Friday, May 17, 2019

Data Tracking Sheet

Sleep Study apply a information Tracking Sheet Tyeshia L. Watkins Argosy University/Atlanta LASA 1 Data Tracking Sheet Data A Fill step forward this form every morning for 3 days. Day1 Oct. 26, 20122 Oct. 27, 20123 Oct. 28, 2012Average scores/Amounts What did you do during the 30 minutes before put on? (Routine, brushed teeth, etc) 1. Read 2. napped Teeth 3. Ironed Clothes 4. Prayed 5. Cleansed Face1. canvas 2. napped Teeth 3. Ironed Malachis school uniforms 4. Prayed 1. Social network surfing 2.Watched cartoons with Malachi. 3. Prayed 4. Cleansed Face 5. brushed Teeth What clipping did you go to bed last night? 1035 p. m. 1046 p. m. 830 p. m. How long did it take to fall asleep? 15 mins. 15 mins. 10 mins. 40 mins. Did you wake up during your sleep? How many times? How long? Yes, once. 3 hrs. NoNo Did you earn out of bed? YesNoNo What time did you get up? 1040 a. m. 615 a. m. 615 a. m. How oft total sleep did you get? 12 hrs. 7 hrs. 10 hrs. 29 hrs. Rate your restfulness on a scale of 1-10 (1 = no restfulness) (10 = fully rested) 107926Anything usual that could have impacted sleep (feeling sick, significant other snoring, etc)It was parky non too warm. Quiet OutsideBusy Day (12 hr. work shift, Malachis football practice, Gym, and visited mom for a hardly a(prenominal) hrs. ) Other comments you want to track or make note of Data B Fill out this form every morning for 3 days after reading, interrogationing, and practicing clueing technique. This needs to include exploitation the breathing technique after entering bed, being quiet, in the dark, with the breathing technique done at least 10 times. Day1 Oct. 29, 20122 Oct. 30, 20123Oct 31, 2012Average scores/Amounts What did you do during the 30 minutes before bed? (Routine, brushed teeth, etc) 1. brushed Teeth 2. Prayed 3. Taken Cold & Cough Medication 4. Drank A Cup Of Tea 1. Cleansed Face 2. Brushed Teeth 3. Prayed 4. Studied 5. Taken Cold & Cough Medication 6. Drank A Cup Of Tea1. Cleansed Face 2 . Brushed Teeth 3. Prayed 4. Studied 5. Taken Cold & Cough Medication 6. Drank A Cup Of Tea What time did you go to bed last night? 735 p. m. 715 p. m. 845 p. m. How long did it take to fall asleep? 6 mins. 7 mins. 8 mins. 21 mins. Did you wake up during your sleep?How many times? How long? NoNoNo Did you get out of bed? NoNoNo What time did you get up? 315 a. m. 315 a. m. 315 a. m. How much total sleep did you get? 8 hrs. 7 hrs. 6 hrs. 21 hrs. Rate your restfulness on a scale of 1-10 (1 = no restfulness) (10 = fully rested) 44412 Anything usual that could have impacted sleep (feeling sick, significant other snoring, etc) Other comments you want to track or make note of The first day that I had a cold, it made my night a microscopical restless. I could hardly breathe because, my noiseMy body was hot, and then it would be cold. Introduction to BreathingBreath is the key to health and wellness, a function we can learn to regulate and develop in order to improve our physical, mental a nd apparitional well-being. Breathing has direct connections to emotional states and moods observe someone who is angry, afr economic concern or otherwise upset, and you pull up stakes essay a person breathing rapidly, shallowly, noisily and irregularly. Our breathing patterns mimic our life patterns and we can develop sore-eyed breathing habits without being aware of it. The change in breathing patterns changes your state of mind and reduces the mental disturbances. Thoughts belong clearer and your understanding of yourself is enhanced.As your mind becomes more fully absorbed in the observation of the breathing process, the character of the breath tends to change involuntarily. Sleep problems likewise exist when you have established stressors that make you sleep intolerable and indisposed to enjoy. There are instances when your body is restless but, your mind is tired which leads to sleep deprivation. In this paper the research worker will describe the experience of a sle ep study on a enduring who suffered from a special K cold. The acknowledgment of the differential state betwixt normal breathing vs. ersatz anterior naris breathing.Whether or not the alternative nostril breathing technique was beneficial to the long-suffering in question. A conceivable research of born(p) versus medical remedies for sleep. Why some people dexterity be skeptical of this technique. compendious of Results Was the hypothesis that alternative nostril breathing works as a natural sleep aid was supported through the study? During the sleep study of the patient role, the researcher