Sunday, May 12, 2019

Role of Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Role of theatre director - Essay ExampleIn the result, experts (Gootnick, pp. 36-40, 1999) are now carrying out studies to hear different aspects of various fields, and this constitution is an attempt in the same series that will look into the relationship of individual differences, mortalality, and learning with the utilization and working of managers in organisations. In particular, digest (Haslam, pp. 23-29, 2007) has indicated that experience is one of the most imperative components that enable individuals to pick out in the process of learning that subsequently allows effective execution of instrument of any work or task. In addition, it is an understanding that experience is the key factor that resulted in alteration of abovementioned three public opinions under focus of this paper. In this regard, one can state that experience plays a crucial role in ensuring effective teaching of managers however, experts (Fumham, pp. 56-60, 2008) pick up noted that experience as mixture of personality, individual differences, and intelligence is not the key notion but the more important thing is the reaction of the manager in response to the experience. In former(a) words, experience does not give lesson but one has to get a lesson from experiences. It will be easier to understand this notion by geting an example. For instance, a manager confronts a stance of an unsatisfied employee in an organisation, and he responds by talking to him personally. On the other hand, another manager confronts the same situation but he decides to consider employee as an under-performing employee without any discussion. The experience or rather confrontation was same however, responses were different that would have resulted in contradictory outcomes in that organisation. At this point, individual variability or individual differences play a circumstantial role in supporting manager in effective management of the people (Haslam, pp. 46-60, 2007). However, when it comes to i ndividual variability, experts have identified strong relationship of intelligence with individual differences and that intelligence plays a significant role in enabling effectiveness in the work. However, individuals often view intelligence from the traditional lens related to academic achievement. In the context of managers role, traditional intelligence does not but the practical intelligence ensures effectiveness in managers functions. In order to understand the role of intelligence in managers part, let the paper include an example. In particular, a traditionally intelligent person refers to the easy understanding of academic facts that is applicable in the example of a student however, a a lot intelligent person means easy understanding of tacit companionship (Fumham, pp. 69-74, 2008) that works in situation of the manager. In the case of student, knowledge is declarative, whereas when it comes to manager, knowledge becomes procedural that is a student focuses on knowing tha t man manager endeavors on knowing how notion that explains how intelligence, particularly, practical intelligence supports manager in effective execution that is effective management of people at the workplace. In order to understand the difference further, academic knowledge refers to information that explains behavior, and on the other hand, tacit knowledge means information that guides or initiates behavior. Further analysis of literature (Hosie, pp. 20-33, 2006) has indicated that there exist certain characteristics that facilitate managers in carrying out their works in footing of managing people, and that simultaneously involves self-development of the managers. In particular, tacit knowledge and experience were once again major

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