Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Public Opinion (American Politics) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Opinion (American Politics) - Essay ExampleThat is, the institutions and politicians shape all the elements of political issues known to the public. The school is one of the organizations that take to heart the state in shaping public assessment. In the school, the students would learn the political system values and carry it with them in their lifetime. The media passes information that influences the public opinion. The media is a common tool that the politicians use to influence their interests. In addition, opinion leaders have a role in shaping the public opinion. Since the leaders have a voice in the society, people tend to think that his opinion is the best one most of the time. Thus, they do not bother to find out the honor from other sources (Schmidt, Shelley & Bardes 2009).Political ignorance could be beneficial to citizens. Discussing and following the opinions of the political leaders could be misleading. As stated above, many of those who follow politics close ly be only interested in casting their vote in the right places. Many of those who do so for the sake of voting do not realise that their vote could not make a difference. Even those who do not participate in political opinions, still cast their votes. It is much cheaper to cast a vote than to follow all political proceedings to make a decision. Thus, for many people it is safe to avoid all the stress of political activities and digest on other useful activities that would improve their life. The level of political ignorance has been the same for years. However, the same opinions have existed for decades. The opinionsdonot prevent politicians from having their say. The politicians sway the public opinion to their advantage despite the level of political information to the public (Somin 2013).Opinion leaders have information on certain issues that are not blank to the public. It is their dutyto advisethe massesonthe meaning of these issues. The

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