observed that in the data gathitherd from the Data A section, the researcher noticed that the patient had 30 hours of sleep, in between the night however, the patient was awaken one night for at least 15 mins.In Data B the patient cast off asleep in 40 mins (average mean). During Data A the patient scored their restfulness as 7 and above which indicates that the patient received adequ ate enough sleep that was suitable for the patient. In the Data B section, which involved the alternative nostril breathing technique the client presented several changes that indicated that there were stressors that impacted this area of observation. Stressors are delimit as, a stimulus event that places a demand on an organism for some kind of adaptative response (Gerrig, 2009, p. 89). During the alternative nostril breathing technique the patient complained of difficulty breathing due to a common cold that prevented the patient from having restful nights. The researcher noticed that the patient had 21 hours of sleep, in between the night however, the patient was not awake on any of the 3 nights In Data B the patient fell asleep in 21 mins (average mean). During Data B the patient scored their restlessness as 7 and below which indicates that the patient did not receive adequate enough sleep that was suitable for the atient. The patient indicated that the alternative nostril brea thing technique was not beneficial and in fact was not victorious to encourage restful nights. The hypothesis of the alternative nostril breathing works as a natural sleep aid if there are no biological stressors involved. Biological Perspective *include things similar how alternative nostril breathing works as a natural sleep aid, what biological systems might be involved, and how it might help from a biological perspective. Do these claims make sense biologically?Is there scientific or biological evidence that could support this technique? Why would this method work biologically? The alternative nostril breathing technique works as a natural sleep aid Cultural and Ethical Implications *include things like research of natural versus medical remedies for sleep. Make sure to take aim how such remedies apply to various clients and the strengths and weaknesses of both types of remedies. Why might some people have a cultural struggle with using a technique like this? What are some di fferences between western medicine and Eastern medicine?Scientific Perspective What scientific methods used are used in various studies, etc? What are the stages of applying the scientific method? The perspective in many non-Western cultures indicate bio psychosocial model of health. The Navajo impression of hozho (pronounced whoazo) means harmony, peace of mind, goodness, ideal family relationships, beauty in arts and crafts, and health of body and spirit. Illness is seen as the outcome of any disharmony, caused by evil introduced through violation of taboos, witchcraft, overindulgence, or bad dreams.Traditional healing ceremonies try on to banish illness and restore health, not only through the medicine of the shaman but also through the combined efforts of all family members, who work together with the ill person to reachieve a state of hozho (Gerrig, 2009, p. 403). neo Western scientific thinking has relied almost exclusively on a biomedical model that has a dualistic concep tion of body and mind. According to this model, medicine treats the physical body as separate from the fountainhead the mind is mportant only for emotions and beliefs and has little to do with the reality of the body. Summary In this paper the researcher will describe the experience of a sleep study on a patient who suffered from a common cold. The acknowledgment of the differential state between normal breathing vs. alternative nostril breathing. Whether or not the alternative nostril breathing technique was beneficial to the patient in question. A credible research of natural versus medical remedies for sleep. Why some people might be skeptical of this technique.The perspective in many non-Western cultures indicate bio psychosocial model of health. Modern Western scientific thinking has relied almost exclusively on a biomedical model that has a dualistic conception of body and mind. The hypothesis of the alternative nostril breathing works as a natural sleep aid if there are no b iological stressors involved. Reference Gerrig (2009). Psychology and Life 18 (Vital Source Bookshelf), Retrieved from http//digitalbookshelf. argosy. edu/books/0558302572/id/ch12lev1sec02

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