Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Companies of Fast Food and Junk food Should Stop Selling Unhealthy Food free essay sample

Most of people in United States have the knowledge of how junk food and fast food restaurants are bad for our health. Also most of people in US who eat continuously junk food and fast food mostly do not know how to stop eating fast food and junk food because they can’t. Nevertheless, Fast food restaurants and junk food with great marketing are everywhere in United States. The real problem is for the one who eat continuously fast food and junk food almost four-five days aweek or more becauese eating fast food and junk food continuously leads to serious health problem which is obesity. Although, obesity has been a serious health problem for many decades in United States and it has been increaesd every year. However, fast food and junk food companies should stop selling bad food for many good reasons and the government is the most responsible one to stop these companies selling bad food. We will write a custom essay sample on Companies of Fast Food and Junk food Should Stop Selling Unhealthy Food or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also the government is the most responsible one to help people to create environment that support healthy eating, rather than undermines it. However, the government of United States did not take or find any cure action for this problem until now. Although, fast food and junk food companies have to stop selling bad foods because they have very deceptive marketing industry which have bad impact to health and children. First, marketing of fast food and junk food influence of what we eat because today, fast food restaurants and junk food are nearly ubiquitous in United States. For example burgers, fries, pizza, soda, candy, and chips are everywhere to find at any time in United States, and you will not find apples, bananas and salads everywhere at any time. In United States, there is a huge marketing of fast food restaurants and junk food compared to healthy foods marketing. In simple form, fast food restaurants food and junk food companies in US rely on cheap prices, make their food look good, make their food easy to find at any time. Moreover most store pushing junk food not fresh fruit for example, you will find in all grocery stores and supermarkets in US have candy and many kind of junk food on display at the checkout. Also now days, when you walk to a modern drugstore to get cough  medicine or pain reliever with prescription, you would have to walk all the way back of the store to get your medicine and typically you would have to walk by soda, ships and other junk food. However, we all agree that junk food and fast food restaurants are not healthy, but the problem is that junk food and fast food restaurants marketing have all ways to get into our lives and health but we cannot stop it. Junk food and fast food restaurants companies should stop selling bad foods and start to sell healthy food otherwise those companies should not be exist in our environment. Second, there are more than hundreds researches by many educated people proved and agree that junk food and fast food restaurants are unhealthy because it contain high amount of fat and calorie. The consumption of high calorie and high fat in junk food and fast food can cause difficulty to control the weight. People, who eat junk food and fast food 4-5 days a week, will get lead into serious health problem, which is obesity. Moreover Obesity also, can lead to many serious health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. People who have hard time to stop eating junk foods and eating from fast food restaurants, it is because their bodies were programmed to seek calorie dense foods. Although, the Medical Society of the State of New York informed that 30 percent of the population in in United States is now considered obese with the rate of overweight children tripling in the past two decades, and the trend is likely to continue. In addition Junk food and fast food restaurants reflect to many people’s health in USA. CBC news reported that in 2010, there 190 million people in United States are overweight or obese, and 147 billion spent every year for obesity-related diseases. However, government of Untied States should stop and take a cure action to those fast food restaurants and junk food companies which sell unhealthy food. Third and last, our children are the most important things in our environment, because typically they are the future and the one who will be exist in the environment after us. Because of fast food restaurants and junk food have impact on our children health, there is estimates that this generation of children may be the first one to live fewer years than their parents. Children in United States who is 5 to 16 years old, does not have  the knowledge of how much the risk of eating continuously junk food and fast food because mostly junk foods and fast food restaurants are everywhere in their lives for example in schools, in all grocery stores and ads either in T.V or streets. Therefore, there are 17 percent of children who are obese or overweight in United States in 2010 and the rate had been tripled in the last two decades. It’s true that parents are responsible for what their children eat, but it is hard for them to hide their children from their environment which support un healthy food everywhere. However, those companies should stop selling unhealthy foods to our kids, otherwise we will have in the future larger rate of sick children and unhealthy generations. If we didnt find cure for this problem, our children may ask us why we did not protect them from the junk food and fast food companies. In the end, there are many lists of reasons to stop those companies selling unhealthy food but health and children are the best reasons to start with, because they are the most important things in our lives. The government of US is the most responsible one than parents to help to stop those companies selling unhealthy food, although the government did not take any cure or real action to solve this problem. In addition there are many solutions to solve this problem such as restraint those companies to sell healthy food or change the economics so that unhealthy food costs less and healthy food costs more. There were many solutions were offered to the government to solve this problem but the question is, does the government want to solve this problem or not?!

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