Monday, June 17, 2019

Personal Positioning Paper, Cultures and Contexts, Spanish Modernity Essay

Personal Positioning Paper, Cultures and Contexts, Spanish Modernity - Essay ExampleWe dance to our conservative dance styles and close to religiously strive to save our hard earned money to buy flamenco dresses. Wow Quite moving, and I am motivated by the enthusiasm, choler and zeal that our people gather in in protecting what is inherently theirs.We are accompaniment in the twenty first century is now a cliche. The circumstance in which these words are in most cases used is in reprimanding, persuading and to urging for change But you sister, brother, mother, father, grandmother and grandfather will hear none of that. We do not need to change You would all say, I would too, but not entirely. Change is good and it is not only inevitable, but also imposed as long as we desire for better lives. Folklore, which is at the center of this party, is a culturally agreed weapon for criticism and fight against the national political science whose policies do not work for us.Oscar Wild sa id that we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. foretaste is what will drive us to change. Bull fighting motivates ours struggles, our peculiar dressing and dances remind us of our history. The indigenous food enlightens our capabilities and originality. All these things are desirable, but we have to think of the future. Political ideologies have always set me apart with my family, and having harbored those thoughts has made me think that I need my family in aver to become a living evidence of change. I want to become an design, but I used to ask myself why I need this traditional culture in order to achieve my non- traditional goal of becoming an engineer. I was wrong, because I will still serve you my people once I graduate as an engineer and the culture will still be there to guide, shape and discipline me on what is you expect of me in my service to you.There must be a fusion between traditional elements and contemporary elements, traditional elemen ts and non- traditional goals like

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