Monday, June 10, 2019

Create a needs assessment OUTLINE (NOT PAPER) that describes and Research Paper

Create a needs assessment OUTLINE (NOT ) that describes and documents the health status of sess ADDICTION IN COLLEGE URBAN CAMPUSES....(NEW JERSEY CITY UNIVERSITY) - Research Paper ExampleFurthermore, the environs of the city are surrounded by neighbourhoods where drug hawking is rampant, thus a close proximity for the students to access the substances.1. In 2012 the rate of drug addiction in universities and colleges in America was estimated at 46.7%, 29.6% among the drug users did not graduate or dropped out of school out of school before completion of their respective courses.3. The number of learners who utilised illicit drugs went up by 3.4% in 2012 those who drank alcohol increased by 157% as compared to the previous year (Center for Behavioral health Statistics and Quality, 2014).3. Approximately 4,645 cases of health complications were reported in 2012 as a topic of substance abuse 90% of them were related to smoking while the rest use of alcohol and marijuana combined (G froereret al.2004).Center for Behavioral health Statistics and Quality. (2011). Results from the 2010 internal Survey on Drug Use and Health Summary of National Findings (HHS Publication No. SMA 11-4658, NSDUH Series H-41). Rockville, MD Substance demoralize and Mental Health Services Administration.Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2014). 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health Methodological resource book. Rockville, MD Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.Gfroerer, J., Hughes, A., Chromy, J., Heller, D., & Packer, L. (2004). Estimating trends in substance use based on reports of prior use in a cross-sectional survey. In S. B. Cohen & J. M. Lepkowski (Eds.), ordinal Conference on Health Survey Research Methods Conference proceedings Peachtree City, GA (HHS Publication No. PHS 04-1013, pp. 29-34). Hyattsville, MD U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health

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