all grocery stores and supermarkets in US have candy and many kind of junk food on display at the checkout. Also now days, when you walk to a modern drugstore to get cough medicine or pain reliever with prescription, you would have to walk all the way back of the store to get your medicine and typically you would have to walk by soda, ships and other junk food. However, we all agree that junk food and fast food restaurants are not healthy, but the problem is that junk food and fast food restaurants marketing have all ways to get into our lives and health but we cannot stop it. Junk food and fast food restaurants companies should stop selling bad foods and start to sell healthy food otherwise those companies should not be exist in our environment. Second, there are more than hundreds researches by many educated people proved and agree that junk food and fast food restaurants are unhealthy because it contain high amount of fat and calorie. The consumption of high calorie and high fat in junk food and fast food can cause difficulty to control the weight. People, who eat junk food and fast food 4-5 days a week, will get lead into serious health problem, which is obesity. Moreover Obesity also, can lead to many serious health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. People who have hard time to stop eating junk foods and eating from fast food restaurants, it is because their bodies were programmed to seek calorie dense foods. Although, the Medical Society of the State of New York informed that 30 percent of the population in in United States is now considered obese with the rate of overweight children tripling in the past two decades, and the trend is likely to continue. In addition Junk food and fast food restaurants reflect to many people’s health in USA. CBC news reported that in 2010, there 190 million people in United States are overweight or obese, and 147 billion spent every year for obesity-related diseases. However, government of Untied States should stop and take a cure action to those fast food restaurants and junk food companies which sell unhealthy food. Third and last, our children are the most important things in our environment, because typically they are the future and the one who will be exist in the environment after us. Because of fast food restaurants and junk food have impact on our children health, there is estimates that this generation of children may be the first one to live fewer years than their parents. Children in United States who is 5 to 16 years old, does not have the knowledge of how much the risk of eating continuously junk food and fast food because mostly junk foods and fast food restaurants are everywhere in their lives for example in schools, in all grocery stores and ads either in T.V or streets. Therefore, there are 17 percent of children who are obese or overweight in United States in 2010 and the rate had been tripled in the last two decades. It’s true that parents are responsible for what their children eat, but it is hard for them to hide their children from their environment which support un healthy food everywhere. However, those companies should stop selling unhealthy foods to our kids, otherwise we will have in the future larger rate of sick children and unhealthy generations. If we didnt find cure for this problem, our children may ask us why we did not protect them from the junk food and fast food companies. In the end, there are many lists of reasons to stop those companies selling unhealthy food but health and children are the best reasons to start with, because they are the most important things in our lives. The government of US is the most responsible one than parents to help to stop those companies selling unhealthy food, although the government did not take any cure or real action to solve this problem. In addition there are many solutions to solve this problem such as restraint those companies to sell healthy food or change the economics so that unhealthy food costs less and healthy food costs more. There were many solutions were offered to the government to solve this problem but the question is, does the government want to solve this problem or not?!
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Plants Essays - Plant Anatomy, Plant Morphology, Plant Physiology
Plants Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things, even other plants. They have always been very important to people, not only for food, but also for clothing,weapons, tools, dyes, medicines, shelter and a great many other purposes. Both humansand animals benefit from plants. We eat many different types of plants such as fruits andvegetables. We also use plants for our herbs. Plants are also used to manufacture manydifferent products such as shampoos, rubber, paper, and camera film. In some countries,fermented sugar cane is used instead of gasoline. Animals use plants in many differentways also. They eat many fruits and other plants. Many animals use plants for shelter. Plants also provide animals with protection from predators. The destruction of differentplants sometimes leads to animals becoming endangered or extinct. The basic structure of plants consists of roots, stem, leaves, flower and/or fruit or seeds. A flower is the part ofthe plant that makes the seeds. The main parts of a flower are the carpels and stamens. These parts are often found in the center of the flower. There are egg cells in the carpeland pollen cells in the stamen. All flowers have four basic parts: sepals, petals, carpels,and stamen. Different flowers have different numbers and shapes of these parts. Mostplants can be divided into one of two general categories: herbaceous or woody plants. Herbaceous plants have soft stems, while woody plants are tree-like. Herbaceous plantsproduce completely new stems each year. The approaching cold weather causes the newstems to die back to the ground. Some herbaceous plants survive periods of cold byforming underground bulbs, or tubers used for food storage. Many herbaceous plantscomplete their life cycles within one growing season and the whole plant dies, even theroots. These annuals produce seeds that will form new plants the next year.Land plantsare divided into two groups based on whether they have vascular tissues or not. Allnonva scular plants are placed in one division. There are nine divisions of vascular plants. These are divided based on whether they form seeds or not.Division Bryophyta -nonvascular plantSClass - Musci - the mossesDivision Pterophyta - ferns, group ofseedless plantsDivision Coniferophyta - cone-forming seed plantsDivision Anthophyta -fruit-forming seed plants Class - Monocotyledonae Class - DicotyledonaeChapter2ROOTSRoots help to anchor a plant in the ground. . Plants generally conform to one oftwo root systems, a taproot system or a fibrous root system. . When the plant is grownfrom cuttings, a fibrous root system will form.Every root grows a mass of tiny hairs nearits tip to absorb water from the soil. These tiny hairs are called root hairs, and they aremade from cells. They take water to the main root. The main root brings the water to themain plant. The roots also help hold the plant in the ground. The inside of a roothas four different parts. The epidermis is the outside part. It is like our skin. It protectsthe inside parts of the root, like our skin protects us. Plants take in water from the soilthrough their roots. The water passes through the vascular rays until it reaches the centerof the root, the stele. This is where the veins are located. The veins are called xylem. They carry the water and food through the plant. Between the epidermis and the stele isthe fleshy cortex.Land plants are divided into two groups based on whether they havevascular tissues or not. All nonvascular plants are placed in one division. There are ninedivisions of vascular plants. These are divided based on whether they form seeds or not.Stems support the plant. They transport vitamins, minerals and water up and down insidethe plant. They also serve as a storage area for plants.There are several different types ofstems such as, woody, herbaceous, stolons, rhizomes, and bulbs. These are describedbelow. Herbaceous, non-woody, plants have vascular tissues arranged in bundles. Thesevas cular bundles are either scattered throughout the stem or found in a ring toward theedge of the stem. The stems of herbaceous plants remain upright because of the structureof the cells in the stem. The individual cells have rigid walls. . In woody plants, thephloem is located in a ring near the stem while the xylem is located more to the inside. The stem also takes on different appearances
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