Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example deprecative evaluation of this statement. 3. An employees personality has no role to play, in his or her day to day behaviour at work, since it is not something employers worry about. Critical evaluation of this statement. Thematically, this paper provides an understanding of the different theoretical perspectives that contribute to the understanding of people at work. It illustrates the masking of OB theory to a variety of real life phenomena, and questions that arise from managing people at work. It alike demonstrates how to work competently and skilfully with conflicting ideas that relate to the management of people in working organisations. challenge 1 There is this one instance I went to a cyber cafe and the head attendant did not bother to assign me a booth to use since he assumed I knew my way rough the installation. It took me a while to get started be cook I did not know the login since it was countersignature protected. The othe r attendants had to ask him for the password so that I could get started. The experience cost me valuable time and since then I acquit not re-visited that premise to use their services. According to this example, the attitude of the head attendant cost the business memorial tablet a client, and in the long run mannerisms like this would become detrimental to the business. The behaviour of the attendant could be attributed to a behavioural complex in the part of the attendant wanting to seem superior to his bronco buster workmates. It is not enough to say that he is senior to his workmates it seems that this feeling does not satisfies him. However, supplication by accomplice workmates does satisfy him. This situation can be explained by McGregors theory, which asserts that employees require micro-management assistance from their managers since they are girlish about their jobs (McGregor, 2005 p27). This theory is related to directive leadership, which is characterized by motivat ing employees with incentives for improved work output and efficiency. A management system that adopts the theory of OB almost invariably ends up blaming its employees, for poor performance, without establishing the key cause of this problem or mistake (McGregor, 2005 p63). When employees are subjected to such compromising situations they usually tend to focus more on how to avoid the occurrence of such mistakes, which would risk their employment and relationships with their employer. McGregor further states that employees will apply autonomy and self-control to pursue organizational behaviours without influences from external control, or the threat of punishment and commitment as objectives of operating(a) rewards, which are associated with their achievement (McGregor, 2005 p64). Employees who are under this system of management are more productive since they do not operate in an authoritarian system. Similarly, those employees in the same management system tend to get the pict ure themselves as victims of oppression by the management, and may cause the uprising of opposition factors in the workforce. These elements usually misdirect a companys policies, including the overall productivity turnover of the organization (McGregor, 2005 p149). Question 2 The phenomenon where employees point for an off day break from work, on grounds that they are suffering from stress, is a problem that should be addressed by employers, instead of being ignored. Stress has been

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